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Quotes / Doom It Yourself

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My father's listed everything he's planning to repair.
I hope he won't attempt it, for the talent isn't there.
He tinkered with the toaster when the toaster wouldn't pop;
Now we keep it disconnected, but we cannot make it stop.
Jack Prelutsky, I Wish My Father Wouldn't Try to Fix Things Anymore

"Right," said Fred, "'ave to take the wall down,
That there wall is gonna have to go."
Took the wall down, even with it all down, we was goin' nowhere,
And so we had a cuppa tea.

And Charlie had a think, and he said, "Look, Fred,
I've got a sort of feelin',
If we remove the ceilin'
With a rope or two, we could drop the blighter through."

"All right," said Fred, climbing up a ladder
With his crowbar gave a mighty blow.
Was he in trouble, half a ton of rubble
Landed right on top of his dome!
So Charlie and me had another cuppa tea
And then we went home.

"This happens all the time. People are constantly destroying their antiques, because suddenly, they're restoration experts!"
Rick Harrison, Pawn Stars

Yahtzee: It's like when people give me shit for buying an Alienware PC. Saying, 'Euyuhhh, you'd get it a lot cheaper if you built it yourself.' Well, that's great! I could also get smoked venison a lot cheaper if I hunted deer and cooked it myself, but I consider some skills beyond me.

"We repair what your husband fixed."
— Seen on a repairman's truck

About midnight, the picture would be up - very crooked and insecure, the wall for yards around looking as if it had been smoothed down with a rake, and everybody dead beat and wretched - except Uncle Podger.
"There you are," he would say, stepping heavily off the chair on to the charwoman's corns, and surveying the mess he had made with evident pride. "Why, some people would have had a man in to do a little thing like that!"

"I can't look, has Rolf— IS THAT THE SUPPORT BEAM TO THE HOUSE?!"

"Yeah, that's a fine-looking barbecue pit. WHY DOESN'T MINE LOOK LIKE THAT?!"
Homer Simpson, The Simpsons
