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Quotes / Is It Always Like This?

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Asterix: Is it always this foggy?
Anticlimax: Oh no. Only when it isn't raining.

Qwerty: Is this a relatively normal Thursday evening for you?
Tina: Sometimes I have homework, too.

Lewis: Is dinner always like this?
Art: No, last night we had meatloaf.

Helen: Oh, a portal to hell seems to have opened in the ladies' room, and horned beasts are gibbering for his blood.
Seth: Is it always like this around here?
Dave: (looking at Helen) Hell no. Usually she just wears jeans.

Zoe: Is this just... what it's like to be a magical girl?
Vedika: Definitely not!
Harley: You started at like the craziest time possible.
Kokoro: These last few weeks have been nuts.
Undine: Please don't get the wrong idea!
