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Quotes / Fandom-Enraging Misconception

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Buttercup: Ugh, why do people always get that wrong?
Blossom: It's "Powerpuff"!
Bubbles: No "D"!

Mitsuki: Right, or like yesterday with BoukenRanger.
Nobuo: Stop! Stop right there! It's not BoukenRanger, it's Boukenger! GoGo Sentai Boukenger!
Mitsuki: Eh? Bouken and Ranger doesn't make BoukenRanger?! What's "Bouken" and "Ger"? What's "Ger"?
Nobuo: This is why you're a n00b!

Konata: Hmm... So do you. Every New Year's Eve, don't the two of you go to your family shrine and cosplay as shrine maidens?
Kagami: Do not call it cosplay.

"The easiest way to make a nerd angry is to get their obsession wrong."
Brian Posehn, Live In: Nerd Rage

"The cop tries to pry Lex from his panic room, calling him LuthER. That happens a whole bunch of times. I figure he's just saying it wrong to try and tick him off and scare him out. Uh, yeah."
Neal Bailey on Smallville, "Lockdown"

Amy: He's happier playing his dopey little Star Trek game with his friends than hanging out with me.
Penny: Wars.
Amy: What?
Penny: Star Wars. They don't like it when you get them mixed up.
Amy: What's the difference?
Penny: There is absolutely no difference!

Nitpicking Fan: And in the theme song, it's pay OR play contracts, not pay FOR play. Some people think it's "for", but it's "or"! The closed captioning was wrong when it said "for".
Animaniacs segment, "Please Please Please Get A Life Foundation".
