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Quotes / Criminal Case: Mysteries of the Past

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    New Haven 
Welcome to Concordia!
Maddie: Nellie Mortimer, you're under arrest for the murder of Lieutenant General Frank Vogel. I understand wanting to protect your reputation, but did you really think murder was the best way to retain your honor?
Nellie: Of course I didn't kill him, <Rank> <Name>. I admit that I was angry at him, but I'm a nurse - I heal people, I don't kill them!
Maddie: Then why did <Rank> <Name> find your absinthe on the copy of the Concordian Gazette that you referenced when you threatened the victim?
Nellie: I have no idea what threat you're referring to. And absinthe is a highly fashionable tipple, don't you know?
Maddie: You're not fooling anyone! We found your vial of arsenic, we know you poisoned Frank's pint!
Nellie: ...This is ridiculous! I'd have never hurt Frank!
Maddie: The jig is up! A nurse like you should've kept abreast of scientific developments! Now we can categorize blood into different types - and yours gave you away!
Nellie: Fine, I did it! I killed Frank! But he ruined my life first! That swine gave me syphilis!
(Nellie takes off her right glove, revealing that her hand has been infected with red spots.)
Nellie: Look at what it's already done to me!
Maddie: Cor blimey! Well, uh... I... I'm sorry. But that's no reason to murder someone!
Nellie: I'm a medical professional, <Rank> <Name>... I'm not naive. I know exactly what this illness will do to me, if I'm lucky enough to even survive it! I went to see Frank, to warn him, but he didn't care in the slightest! Not only was he unrepentant, but he had no qualms about infecting other women! I simply could not allow that to happen. I'm a nurse! I protect people! So I slipped arsenic into his drink. I thought that by the time the poison had done its job, there'd be no trace of my involvement.
Maddie: Miss Mortimer, we're sorry you're afflicted with such a terrible disease. We can understand your anger. Unfortunately for you, nothing excuses murder. You're under arrest!
Slash and Burn
Isaac: Colin James, you are under arrest for the murder of Harriet Patrick!
Colin: What?! I know I was once a bad man, but there's no need to tarnish my present and future with my past!
Isaac: You tarnished it yourself, wiping soot from your hands onto Harriet's apron after you stabbed her...
Colin: It may have escaped your attention, but Concordia is on fire! There's soot everywhere!
Isaac: That may be, but you left some of your hair in the clasp of the victim's purse!
Colin: I resent these vile accusations! I have held a respectable position in the Trefusis household for years! I shall not be besmirched like this!
Isaac: Your respectable years made you careless. You left the murder weapon right next to the body!
Colin: You lie! I know I got rid of that switchblade!
Isaac: Oh, you did, did you? We've got you dead to rights!
Colin: I... no! Please... you don't understand! Harriet caught me stealing the silverware! She was going to tell Trefusis! He would have had me arrested for theft and I'd have gone straight back to jail! And I can't go back there! I can't! It's hell on this earth! That blasted machine! The treadmill! The guards make us walk on a revolving wheel. We can't stop! For hours! Scraped my shins to the bone! But Harriet wouldn't listen to my pleas! She ran away! So I caught up with her and I did what I had to do!
Isaac: What you did was stab an innocent girl over and over again like she was an animal, Mr James. There is no excuse for that! And you did it in vain, too! You're going straight back to the jail you were so keen to avoid! You're under arrest!
In the Line of Fire
Maddie: Mr Thompson, you are under arrest for the murder of Otis Kidd. Not a very friendly thing to do to someone you considered family.
Billy: <Rank> <Name>, I'm appalled you would think I could do such a thing. Otis WAS like my brother!
Maddie: Then why did we find residue of your cocaine toothache drops al over your "brother's" dead body?
Billy: Hell's bells, <Rank> <Name>! So having a toothache is a crime now?
Maddie: No, but shooting someone dead with a revolver - which was so carelessly left on the crime scene - is.
Billy: Piffle! We were in a police station! That revolver could have been anybody's!
Maddie: Not everybody owns nor drives an automobile. But you do. And we found your automobile polish all over that revolver.
Billy: I... uh... I guess I'm found out. Much to my regret, I did murder Otis!
Maddie: There isn't much room for regret in a crime that's been premeditated! How does one go from friend to murderer?
