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Quotes / Primordial Chaos

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In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters

Before there was time. Before there was anything, there was nothing. And before there was nothing, there were monsters.
The Lich, Adventure Time

Most importantly, I have learned that the Abyss is the darkling chaos from which all things come. This genesis has nothing to do with good or evil — just pure, churning chaos, in its simplest form. Who could have believed that the origin of life — of earth, of tree and stream — spawns from such turmoil? Yet, it is true. It is only through the imposition of order that the gods create, and they must work with the stuff of chaos to build their thrones above man's domain. They create law and force order, twisting what was pure into something else — something more suited to their survival and their dominance over us. As such, they are not ultimately responsible for creation, but only for helping the essence of life take shape.

Therefore, is it any wonder that demons hate and envy the divine? The gods corrupt the pure chaos of the fiends' spawning grounds and leave them thrashing around in what is left. These deities then ascend to higher planes, often taking credit for the creation of the universe, or individual planes, or mankind, or any number of wonders over which they had little influence. The chaos and evil of the Abyss is all the fiends have left, which is why the demonic now wage war against the divine.
