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Recap / Barbatachthian Returns

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In 2020 Chester Zerum's life came to an abrupt end at the hands of his racist uncle Frederick, something posing as the Archangel Michael, and the many evil beings living in his flat. Barbatachtian was blamed for the crime, and Detective Perspex entered the multiverse to trap him down and get revenge. Now Detective Perspex is missing, and Masked Chief Inspector Samuel Aubergine is the only one who can stop Barbatachtian.

Meanwhile, Chester Zerum is brought back to life by Zeus, Odin and Loki (possessing inaminate objects) who gain Chester's trust by ressurecting his his racist Uncle Frederick and then eating him in front of Chester. They want Barbatachtian to be stopped, and send Chester back to the land of the living, only Chester gets a letter from his ex paramour Mina saying she's dumping him for good and marrying a Carpenter. The pain this causes sends Chester to Aberystwyth, Wales on Holiday, where he meets a demonic seagull and inadvertently brings back an evil spirit after visiting a castle.

When he goes back home, Barbatachtian decides enough is enough and decides to take back the flat from all the demonic pretenders once and for all, hatching a plan to banish Chester to the Garden, a universe existing outside of time where all of your worst fears hunt you down and siphon off of your lifeforce, knowing that the entire multiverse is at stake.