Billy: Otis had lost his way! He was so involved with impressing Adelia that he turned his back on me, on his past! That morning, he told me he no longer had room for someone as common as me in his life! Me, too common for him?! I'm the one that got Otis off the streets when he had nothing!
Maddie: He turned his back on you, so you shot him in the back?
Billy: I never intended for it to go this far! I took one of the safety revolvers from the station, but I just wanted to scare him with it! But then we were called to the police station, to put out that fire. When we got there, Otis started insulting me again, saying he couldn't let his fiancée's father see him with someone like me!
Maddie: And so you shot him, and tried to feed his body to the flames. Too bad your clever little plan backfired. You're under arrest for murder, Mr Thompson!
A Murder Carol
Isaac: Trickster Tim, you are under arrest for the heedless murder of Rowdy Rick!
Tim: What in the devil do you mean? I told you, I didn't do it!
Isaac: But you never denied being a gambler, and the death threat you wrote on this card speaks for itself!
Tim: I wasn't the only one playing with Rick! At least six other fellows could have dealt him that card!
Isaac: We know it was you and no one else! The tobacco snuff you spat on the card has identified you!
Tim: I'm calling your bluff, <Rank> <Name>! Snuffing tobacco has never sent anyone to jail!
Isaac: We found your murder weapon! You used a brass tap that came loose to hit Rick in the head, just outside your secret gambling place! Then you swiftly returned to the cards table, leaving your companion for dead! The broken tap was still in your hands, so you hid it under a pile of cards!
Tim: Alright, alright, <Rank> <Name>, I see you hold all the aces! I admit it, it was me! Rowdy Rick was a swindler, if I say so myself! I might cheat when I'm dealt a bad hand, but I'd never disgrace myself by refusing to settle a debt!
Isaac: So Rick didn't want to pay when he lost? Is that what the tiff was about?
Tim: I did not kill him for money, <Rank> <Name>! I'm not some greedy, low-class pig! Gambling is an art to me, and I am a gentleman! But I could not tolerate Rick's stubborn refusal to give up what was mine! It wasn't even money, just a useless piece of paper!
Isaac: A piece of paper, you say? Wait... Would that be a lottery ticket? Rick was still clutching the torn corner of one in the morgue!
Tim: How in the devil do you know even that, <Rank> <Name>! 'Tis true, I snatched this from his cold, dead hands! This ticket was all he had left, and I won it in the last round!
Isaac: Seeing as your luck has run out, you have no further need for that ticket. You are under arrest for murder!
Shear Murder
Isaac: Sheila Black, we are placing you under arrest for the murder of Maximillian Poe!
Sheila: Good heavens! Me, murder Max?! Why on earth would I kill my dearest friend?
Isaac: <Rank> <Name> will ask the questions! Like how the victim's blood got onto your hansom cab ticket!
Sheila: Hansom cabs? I'm certainly not the only one in Concordia who uses those.
Isaac: What about the gardening glove you wore during the murder? We found a piece of your paisley garment inside it.
Sheila: Gardening gloves? How wretched! I wouldn't dream of soiling my hands with such things!
Isaac: Out with the truth! We know you stole the victim's signet ring, your black hair dye left a stain on it!
Sheila: Blast it, that damned ring! I wanted to make the whole thing look like a robbery! I admit it, I did kill Max! But he left me no choice!
Isaac: What do you mean, he left you no choice?
Sheila: I've loved Max for many years, even before he married Valeria. I was saddened when Valeria died, naturally. But I thought this was my chance, Max and I could finally be together! You can imagine my surprise and humiliation when he refused my advances! Worse still, I learned he was developing an interest in that kitchen hand of his, whatever her name is. Can you imagine?! I thought about disposing of her, but murdering that grimy little servant girl would achieve nothing. In time, Max would have fallen for somebody else. It was clear he would never have feelings for me. And if I couldn't have him, nobody could! Now, I've had enough drama for one day. I think you should leave!
Isaac: The only place we're going, Miss Black, is escorting you to prison. You are under arrest for the murder of Maximillian Poe.
Sheila: Arresting me?! Me, like a common criminal?! Well I never!
In the Name of Father
Maddie (pointing her gun): Edward Whimple, don't move! You're under arrest for the murder of Father Donovan!
(Edward is seen wearing his winter attire.)
Edward: <Name>, you must be mistaken. Perchance you're confusing me with someone else?
