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Quotes / Evil Brit

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"Just because I have a terrifying name and an evil English accent does not preclude the fact that, in my heart, I am a Muppet, not a Moopet!"
Uncle Deadly, The Muppets (2011)

"Don't get sarcastic with me, son. We burnt this tight-arsed city to the ground in 1814 and I'm all for doing it again. Starting with you, you frat fuck. You get sarcastic with me again and I will stuff so much cotton wool down your fucking throat it'll come out your arse like the wee tail on a Playboy Bunny."
Malcolm Tucker, In the Loop

"America has never quite forgiven Europe for having been discovered somewhat earlier in history than itself."

"The English feel schadenfreude even about themselves."
Martin Amis

"But we play bad guys [...] The Death Star? Just full of British actors opening doors and going: 'Oh, I'm— oh.' 'What is it Lieutenant Sebastian?' 'It's just the rebels, sir. They're here.' 'My God, man! Do they want tea?'"''
Eddie Izzard, Dress To Kill

"The progression is natural: British accent equals gentility equals authority — and we know what American audiences like to see happening to authority."
George MacDonald Fraser, The Hollywood History of the World

"I love my accent. I thought it was useful in Gone in 60 Seconds (2000) because the standard villain is upper class or Cockney."

"My real complaint is Hollywood's unimaginative casting. When it came time to cast Christian Grey, a character described by Fifty Shades author E.L. James as 'the epitome of male beauty', they found an actor who specializes in handsome. And I guess what I'm driving at is—it just hurts not to have even been asked. Because, sure, sure, you pass me over for the epitome of male beauty, but whenever you need a 'Caucasian foreigner', or a 'cheerful weakling', suddenly my phone's blowing up!!"

"Henry [Vinnie Jones] takes out the guards on the sub at long range. He uses some sort of silenced gun that causes a guard to silently catch fire [!]. He notes that 'The heat from the fire sears their throats closed. They can't even scream.' Why, thank you for that little tidbit, my vaguely psychotic cousin from across the pond."
The Agony Booth on Submerged (2005)

"Lieutenant Malcolm Reed, the security officer, is British and given little screen time; it is also revealed in the last season that he works for the shadow conspiracy group of the Federation, Section 31, a 'subtle' suggestion of the untrustworthy nature of foreign members of the community. Tellingly, the show’s inclusive representation of the “foreign” is an Englishman..."

"I'm fine with that thing where the big villain is a posh British guy because let's face it, cooing at rainbows sounds evil when you do it in a posh British accent. It's only when you make all the evil soldiers Cockneys that you enter the prejudiced parade. Cockney doesn't sound evil, it sounds honest and cheeky chips lovable. You couldn't picture Dick van Dyke hiding in the bushes in a park popping children's balloons with a blowpipe... And the most bitter pill to swallow is that they look like Nazis. We helped defeat the Nazis! Maybe we won't next time, America. Maybe after China buys you and puts you all to work in the sweatshops and you crawl to Europe for help, we'll go: 'Hmm, well, we would, but apparently we're evil, so hands tied.'"
Zero Punctuation, Killzone 3

"You are so evil and calculating and cold, in the way only a classically-trained British actor can be!"

Jeremy Clarkson: Why is it that in Hollywood they always cast the Brit as the baddie?
Brian Cox: I think it's because they kinda mistrust intelligence.

David Crystal: Why do the bad guys talk posh? "Hello, Mister Bond." Yes, very nice RP sometimes, isn't it. If you speak RP, you are a bad guy, very likely, very likely.
Ben Crystal: It's funny—whenever I do go to the States I find myself slipping into American, and I give myself a smack around the back of the head. Because they think, "Oh, I'm sort of fitting in here", but actually of course if I do the Hugh Grant [...] You used to be able to buy your way into places with that accent. But now it's not true. Because you go, [in Hugh Grant accent] "Oh, hello. Terribly sorry", and now they think, "Oh, my God. It's a megalomaniac villain, who has some sort of death suit, and he's gonna kill me with it.

"No one murders so well as the British. It's our number one export."
Abijah Fowler, Blue Eye Samurai
