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Recap / Animaniacs Episode 36

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Airdate: November 5, 1993

Opening Line: "Citizen Kane-y"- Yakko

Critical Condition: When two critics pan her classic shorts, Slappy Squirrel decides that the best response is to give them a first-hand look at her antics.

Tower Escape: The Warners ride off on an airplane with Ralph holding onto a rope on the end of it.

The Three Muska-Warners: The Warners are cast as Musketeers, assigned to protect the king from "The Viper."

Critical Condition has examples of

  • Bullying a Dragon: Let's face it, when you make fun of a screwball character in a world where cartoon characters are real, you're just asking for trouble.
  • The Cameo: Shirley McLoon shows up at one point, alongside her namesake, Shirley MacLaine.
  • Captain Ersatz: The critics Lean Hisskil and Codger Eggbert are blatant parodies of famed critics Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Some critics pan Slappy's work on TV. Her idea of a comeback is subjecting them to enough antics to the point they need body casts. The final act of vengeance against them is blowing up their studio as Hisskil is giving his sign-off.
  • Every Man Has His Price: As Skippy poses as an usher, he asks Hisskil and Eggbert for their tickets, which they don't have. They try to pay him to let them in and he tells them it'd be wrong of them to try and bribe him, but he allows them in when he's given a large stack of cash.
  • Harsh Word Impact: When Hisskil and Eggbert insult Slappy on TV, she reacts as if physically struck.
  • Not on the List: Slappy poses as an usher at the screening denying entry to Hisskil and Eggbert because they're not on the list.

The Three Muska-Warners has examples of:

  • The Reveal: The episode is revealed to be a sketch for an audience in Miami Beach and the Warners all change into their bathrobes in the epilogue.
    Yakko: [to Wakko and Dot] Oh, I gotta tell ya, Miami Beach audiences are awesome in the world.
  • The Cameo: Slappy appears to tell the Warners "You three remind me of a very young Yippee, Yappee, and Yahooey", which confuses Dot.
    Dot: I have no idea what that meant.
  • Gassy Scare: Wakko eats the king's dinner to test it for poison. Instantly he looks sick and the king exclaims "It was poisoned!" But then Wakko says "No, just mayonnaise." and lets out one of his signature burps.
  • Overly Pre-Prepared Gag: The entire short is nothing more than a build up to the old "Vindow Viper" joke.
    • This was brought back again in the episode "France, France, Revolution" from the 2020 reboot.
  • Shout-Out: The epilogue is based on the endings of the 1960s version of The Jackie Gleason Show, which was taped in Miami Beach.

Closing Tower Gag: "Speeeeeeeew!"- Skippy Squirrel
