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Quotes / National Animal Stereotypes

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In this 1989 film, a Jamaican-sounding crab teaches Ariel that life is better "Under the Sea," because underwater you don't have to get a job. […] Are we reading too much into it? Do you see anything wrong with how they've drawn "the duke of soul" at 1:57? Still too subtle? How about at 2:01 when the "blackfish" appears? […]
In this 1941 classic, Dumbo the flying elephant runs into a band of jive-talking black crows who sing, "I'd be done see'n about everything/when I see an elephant fly!" Lesson Learned: Come on, blackbirds acting in a manner stereotypically assigned to African-Americans isn't that offensive. At least they didn't just get some white guy to do his best "black voice." Oh, really? They did? And, they called the lead character "Jim Crow?" Um, hey, look over there! It's a convincing, logical end to this argument! Best (Worst?) Moment: So many too choose from. The crows are very specifically depicted as poor and uneducated. They're constantly smoking; they wear pimptastic hats; and they're experts on all things "fly," so it's really a team effort contributing to the general minstrel-show feel to the whole number. You could pretty much pause this video at any second and use it as evidence in your hate-crime lawsuit against Disney. […]
Having outgrown the crude portrayal of African-Americans as black crows, in 1967 Disney decides to portray them as monkeys. All animals in the jungle speak in proper British accents. Except, of course, for the jive-talking, gibberish-spouting monkeys. Did we mention they desperately want to become "real people"? […]
Overt racism against African-Americans was obviously intolerable by the time this Chip n' Dale series began in 1989. Overt racism against Asians, luckily, was still on the table. Lesson Learned: Even as criminals, Asian-Americans immigrants, represented here by a gang of cats, have become integral parts of American culture. Kidding! They own a laundromat, run an illegal basement gambling operation and speak in horribly mangled "Engrish". It's like a designer of World War II propaganda posters accidentally quantum leaped into the body of a late '80s cartoon writer. […] Best (Worst?) Moment: The Siamese Cats sell their karate expert Juice Lee, a Japanese fighting fish, for a suitcase full of dead fish. If you can't find something offensive in that sentence, congratulations. You're a cyborg. […]
Even in Fantasia's beautiful, magical landscape, African centaurs are hoof-polishing handmaidens for prettier, Aryan centaurs. Also, 1940 was a great year to be a centaur fetishist and/or Don Imus.

So don't be fooled if you see 'em fight
When tempers fray on a summer's night
If you pick on one, you pick on two
The kiwi and the emu
John Williamson, "The Kiwi and the Emu"
