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Quotes / Sidekick Graduations Stick

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Nightwing: I forgot how well we work together.
Batman: I hadn't. I only work with the best.
Nightwing: Whoa, whoa, whoa, don't get any ideas Bruce, it's not permanent. I like the new job too much, you know. The work's good. I get to decide my own hours. And best of all, there's no boss looking over my shoulder.

The number one thing I focused onto Wally that made him unique was that he was the very first sidekick in comics to ever fulfill the promise. Right? That’s a line I took from editor Brian Augustyn, but that’s exactly it. Bucky didn’t grow up to be, at least at that time, this is 1992, Bucky didn’t grow up to be Captain America. Nightwing didn’t grow up to be, Robin didn’t grow up to be Batman, you know. Toro didn’t grow up to be the Human Torch, but Kid Flash grew up to be The Flash.

He was slightly perplexed by the forcefulness of his tone. It had echoes of a decisiveness that was usually quite alien to him. He supposed because he had to accept that there was no leader to follow now. He was no longer the shadow, the sidekick, the note-taker, the foil. No more rhetorical ‘What would Sherlock do?’ questions for Watson. It was a time for standing on his own two feet. And enjoying it, he added.
Dead Man's Land, a Doctor Watson thriller by Robert Ryan
