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Quotes / Either "World Domination", or Something About Bananas

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Dax: During the reckoning, the Bajorans will either suffer horribly, or... eat fruit.
Sisko: Eat fruit?
Dax: Given the tone of the rest of the inscriptions, I would bet on horrible suffering.

"He either said we should go to the back of the throat, or he wants a root beer float."
Dory, Finding Nemo

"Well, red usually means 'Caution', or 'Beef' if it's a bouillon cube."
Alsatia Zevo, Toys

"Recently, there was a article in the New York Times, a Koran scholar said: 'The actual translation is not 71 dark-haired virgins, but 71 crystal clear raisins.' Slight difference in interpretation, really. It's like instead of 'Thou Shalt Not Kill', it's 'Thou shalt not wear a kilt'. And the Scottish are going: 'Fuck off!' Imagine some guy blows himself up, goes to the gates of Heaven: 'Where are my bitches?' 'Here are your raisins!' Or 71 Virgils going: 'You got a pretty mouth...'."
Robin Williams, Live On Broadway

Luka: 🎵🎶
Marinette: Either our date is at 5... or his mom got arrested.
Juleka: Both actually. You're getting better.

"A lot of this is written in a different language. These Starbombs are either 1. totally okay to eat or 2. guaranteed death by diarrhea if eaten. Man, I've had a good education."
Player character, House Party (2017)

Ax: [The Taxxon is] welcoming the Visser back aboard the Blade ship. Or he may be telling him his brother is a meteor fragment. I understand Galard, but this morph's hearing is very uncertain.
Animorphs on hearing in fly morph
