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Recap / Angel MMBC

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The Angel MMBC is a Murder Mystery Bachelorette Challenge by roaringgheights. The project is no longer available to be linked to.

{To do: add plot synopsis}

    Deaths and Survivors (spoilers) 
  1. Skipper Smudge - fire
  2. Elanor Caulfield - drowning
  3. Lyssa Bright - stabbed after poisoning to weaken resolve
  4. Bianca Moraine, murderer - stabbed in self defense
  5. Vasilisa Heathcliff, winner

This MMBC provides examples of:

  • Adaptation Distillation: One of the shortest complete MMB Cs to date. It forgoes the suspicion poll aspect of the concept, and challenges are fairly expedient.
  • Love Hurts: The reasoning behind Bianca's murders - as an aromantic Sim, it couldn't comprehend the idea of being in love with Vasilisa, so killed to cope.
  • Love Triangle: Bianca —> Vasilisa —> Emily.
  • Redemption Equals Death: Downplayed. Elanor Caulfield is more open about vois aromanticism to the bachelorette than voi had been hitherto just before voi is drowned.
  • Tulpa: Skipper Smudge - turned human from buns original state as... a Social Bunny. It Makes Sense in Context.
