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Quotes / KaBlam!

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Assume the crash position...
Hold on tight...
Take a deep breath...
For a cartoon cramaganza!
IiiiiiiiIIIIT'S KABLAM! Where cartoons and comics collide.
Now, to take you inside and turn the pages, here are your hosts, Henry and June!

  • "They're nervous, they're nebbish, they're small, and The Populars don't like them at all. But that's okay, life is sweet. They're cool... they're The Off-Beats."

  • "What you are about to see is top secret. It is a video recorded 900,000 years ago by an alien using a remote controlled camera. It shows its attempts to educate a caveman. They have been code-named "The Prometheus & Bob Tapes".

  • "Hey KaBlamoids, keep your heiner in the reclinder!" / "Hey KaBlamoids, keep your derriere in your chair-ierre!" / "Hey KaBlamoids, keep your tushie on the cushie!" / "Wake up your grammy, there's more KaBlammy!"
    —Announcer quotes when going to commercial
