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Quotes / Immune to Mind Control

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Thancred: But the primals are seldom satisfied with such reverence as their adherents freely give, and in order to gain more power, they do not scruple to create followers. They do this by "tempering" mortals—a process to which you yourself were subjected.
Minfilia: Yet even as Ifrit took your comrades in his thrall, you alone remained unaffected. This is thanks to the power you possess—the Echo. We know not the why of it, but those blessed with the Echo are immune to primal influence.
Final Fantasy XIV, "Lord of the Inferno"

"What, you think you're some kind of Jedi, waving your hand around like that? I'm a Toydarian! Mind tricks don't work on me; only money!"

Jabba: You weak minded fool! He's using an old Jedi mind trick.
Luke: You will bring Captain Solo and the Wookiee to me.
Jabba: *laughs* Your mind powers will not work on me, boy.

Max: It's a good thing your protective hat and my non-compatible brain render us both impervious to hypnotism!
Sam: And it's a good thing you've been taking those classes in subtle exposition, pal.
Sam & Max: Freelance Police, "Reality 2.0"

Beheeyem through Meowth: However, for some unknown reason, a small group of people and Pokémon were totally immune to our hypnotization. And to that group, the hypnotized people and Pokémon curiously have the appearance of being Beldum.
James: Small group of people? We're a small group!
Jessie: Well if you mean us, why didn't it have any effect?
Beheeyem through Meowth: I'm afraid idiots are hard to hypnotize.
