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Recap / Barney Miller S 3 E 18

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Episode: Season 3, Episode 18
Title: Moonlighting
Directed by: Noam Pitlik
Written by: Reinhold Weege
Air Date: February 17, 1977
Previous: Sex Surroate
Next: Asylum
Guest Starring: John Dullaghan, George Pentecost, Cal Gibson

"Moonlighting" is the 18th episode of the third season of Barney Miller.

Harris is late for work this time, much to the amusement of Wojo who is usually late. It turns out that he overslept because he was exhausted, because he was working a second job, as "captain of security" at a ritzy hotel. Eventually he confesses to an irritated Barney that an NYPD detective's salary is just not adequate to maintain the high-flying lifestyle he's accustomed to.

Meanwhile the 12th Precinct is dealing with its usual cases. A young man is brought in for stopping traffic because he was picking up paper in the middle of the street. It turns out that he is mentally handicapped, the papers he was trying to pick up were betting slips, and the young man was being manipulated by a hoodlum named Del Mitchell.

The other case involves a Mr. White who was arrested for possession of stolen goods. Mr. White insists he purchased them from a thrift shop and provides a receipt. It turns out that he actually did purchase the goods from a thrift shop, which has been trafficking in stolen items. The thrift shop is operated Episcopal priest, Rev. Carrey.


  • Churchgoing Villain: Rev. Carrey, who has been fencing stolen goods to fund his church. He's jealous at how much funding St. Patrick's Cathedral gets.
  • Embarrassing First Name: Mr. White's first name is Sylvester. He says his mother blamed him for her having to get a Caesarian.
  • Embarrassing Middle Name: Mr. White's middle name is Marion.
  • Pun: A couple.
    • Dietrich brings in Rev. Carrey, and tells Barney "Don't worry captain, it's a good collar."
    • Harris learns that they brought in a priest. He laughs and says, "What are you going to do, throw the Good Book at him?"
  • Running Gag Stumbles: The Running Gag about Wojo's long Polish name. Mr. White sees the name plate on Wojo's desk and asks how it's pronounced. After Wojo blows him off, Mr. White catches him by surprise by saying "Looks like Wojciehowicz" with perfect pronunciation.
  • The Shrink: Barney was often this to his squad of oddball detectives, but it's lampshaded in this episode. Harris pours out his troubles—he had to get a second job so he could afford the fine wines and fancy suits and orchestra seats that are his lifestyle—then gets up and says, "Thanks Barney, a real shrink costs a fortune."
  • Translation by Volume: After the detectives figure out that Tom Fields is mentally handicapped, Wojo decides to start questioning him by yelling "WHERE WERE YOU CARRYING THE BAG?". An annoyed Barney says, "He's not deaf!"