Maddie: Hardly! We found fibers from your police-issued vest on the victim's rosary! How could you disgrace your uniform this way?!
Edward: But I didn't, <Name>! If a policeman is to blame, it's certainly not me!
Maddie: Well, it was your cologne on the note with which you lured Father Donovan out to the train station!
Edward: Commissioner Baldwin wears the same cologne as I do... You must be thinking of him!
Maddie: You've already attempted to frame the Commissioner by using the gun he took out of the evidence lockup! But we know it was you who murdered Father Donovan and tried to lead us astray with a fake train accident! What on earth could a man of faith fo to you to deserve this?
Edward: He shouldn't have shoved his nose where it didn't belong! Ah... I shouldn't have said that... now you really know I killed him...
Maddie: Keep talking, Whimple! What did Father Donovan find out about you?
Edward: Well, he always talked about immigrants desperate for work. And then one day at the barber's, I overheard a wealthy man who needed a maid... He said he was tired of Concordian servants demanding money and rights, and that he'd pay to find an immigrant who'd shut up and work. And I know a goldmine when I see one! I got some immigrants' names out of Father Donovan, and sent them to work. Father Donovan knew nothing, but the wealthy man paid me a pretty penny for finding him cheap labor! And his friends came to me, too!
Maddie: But Father Donovan eventually learned about your scheme! He must have been furious!
Edward: He should've kept out of it! <Rank> <Name>, this was my first step to power! The wealthy would learn to recognize me! I'd be respected!
Maddie: You've got crooked notions of respect, Whimple! You're under arrest!

    Elysium Fields 
Let Me Down Gently
Isaac: Mr Wilson, you are under arrest for the murder of Lucrezia Capecchi! Why did you bring such a brutal end so the young girl's life?
Jordan: This is a joke, <Rank> <Name>! I had absolutely nothing to do with the sordid affair!
Isaac: Then why did we find your cigarette case at the top of the lighthouse? Did you light a post-murder cigarette to calm your nerves?
Jordan: Nonsense! Besides, smoking is all the rage! Especially for us gentlemen!
Isaac: A "gentleman" wouldn't manhandle a woman! We found your champagne on the victim's wrists, which were bruised from when you pushed her out of the window!
Jordan: It was a party, <Rank> <Name>. There was hardly a soul who wasn't drinking champagne!
Isaac: Let us cease this charade! You also happen to be missing the chain from your pocket watch. Lucrezia clung to it in a bid to stop her fall, did she not?
Jordan: Can you believe that wretch almost pulled me with her?!
Isaac: So, you confess!
Jordan: Yes, but the girl took me for a fool! Lucrezia entered into written correspondence with me under false pretenses. She sent me a photograph of her sister in order to lure me in. Naturally, I was eager to meet her. After much pleading, she agreed to meet me last night, at the top of the lighthouse. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw her face! Talk about being duped!
Isaac: And so you pushed her through the window?
Jordan: She told me that I knew the real her, that what's on the inside counts more than the outside. But this is real life, not some fairy tale! We quarreled. I turned to leave but she grabbed me and wouldn't let go! What was a man supposed to do? There were a brief struggle and I... I pushed her! But I never intended for her to fall through the window!
Isaac: No matter how it happened, the fact remains that your actions were despicable, Mr Wilson! You are under arrest for killing Lucrezia Capecchi!
The Talking Dead
Maddie: Mr Ignatius Cottingley! You are under arrest for the murder of Philomena Highmore!
Ignatius: Preposterous! I only speak to spirits, I don't make them...
Maddie: Then please explain how you left traces of laudanum on the victim's nape?
Ignatius: You may wish to direct your attention to the men at the séance who appeared to be courting Miss Highmore...
Maddie: Are you denying that you left mustache wax on the obsidian knife used to slash Miss Highmore's throat?
Ignatius: I most certainly am! But it is true that both George Blanton and Diego del Lobo could use mustache wax...
Maddie: But neither of them could have left a bloodstain in the shape of the crow skull on the victim's purse! Only you!
Ignatius: Crow skull? Oh no! The ring! In the madness of the moment, I forgot to take it off!
Maddie: The madness of the moment? So you admitted!
Ignatius: Yes, yes! I DID kill Philomena Highmore! She knew too much and had to be silenced!
Maddie: Silenced?! What exactly did she know?
