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Quotes / Driving Stick

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"Oh great, its a stick."
Danny, Danny Phantom, "Bitter Reunions"

"Granny shiftin', not double clutchin' like ya should!"
— Part of Dominic Toretto's infamously incorrect lecture, The Fast and the Furious

Anthony: It stinks in here!
Ian: That's my clutch, you [BLEEP]hole!
Smosh, "Anthony Ruins My Car"

Bethany: What gear are you on?
Jay: [As he and Silent Bob panic] Gear?!

Ralph: That would be the "go" pedal... That, I believe, is the stopper, and this... What's this? That doesn't do anything.
Vanellope: Ooh, what's this joystick?

Ghost: Uh yeah, boss, I think we got a problem.
Mastermind: What's going on, Ghost?
Ghost: This car's got an advanced driving system I've never seen before. I'm looking at three pedals here, a shifter that goes up, down, and sideways. It must be some new tech. I'm thinking military maybe?
Hacker: Sounds like it's a stick shift?

I had to save my friends! But first things first... (gulp) I had to learn how to drive a stick shift.
