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Quotes / If You're So Evil, Eat This Kitten!

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"The cost of those pacts was staggering. A witch-priest forsook all humanity and plunged himself waist-deep in suffering. He skinned babies and threw virgins to rutting bulls. He sketched his own flesh with hot bronze blades and sealed his loved ones in oubliettes where they screamed their lives away underground. Sometimes, he took the Darkness into his soul, literally: in labyrinthine Cauls, the Eaters of the Weak turned themselves inside out, inverting every good passion into all-consuming evil. But for these pains (which soon became ecstasies), a witch-priest received the Nine Secrets of Creation, and learned to use them to his advantage. Like an apprentice, he gave himself to a spirit lord or lover; in exchange, he received blessings no "good" god would provide."
Mage: The Sorcerer's Crusade — Infernalism

Cop Morty: Don't worry about Rick, Big Morty. He's new. He doesn't understand how it works.
Big Morty: That's what you said about your last partner.
Cop Morty: Wh-why would you say something like that, Big Morty?! You're fucking things up for both of us here!
Big Morty: Wrong. He's fucking things up for both of you. Unless he takes the money.
Cop Rick: ...Big Morty, you're under arrest.
Cop Morty: Smartest man in the universe...
Rick and Morty, "The Ricklantis Mixup"

"What is the real purpose of these kinds of bizarre rituals of the elite? I don’t really think that it’s so they all have dirt on each other, or even that the rituals themselves are particularly enjoyed. My guess is that our elite simply likes to check that it’s members have a broadminded approach to personal morality. Unlike the Mafia, our Establishment doesn’t have to worry about infiltration; both the police and media are supine. So these rituals evolve to filter out the only remaining threat to corruption: people who insist on playing by the rules. I suppose they reason that people who put their private parts into dead animals are just ethically a bit more gung-ho, a bit less by the book. The last thing that you want in the upper echelons of society is some bore who’s going to insist that, say, someone being offered a senior cabinet post ought to pay tax."

Joker Mook 1: Joker told me to kill my sister once.
Joker Mook 2: Did ya do it?
Joker Mook 1: Hell yeah. Never liked her anyway.
Joker Mook 3: You're cold, man. Funny thing? He said the same to me. I told him I ain't even have a sister. He just kept telling me to do it. So I got in my car and ran over the first bitch I saw. Joker seemed happy.

"When the perfect opportunity lies before you, can you abandon your mercy...and seize it?"
