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Quotes / Spare to the Throne

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"It cannot be easy being the youngest prince. To have others expect nothing from you, yet still shake their heads in disapproval."
Ser Maxwell, Triangle Strategy

"Two years older than me, Willy was the heir whereas I was the spare.[...] The heir and the spare — there was no judgement about it, but also no ambiguity. I was the shadow, the support, the plan B. I was brought into the world in case something happened to Willy. I was summoned to provide backup, distraction, diversion, and if necessary, a spare part. A kidney perhaps, a blood transfusion, a speck of bone marrow."
Prince Harry, Spare

"So what's today's amusement
For this second son?
Which one shall I choose from so many kinds of fun?
Which one?
I could ride one of the horses
Go and shoot some arrows
Take a sail on the royal barge
But standing in the shadows
Of these statues of the Pharaohs
I see the contrast couldn't be more stark
Their deeds forever known
In story, song, and stone
While I won't leave the faintest mark"

Sebastian: Now that I'm next in line I've had to grow up
Cinderella: Now you're crown prince fancy pants
Sebastian: I never saw that coming
