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Quotes / Heroes and Villains (Horrible's Igor)

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Heroes and Villains Quotes:

"Do find them for me, will you? I hate it when my assets fall into the wrong hands. ... Fail, and I will skin you. I cannot afford for them to be taken. Go, and get them for me. Are we clear?
-Dark Willow, threatening to do what she does best.

"So she went to her room, sitting down in front of the small double-sided flip-mirror on her dresser and began the crusade every person who ever has needed a Band-Aid has undergone: getting the darn thing off as painlessly as possible. Of course, this is impossible to do painlessly. Band-Aid karma, so to speak."
-The Lemony Narrator offers his opinion on Band-Aid removal

"I hear that we had to pay them with a super-decked-out Tesla that had, like, some sort of self-driving AI when Tesla had just started shipping the year before- took us three years to pay them back. Crazy stuff… Bet Mr. Musk made a pretty penny off that… But, a-as shown, it worked, so I guess I can count them on the List of Evilest Evildoers, likely around #2 or so, given that they don't seem to do very much hands-on stuff. Hmm… So, I feel like that's about all I have for today's blog. I'll probably come back again next Friday or so, once everything's- y'know, died down. So until then, this has been Doctor Horrible." He flipped up the peace sign. "Peace!... But not- literally… Need to stop doing that."
-Doctor Horrible recounts his knowledge of Salix Tech's relationship with the Evil League of Evil
