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Quotes / Good Thing You Can Heal

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"How am I feeling? Well, my ribs are cracked, my nose is broken and my left arm seems to have been dislocated, but it's nothing that shouldn't fix itself up in a day or two, madam."
Captain America, The Ultimates

Quynh: I've never been burned alive before. What do you think it's going to be like?
Andy: Excruciating.
[They laugh]

"Try not to think about how much it's going to hurt... remember, you're already dead."
Beckett to a fledgling vampire, Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

"No problem... Adamantium skeleton."
Wolverine, after every Amusing Injury at his expense in The Super Hero Squad Show

"Cyclops doesn't get impaled on stuff, because he can't survive it. Wolverine, on the other hand, can. So he does. Like, all the time."
Sydney Scoville/Halo, Grrl Power
