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Quotes / Offing the Mouth

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"Your mouth wrote checks, my gun has cashed them."
The Soldier to a dominated Scout, Team Fortress 2

King Vegeta: What's all the commotion about?
Butarega: (Bardock)'s been telling everyone that Freeza plots to destroy Vegeta!
King Vegeta: Wait, my son, the planet or me?
Butarega: ...yes.
(King Vegeta blasts Butarega across the room)
King Vegeta: Freakin' smartass.
Dragon Ball Z Abridged, episode 25

Lucien D'Alessio: Oh, a fuckin' tough guy. You gonna shoot me for mouthing off?
Jimmy Darmody: I wasn't going to, but you kinda talked me into it. [shoots Lucien in the face]
