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Recap / Animaniacs Episode 39

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Airdate: September 10, 1993

Dot's Poetry Corner- Jack Be Nimble

Opening Line: "The rain in Spain-y"- Dot

Good Idea Bad Idea: Good idea- Picking up litter Bad Idea- Picking up kitty litter

Smitten With Kittens: Rita finds a trio of abandoned kittens that see her as a new mother.

Dot's Poetry Corner- This Little Piggy

Alas, Poor Skullhead: Yakko recites the "Alas, poor Yorick" soliloquy—with Mr. Skullhead substituting for Yorick—while Wakko digs up things, and Dot translates.

White Gloves: Wakko's gloves take off for some time on their own.

Good Idea Bad Idea: Good Idea- Playing the accordion at a polka festival Bad Idea- Playing the accordion anywhere else.

Wheel of Morality- Early to rise early to bed makes a man healthy but socially dead.

Tropes for Smitten With Kittens

  • Bittersweet Ending: Rita and Runt let the kittens be taken away by an animal-loving old lady. She'll give them a good home and provide for them better than Rita and Runt could, but the two friends are still sad to see them go.
  • Imprinting: The three kittens take one look at Rita and start calling her "Mama."
  • Kind Hearted Cat Lover: The feisty old lady. Rita deems her a worthy caretaker for the kittens.
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: The old lady is based on Ruth Gordon's character from Harold and Maude.
  • Sand In My Eyes: After they say goodbye to the kittens, Runt cries a big puddle of tears. Rita sheds a Single Tear into the puddle too, but being Rita, she passes it off as a raindrop.

Tropes for Alas, Poor Skullhead

  • Alas, Poor Yorick: Parodied. Wakko digs up Mr. Skullhead, who Yakko grabs. Yakko then begins to recite Hamlet's speech to Yorick, from Act V Scene 1 of Hamlet.
  • The Cameo: At one point, Wakko digs up Cher, who punches him into the ground and runs away.
  • Funny Background Event: While Yakko is doing the soliloquy, Wakko digs up all kinds of things, including a mummy, a NASA rocket, and a pink car.
  • Separated by a Common Language: Dot translates the Shakespearian dialogue for those "Who, like Yakko, have no idea what he's talking about." Her renditions are a bit... inexact, however.

Tropes for White Gloves

Closing Tower gag: Dot: "I can't think of the ending of this show." Yakko- "I can't think of anything else."