Ignatius: She knew my tricks of the trade! Everything I use for a medium! Philomena taunted me from the first séance she took part! I sent her magnetized spirit board to scare her! But it didn't work. The faked photo was obviously meant to taunt me a second time... Then at the séance, she was going to expose me as a fraud! I call for a pause, but I knew as soon as we continued the séance, I was at risk! I had to do something. So I took a blade from the display case, followed her laughter to the garden, grabbed her hair and slit her throat.
Maddie: You killed a young girl just so that can you could continue to con more shillings out of people?! Well, you'll have a hard time contacting any spirits when you're behind bars! You're under arrest!
Sweet Revenge
Isaac: Violetta Blue, you are under arrest for the murder of Jack Goodwin! A rather extreme action for someone you once considered a friend.
Violetta: <Rank> <Name>, you can't be serious. Murder is so unbecoming of a lady.
Isaac: Nonetheless, we found your gloves covered in chocolate... with traces of Jack's blood. I wager you wore them when you stuffed Mr Goodwin to death!
Violetta: Bet all you like. Everyone around here gambles on something. I bet on Jack being a good sport. I lost. Doesn't mean I killed him.
Isaac: Perhaps not, but the pressure mark made by your left hand on Mr Goodwin's body certainly implicates you in the murder!
Violetta: <Rank> <Name>, you know my family is very wealthy and influential. They wouldn't appreciate your accusations against me.
Isaac: Even you can't dismiss your hair on the restraints you used on Jack as "idle" Miss Blue!
Violetta: ... You've played your cards well, <Rank> <Name>... I admit, I killed Jack. It's what he deserved for not respecting the law of the land.
Isaac: So you killed him because Mr Goodwin lied his way into your world?
Violetta: Of course not. I had no idea Jack was fake until you told me.
Isaac: So why did you kill him?
Violetta: Because Jack stole the love of my life! Verushka was mine!
Isaac: Verushka... Coldwell? I thought you were friends. I didn't know you were involved in an... amorous relationship.
Violetta: I wasn't. At least, not yet. I had been working on her little by little. Jack knew I had feelings for her and yet he still went and took Verushka from me! NO ONE takes my things!
Isaac: Your things? You are talking about the person! You leave me no choice... Violetta Blue, you are under the arrest for the murder of Jack Goodwin!
Let Her Eat Cake
Maddie: Ernest Swanswaddle, you're under arrest for Lady Upperton's murder!
Ernest: Me, a murderer? There's no rhyme nor reason to that accusation, <Rank> <Name>!
Maddie: Oh, but there is! We found the cake with which you poisoned your old sweetheart!
Ernest: Poison in a cake, what a beautiful metaphor! But poetry is just words, not reality, <Rank> <Name>!
Maddie: There's nothing poetic about the cyanide you used for your wicked plans! It dissolved the gold on your brooch when you mixed it in the cake.
Ernest: Why would I wish such a macabre end on Lady Georgina? I had not laid eyes upon her for twenty years!
Maddie: But you wrote some rather dark poetry about her today. And we gathered Lady Georgina wasn't the kindest of women. Did she hurt you, too? You really had to hate her if poisoning her wasn't enough! You witnessed her agony as she coughed up blood! And you caressed her hair, perhaps out of remorse-
Ernest: Enough! I cannot bear it! I killed her, my muse, my tormentor! She humiliated me, and stole twenty years of my life! And then she humiliated me again! Believe me, I loved Georgina with all my heart!
Maddie: Mr Swanswaddle, how about you turn off the waterworks and tell us what happened?
Ernest: <Rank> <Name>, in our youth, a lady could not wed a poet without fame or riches! Georgina turned me down, and said, "Come back when you're a prince"! Her parting words were etched into my heart. Twenty years went before my wealth and standing equaled hers, so I was finally worthy of her! But today at the picnic, she just laughed at me! Georgina said she never waited for me, she simply never found an acceptable suitor! She said she'd rather kiss a frog than me!
Maddie: So you gave her a frog to kiss, with poison inside! I suppose that's one form of poetic justice.
Ernest: The inspiration only came to me when I found Lady Highmore's poison vial in the house. If only I'd resisted the dark call of revenge!
Maddie: It's too late for remorse, Mr Swanswaddle! You're under arrest for the murder!
That Sinking Feeling
Maddie: Renée Daucourt, you're under arrest for the murder of Theo Vergeer!
