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Quotes / Ramones

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"The Ramones are not an oldies group, they are not a glitter group, they don't play boogie music and they don't play the blues. The Ramones are an original Rock and Roll group of 1975, and their songs are brief, to the point and every one a potential hit single."
Promotional flyer from the band's early days

"Nobody's gonna like you guys, but I'll have you back."
— Hilly Kristal, owner of CBGB's — aka Punk Mecca — after the Ramones' audition.

"Does your mother know you're Ramones?"
— Ms. Togar, just starting to figure it out by the end of Rock 'n' Roll High School

"Misfits, twilight zone,
R-A-M-O-N-E-S, R-A-M-O-N-E-S
Motörhead, "R.A.M.O.N.E.S."
