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Recap / A Certain Scientific Railgun

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Similar to its parent show A Certain Magical Index, A Certain Scientific Railgun will be recapped by story arcs, taking note of the differences between adaptations.

Warning! Recap pages do not get spoiler tags. All current and prior spoilers on these pages will be unmarked. (Forward-looking spoilers may be marked as a courtesy but this is not guaranteed.)

Original Series

  1. Level Upper
  2. Big Spider *
  3. Poltergeist *
  4. Sisters
  5. Silent Party *
  6. Daihasei Festival
  7. Dream Ranker
  8. Jailbreaker
  9. First Year

*  Anime-exclusive arc

Side Stories

The chronological order of these side stories in relation with the original series and with each other is not always clear.
  1. Volume SS1: Liberal Arts City
  2. Volume SS2: Ability Demonstration Trip note 
  3. A Certain Vending Machine's Proof of Existence
  4. A Superfluous Story, or A Certain Incident's End
  5. Cold Game
  6. Volume SS3: Stativarius
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    A Certain Scientific Railgun 
    A Certain Scientific Railgun S 

Poltergeist Arc (Anime-Only)

Sisters Arc (Railgun)

Silent Party Arc (Anime-Only)

    A Certain Scientific Railgun T 

Daihasei Festival Arc (Railgun)

Dream Ranker Arc

A Certain Scientific Railgun OVA

The Railgun OVA is a self-contained single-episode-length story which takes place during the first season, shortly after the Level Upper arc.
