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Quotes / Parental Hypocrisy

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Simba: (to Kiara) ... and stay on the path I've marked for you!
Nala: Simba, who does she remind you of?
Simba: Huh? What? Who?
Nala: She's just like you were when you were young.
Nala: (tackles Simba, pinning him on his back) You mean the dangers you put us in. (They chuckle and nuzzle for a few moments, then Nala gets up.) She'll be fine.

"Oh, Ariel, you might be a hypocrite or something."

"Okay, I don't practice what I preach. I'm a parent. I can get away with it."

"I've done a lot of things you won't be doing."
Queen Moon Butterfly, Star vs. the Forces of Evil

Goku: Alright, Gohan! Think it's time you brought her home!
Gohan: Hold on. I'm not done ripping the wings off this butterfly.
Piccolo: Red flag!
Goku: Uh... kiddo? I understand you're angry but—
Gohan: But what? You're gonna give me advice now? Let me guess: I should let him go so he'll be an even better fight later! Or maybe I should let him power up to 100% so I can teach him HUMILITY! Wait! I know! I should throw him a goddamn senzu bean and LET YOU FIGHT HIM!
Goku: I... see what you're getting at, Gohan...
Gohan: Then shut up and put on your poncho. You're in the splash zone...

Kara: But why do I have to gene-match at all? You and father didn't, and you still found each other!
Alura: That was different. Our situation was... unique.

Nick: I threw your bong away, Shannon.
Shannon: And you let him, Clem? You used to smoke all the time when you were my age!
Clem: Yes, but I'm older now and I'm telling you to do the opposite. Which is the funnest part of growing up.

NIN85 (posted December 5, 2000 - 13:01): So mad that my mom won't let me get a Vespa. I'm old enough for a moped license and they're really not that dangerous.
JULZ [new user] (posted September 23, 2020 - 17:05): At least she's not stopping you from getting an electric scooter you don't even need a license for
NIN85 (posted September 23, 2020 - 18:36): Okay, Julian, (a) you know we talked about this, and (b) how the heck did you find this thread
[Caption below the comic]: I love that message boards are now old enough for this to happen.

"Does this turn into an imperial mandate that I reproduce?" I asked uncomfortably.
"No. In fact, consider it an imperial mandate that you not make me a grandmother before I'm... oh... forty-five."
After a pause, it occurred to me, "Hey, you made your parents grandparents before they were forty-five. And you didn't even grow up as fast as me."
"I rule the world and I am allowed to be slightly hypocritical," said my mom loftily, although there was a hint of laughter in her voice.

Denise: Meghann! Meghann, will you listen to me? Meghann!
Meghann: MUM, SHUT UP!
Denise: Please don't talk to me like that.
Meghann: You tell me not to shout, and you shout.
Supernanny, "The Cooke Family"

Kratos: There was the story of the mother crab who scolded her son. She told him he should walk forward in pride, not sideways as he always did.
Atreus: But she's a crab too! He should say, "Sure, I'll walk forward as soon as you show me how!"
Kratos: ...Yes. He did say that. That was the story.

Robert: We don't use the N-word in this house!
Huey: Granddad, you said the word "nigga" 46 times yesterday. I counted!
Robert: Nigga, hush!
