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Recap / CSINYS 06 E 08

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Directed by Jeffrey G Hunt

Written by Anthony E. Zuiker, Ann Donahue, Carol Mendelsohn, Zachary Reiter & Aaron Rahsaan Thomas

"Cuckoo's Nest" is the 8th episode of Season 6 and the 125th overall. It originally aired November 18, 2009.
A body plummets from a bridge, interrupting another murder on board a yacht. A compass is later found, revealing that the Compass Killer is back. Meanwhile, Flack, still grieving Angell, goes AWOL.

Tropes for the episode:

  • Break the Cutie: Flack. He's beaten to a pulp, badly bruised, and if not for Terrence's intervention would most likely have been shot... with his own gun.
  • Calling Card: The third of four expected compasses is found near the spot where the first victim goes over the bridge. This one points east.
  • Continuity Nod: Right before Sheldon goes diving in the East River to find one of the compasses, Mac reminds him he's done this before and to be careful. This is in reference to Sheldon's diving accident while he and Danny were looking for evidence in the case of two dead scuba divers in Season 4's 'The Deep'.
  • Face Palm: Mac does the face-wipe version when confronting Flack about going AWOL in the middle of an investigation.
  • Fan Disservice: When Flack lifts his shirt while in Terrence's bathroom, the audience is treated to a view of his abdomen covered in splotchy dark purple bruises.
  • Heroic BSoD: Flack sits with a dazed look on his face while drunk on the subway in the wake of Angell's death.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Flack gets beaten to a pulp by a couple of thugs on the subway. Terrence, his C.I. from episode 5.03, "Turbulence," comes to his rescue just before one of them picks up a gun and takes aim.
  • Sequel Episode: Picks up the Compass Killer Story Arc and leaves the audience hanging till the next ep.
  • Speak in Unison: Danny and Stella are discussing how simple their current cases are for a change.
    Danny: I mean, I'm not complaining, you know. Slam dunk and a suicide? Easiest stretch we had in a while.
    Stella: Yeah. I can always use the overtime, but having dinner at a normal hour tonight sounds great.
    [both their phones ring]
    Stella: Sid.
    Danny: Mac.
    Both [while pointing at each other]: You jinxed it.
  • Title Drop: Danny refers to a mental institution by the titular slur.
  • Vomit Discretion Shot: Flack throws up off-screen in Terrence's apartment.
