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Recap / Bluey The Dump

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Bandit is packing the car for a trip, with Bluey next to him, and then Bingo runs up and wants to know where they're going. Bandit says that it's to the dump, to her excitement. On the way there, Bingo plays a game involving finding cars in the colours of the rainbow, and Bluey asks various questions to Bandit.

One of her questions is whether or not she can drive the car, and when Bandit points out she wouldn't be able to reach the pedals, she decides to have Bingo use them. Bandit points out that it's illegal, and the police can drive faster than the Heelers' car, so Bluey (as Bandit is refuelling the car) decides to get ten butlers to drive cars identical to the Heeler car so the police won't know which one to stop. Bandit asks the girls why they want to drive the car, and they reply that it's because they enjoy spraying the windscreen, which they have Bandit do.

While stopping at a traffic light, Bluey sees a poster for a superhero movie, striking a conversation about "goodies" and "baddies". Then, they drive off again (with Bandit initially failing to notice the light was green to his embarrassment).

They arrive at the dump and Bandit throws out a bunch of old stuff, but Bluey gets sad when she notices that among the stuff are some drawings she drew. Bingo takes her sister's side and calls Bandit a "baddie". Bandit, feeling guilty, decides to keep the drawings and apologises for "being silly" with his imperfect driving and nearly throwing away Bluey's drawings. When Bluey sulks about Bandit nearly throwing her drawings in the "stinky dump", Bandit explains that he actually wanted to throw them in the recycling dump and explains how it works. Bluey decides to let Bandit throw the drawings away after all.

Then, on the way back, they go through the car ride and Bandit finds a pink car to complete Bingo's "rainbow", causing her to declare him the best dad in the world.

This episode provides examples of:

  • Buffy Speak: The girls call the windscreen wiper sprayer the "squirty thing".
  • Car Ride Games:
    • Bingo plays a game called "Car Rainbow", which involves finding cars in the colours of the rainbow in order.
    • When going through the car wash, Bandit pretends it's a monster.
  • Comically Missing the Point: When trying to play Car Rainbow with Bingo, Bandit counts a second red car instead of an orange car.
  • Death Glare: Bingo glares daggers at Bandit for throwing away Bluey's drawings.
  • Foreshadowing: Before they leave for the dump, when Bluey asks what Bandit's dumping, his eyes shift uncomfortably to the side a second before he answers.
  • Furry Reminder: Bandit calls for Bingo by whistling and saying, "Bingo! Here, girl!".
  • Happy Dance: When Bandit reveals that they're going to the dump, Bingo says, "Yay!" and dances in place.
  • Hard Truth Aesop:
    • Nobody knows for certain where we came from. Everyone has to discover the answer for themselves. Bandit says as much when Bluey wonders what this means for her if even he doesn't know where she came from before she was born.
    • Parents won't necessarily keep everything their children make for them. Especially drawings are prone to being thrown out eventually.
  • Innocent Awkward Question: When Bandit is embarrassed that he didn't notice the green light despite having previously called himself the "best driver in the world", Bluey embarrasses him further by asking, "Are you not the best driver in the world?".
  • In-Universe Factoid Failure: Bingo thinks that the traffic lights are painted by tiny creatures.
  • Kids Driving Cars: Discussed when Bluey wants to be able to drive the car.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Bandit looks guilty when he realised he's made his daughters sad.
  • Parents as People: Bandit wasn't being malicious when he threw away Bluey's drawings in the recycling. It was a combination of thinking they didn't mean much to her, and having the good intention they'll be recycled for someone else to use. Either way, Bingo calls her father a "baddie" for it.
  • Puppy-Dog Eyes: Bingo and Bluey make pitiful expressions in order to convince Bandit to use the windshield wipers.
  • Speak in Unison:
    • The Heeler girls yell, "Again!" at once when Bandit sprays the windscreen, then when he refuses, they chant in unison, "Do it! Do it! Do it!", and later when he does do it, they say, "Yay! Squirty thing!".
    • When they arrive, the girls say, "Yay! The dump!" in unison.
    • The girls say, "Oh, wow!" at once when Bandit explains how the recycling works.
  • Title Drop: Upon arrival, the girls say, "Yay! The dump!".
  • Voodoo Shark: Played for laughs when Bluey's solution to the problem of being arrested for unlicensed driving is to hire ten butlers to drive identical cars so the police won't know who to arrest. Bandit replies, "Where are you gonna get ten butlers from!?".
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Bluey and Bingo both call out Bandit after seeing that he was about to throw away Bluey's drawings. Bingo even calls her father a "baddie."