Renée: Nonsense! Why would I kill my mentor? We were setting up a future in Paris!
Maddie: We found traces of pumpkin seeds from your seasickness remedy on Theo's hat... fragments stained with bird droppings, like your dress!
Renée: That's just a splash of paint. And I can't be the only one on this ship suffering from seasickness!
Maddie: But not all of them know about Artemus Hax. Your threat to Theo could only have been written by an art connoisseur like yourself!
Renée (sweating): Of course I know the story of Artemus Hax! Theo was an artist too, perhaps he wrote that as some sort of joke!
Maddie: Enough lies! We know you were on deck when Theo was killed, we found your pin from St. Paul's! Admit it, Miss Daucourt! This is nothing more than a lover's quarrel. You welcomed Theo's romantic advances and were jealous of his wandering eyes!
Renée: Me, jealous of Theo?! He was the one who was jealous of ME! Envious of MY talents! Yes, I murdered that fool, but he had it coming! When I started working with Theo, I had much to learn. But my skills quickly developed. Before long, my abilities had surpassed Theo's... and he knew it! I painted his style better than he could, so he began passing off my work as his own! Do you honestly believe any of his latest masterpieces, the ones for which he's hailed as a genius, are his? I created those paintings!
Maddie: That must have made you angry, watching him bask in your glory!
Renée: I told him when we got to Paris I would stop painting for him. He was furious, threatening to tear up my ticket and leave me behind!
Maddie: So you hit him over the head with that chunk of ice! You murdered your mentor out of selfish ambition?
Renée: Mentor, bah! Theo was a talentless fool. I am the artistic genius! The world deserves to know the truth that I'm the real master!
Maddie: I'm afraid the world will only remember you as a murderer, Miss Daucourt. <Rank> <Name> is placing you under arrest!
Behind the Mask
Isaac: Wentworth, who would have thought a venerable valet like yourself would be capable of such a heinous crime!
Wentworth: The help is always the first to be blamed. I have done nothing!
Isaac: We found the spoon from your snuff box clutched in the victim's hand. No doubt ripped off as he tried in vain to escape your deadly clutches!
Wentworth: Harumph! That could have been anyone's snuff box!
Isaac: But it was yours! There were traces of caviar on the snuff box. You should have kept your white gloves more pristine!
Wentworth: <Rank> <Name>, I am far too cautious to taint my gloves.
Isaac: Are you really? Is that not a tear in that fine silk waistcoat of yours? It's the same shade of yellow as the fibers we discovered on the champagne bottle you hit Mr Buchanan with... Before delivering your final coup de grace with a champagne saber!
Wentworth: Alright, I admit it! I murdered George Buchanan!
(Wentworth takes out a bottle of poison.)
Wentworth: But you shall never know why!
(Isaac takes out his gun.)
Isaac: Wentworth, what are you doing? Put that bottle down immediately!
(Wentworth drinks the poison.)
Wentworth: I'll take Mr Alastor's secret to the gra...
(Wentworth collapses.)
Isaac: Mon Dieu, he's collapsed! <Name>, we must get Wentworth to the infirmary immediately! He cannot escape the law on our watch.

    Century Mile 
Breaking the Glass Ceiling
Maddie: Miss Vanderbilt, you're under arrest for the murder of Norah Barnlow!
Henrietta: Why would I have killed her? For a bad grade? Failed grades are a part of everyone's studies, <Rank> <Name>!
Maddie: Then why did <Rank> <Name> find traces of your boot wax on the rope spool used to hoist up the pane of glass which brought Norah to her end?
Henrietta: The professor was murdered on a building site! Whoever killed her would hardly have been wearing a pair of high heels!
Maddie: Then what about the felt we found on the pocketknife you used to cut the tope? It came from your hat!
Henrietta: A hat is not such an unusual accoutrement, <Rank> <Name>. Most people possess at least one!
Maddie: Let us cease this charade! We found the threat you left in Norah's planner, in which you accidentally revealed your fear of heights!
Henrietta: Now you're just plain lying! My note didn't even mention my fear of-
Henrietta (sweating): Oops...
Maddie: So you confess! You did kill Miss Barnlow!
Henrietta: Fine, I did kill the wretch! But it was an eye for an eye!
Maddie: I hardly think a poor grade is equal to murder, Miss Vanderbilt!
