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Quotes / Political Correctness Is Evil

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I have a dream .......right? That one day, all of peoplekind will finally get along. Every man, woperchild and child, right? People the world over! From Gerpeopley to Ropeopleia, Flyingspaghettimonsterbama, all the way to Africanamerican. Not only will that lower the hate, but it will increase the love too. Killing 2 cis white men with 1 stone! So let me set the record somewhere on the sexuality spectrum: POLITICAL CORRECTNESS IS THE WAY FORWARD!! ...RIGHT? It should be seen as correct to wanna be POLITICALLY CORRECT instead of just OVERALL CORRECT. So fuck the truth and honesty right; making sure we DON'T OFFEND ANYONE is what we should put all our efforts into! And if we do that, the world will truly know hagenitals!

The movie feels dry and stuffy as if the dialog is out of a textbook and acted by re-enactors. Yeah, I said re-enactors and not recreationists or whatever the hell you call yourselves nowadays. I got sent a few emails correcting me like I used some un-PC term. A person who colors in a drawing without doing any original work is a tracer, and someone who dresses up in period clothes and wastes a weekend playing soldier is a re-enactor. Where was I going with this?

“Sadly, this great culture of ours, Western culture, is under attack,” the professor replied. “The universities today are active and conscious agents in its destruction. Indeed, they have generated theories as to why Western culture should be destroyed. Of course, they aren’t alone. The most powerful single force in America now is the entertainment industry, and it is also an agent of cultural destruction. Many of the politicians play the game too. The usual code-words are ‘racism, sexism, and homophobia.’ When you hear them, you’re hearing the worms gnawing at the foundation.”

Brian: Stewie, trust me, boys can't get periods.
Stewie: Brian, it's 2022. There's no such thing as a boy anymore, or a girl. Just a vast sea of chubby theys and thems so coddled by their sanctimonious, woke parents who think activism is virtue signaling on Instagram. If Martin Luthor King would come back and see what they were doing in his name, he would never stop throwing up.

Stan: ...then Kenny learned to play bass watching You Tube videos of John Lennon with the Dalai Lama.
Producer: Oh no, oh OH oh yeah, no no, we don't wanna go there. Talking about the Dalai Lama doesn't go over well with the Chinese.
Jimmy: The-the-the what?
Producer: Look, for this movie to really make money, we need to make sure it clears the Chinese censors, you know. We want those Chinese viewers.
Stan: Aw, seriously?
Producer: Oh it's okay, there's plenty of other things to talk about with your story. How about, uh, what kind of things were you into when you were younger?
Butters: Well, I always liked Winnie the Pooh.
Producer: Okay-oh no. No-no-no, that's definitely off-limits. Winnie the Pooh is illegal in China because some Chinese students said that he looked like the Chinese president
Stan: Oh, come on. That's ridiculous!
Producer: Hey, you wanna move away from your family, right? You wanna be successful on your own, right?
Stan: Yeah.
Producer: All right. Well, you know what they say you gotta lower your ideals of freedom if you wanna suck on the warm teat of China.

This is a revolution, dammit! We're going to have to offend somebody!
John Adams being exasperated with his fellows' refusal to use harsh language in the Declaration of Independence
