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He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.

There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.

Sanity is not Statistical

I tell you Winston, that reality is not external. Reality exists in the human mind, and nowhere else. Not in the individual mind, which can make mistakes, and in any case soon perishes: only in the mind of the party, which is collective and immortal. Whatever the party holds to be truth, is truth. It is impossible to see reality except by looking through the eyes of the Party.

We are war with Eurasia. We have always been at war with Eurasia.

Winston: How can I help seeing what is in front of my eyes? Two and two are four.

O'Brian: Sometimes, Winston. Sometimes they are five. Sometimes they are three. Sometimes they are all of them at once. You must try harder. It is not easy to become sane.

The command of the old despotisms was Thou shalt not. The command of the totalitarians was Thou shalt. Our command is Thou art.

Never again will you be capable of ordinary human feeling. Everything will be dead inside you. Never again will you be capable of love, or friendship, or joy of living, or laughter, or curiosity, or courage, or integrity. You will be hollow. We shall squeeze you empty and then we shall fill you with ourselves.

There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always— do not forget this, Winston— always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless.

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever.

Warhammer 40,000

Knowledge is power. Do not waste it on the masses.

Analysis is the bane of conviction.

To the common masses our struggle is a fight, a war. A battle fought with sinew and muscle, with bolt, blade, and bomb, with tank and warship. To those of us in high station this is nought but a conflict of will! A struggle of metaphysical dimension. The Soul of Mankind is our battleground. The very existence of the human race is the prize for victory. Our sanity is the sacrifice we make to win that laurel.


I exploit you
Still, you love me
I told you one and one make three
Living Colour - "Cult of Personality"
