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Quotes / Signs of the End Times

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The world is dead.
It died a long time ago, but humanity denies it.
You keep the Earth on life support. You feign that you have any measure of control over your fate...
That you are anything but a doomed race.
You did not prevent the apocalypse...
You did not save the world...
The apocalypse came and went...
...and you missed it.
Now the rules are broken. Now monsters are free to flock the earth... flies laying eggs in a ripened corpse.
You watch the maggots writhe their way from the rotting meat.
You squash a few, and a few more escape to take flight.
You convince yourselves you can keep this up forever... ...but you fail to see there are worse things that the flies.
You fail to see the vultures circling overhead...
Humanity has lost!
You have lost!
You live a mockery of a life that you can't possibly believe should be allowed to continue!
The only sane thing to do is to let it all end!
The Hierophant, The Sword Interval
