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Quotes / The Ditherer

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Onboard computer: This is your onboard computer system. We are about to crash. What do you want to do?
Stick person: Uh... umm... I can't decide.
Onboard computer: Do you want to crash?
Stick person: Well, not really.
Onboard computer: Then maybe you should steer.
Stick person: But I'm bad at that!
Onboard computer: Do you want to crash?
Stick person: Well, not really, it's just that...
(The stick person's car crashes.)

"How did I ever stand living like this, where everything I do is so bucking permanent?"
Twilight Sparkle, Hard Reset as Too Many Trees (with PTSD)

Thus, though we have heard of stupid haste in war, cleverness has never been seen associated with long delays.
The Art of War, 2nd chapter: Waging War

Slinky Dog: We believe ya, Woody. ...Right, Rex?
Rex: Well, y-, n-, ...I don't like confrontations!

"Jack, please! I'm only an elected official here, I can't make decisions by myself!"
The Mayor of Halloween Town, The Nightmare Before Christmas

King Mixalot: Camillot, my son, one day you will be king, and being king means being able to make decisions!
Camillot: Oh, yes, father! I mean, no, father. I-I mean!
King Mixalot: It is my hope that by Mixing with the common Mixels, your true leadership will rise to the fore! Now it is time to take that first step!
Camillot: Right! My first step! (Gulps, stares down at his feet.) ...Which foot shall I use? ...Right? ...Left?
Mixels, "Every Knight Has Its Day"

Eleanor: So? Have you decided to help me?
Chidi: Well, I've narrowed it down to two possibilities: Yes and no.
The Good Place, season 1 episode 2: "Flying"

Chidi: Um, so, so, so, yeah, so, making decisions, isn't necessarily my strong suit.
Michael: I know that, buddy. You, you once had a panic attack at a "make your own sundae" bar.
Chidi: There were too many toppings. And very early in the process you had to commit to a chocolate palate or a fruit palate, and if you couldn't decide you wound up with kiwi-Junior-Mint-raisin, and it just ruins everyone's night.
The Good Place, season 2 episode 1: "Everything is Great!"

"Uh-oh, it's Chidi kryptonite: a choice between any two things."
Eleanor Shellstrop, The Good Place, season 3 episode 7: "The Worst Possible Use of Free Will"

Eddie has to do something. He has to try something, or the awful terrors of his imaginings will most certainly come to pass. But this is precisely Eddie's problem. Eddie's a do-nothing guy. He unconsciously subscribes to the theory that the best way to tackle a terrible twist of events is the old, dismal, double-pronged non-attack: first and foremost, do nothing, absolutely nothing at all, because doing something, anything, might very well make the terrible thing worse, and second, the even more pathetic strategy: hope against all the laws of logic and reason that the terrible thing will go away and never happen.

Cole: We need a plan.
Berengé: We'll destroy them. No, wait! We'll join them. No! Kill them and everything they stand for. No. Join them. Destroy them! Fuck! Why? Why can't I decide? Am I no longer human? Have I no soul?

When you got skin in the game, you stay in the game
But you don't get a win unless you play in the game
Oh, you get love for it
You get hate for it
But you get nothing if you…
Wait for it, wait for it!
Hamilton, The Room Where it Happens

Gus: What's your greatest strength?
King: My decisiveness! N-No wait! I changed my mind!

The present tense of regret is indecision.

"Jack, please! I'm only an elected official here, I can't make decisions by myself!"
The Mayor of Halloween Town, The Nightmare Before Christmas