Henrietta: You fail to understand, <Rank> <Name>! I didn't kill Miss Barnlow because of my exam... I murdered her because she took my dear papa's life!
Maddie: What?! You told us that your father passed away during your exams... Surely Miss Barnlow didn't kill him herself?!
Henrietta: Papa was an architect too... He was in competition with Miss Barnlow for the Crystal Palace project. His design was far superior to her silly house of glass cards! But then the Mayor came out in favor of Miss Barnlow and she won the project! My poor papa was distraught! Papa was so ashamed of having lost that... that I came home one day to find that he had taken his own life! It wasn't fair that Norah still got to live while my papa was gone forever!
Maddie: It's a tragic story to be sure, Miss Vanderbilt. But taking one life will not bring another back. You're under arrest for the murder of Miss Barnlow!
Isaac: Bron Sklar, you are under arrest! How could you murder your own pupil?
Bron: What on earth did you just say? Did I hear you correctly?
Isaac: My case in point! Casper's killer ruined their hearing when they shot the bishop chess piece into his heart!
Bron: I'm an old man... my hearing isn't what it once was... Are you accusing me of killing Casper? Nonsense!
Isaac: The oil stain on your clothing betrays you, Sklar! You also left oil on the chess set from which you removed the bishop pieces to shoot at him!
Bron: This is madness! You know that I tried to help him! I wouldn't hurt him!
Isaac: Then explain why the victim's blood was all over the cover of your pocket watch!
Bron: ...... So you found it. Blast! I thought for certain that no one would ever look through that rubbish bin! Fine. I DID kill Casper. He was not worthy of the honor being bestowed upon him!
Isaac: How do you mean?! Casper Rove was a world chess champion! A master!
Bron: Casper was completely incapable of playing on his own when he was under pressure! It should have been ME playing that automaton! I am the REAL world chess champion!
Isaac: So you killed him because you were jealous of his success? How petty! How infantile! How pathetic!
Bron: I only wanted to threaten him, at first. Force him to bow out and let me play the Chessmaton. But he was so sure of himself... And he had no right to be! He kept saying that I was too old for this sort of thing! That my glory days were behind me!
Isaac: And so you shot him, using the very chess pieces that had brought you together!
Bron: That boy didn't even have the sense to run away from the blast! I hit him right in the heart!
Isaac: And you killed my friend! You're under arrest!
Out of Steam
Maddie: Mr Mullins, you're under arrest for the murder of Orville West. I suppose the only way for you to oppose progress was to kill it!
Abe: What's that? I may be against machines taking my job, but I would never resort to murdering anyone for it!
Maddie: It's hard to believe you, given we found residue from your hot dog lunch on the bullet that killed Mr West!
Abe: Everyone around here eats hot dogs! They're the best in town. Heck, some people come just to dine on them!
Maddie: Do those people also sketch murder plans in their Jules Verne novels? Because we found yours. You certainly gave this murder a great deal of thought...
Abe: I do enjoy Mr Verne's literature for its sense of adventure... But that still doesn't make me a killer!
Maddie: No, but the murder weapon does... and we found it! With a piece of your exhibition pin lodged in it, no less!
Abe: ...... Fine! I killed Orville West! And you want to know why, <Rank> <Name>? The truth is... there's no room for heathens like Orville West in this world! He built his crazy flying contraption so he could make men fly like birds! If God had wanted us to fly, he would've given us wings! That blasphemous inventor was defying natural law! What's next, huh? I know where it's all going! I know! These inventors will want us all to become flying robots! We'll get metal parts right in our brains! The technological apocalypse is coming, <Rank> <Name>! I feel it... and I had to stop it!!
Maddie: Mr Mullins, those sound like the ramblings of a madman! Which leaves me no choice but to place you under arrest!
Monkey Business
Isaac: Somerset Osborne, you are under arrest for the murder of Ernest Picklebrain!
Somerset: That's preposterous! I've told you before, Ernest was a dear friend of mine and I've supported his pioneering science for years...
Isaac: Isn't it precisely your genuine interest in biology that qualified you to kill your dear friend with the aid of the world's deadliest jellyfish?
Somerset: Since when is a person's zeal for knowledge considered a violation of the sixth commandment?
Isaac: It isn't! But finding your banana stained gloves with the victim's blood on them on the crime scene IS a violation!
Somerset: Don't be ridiculous, no man has ever been arrested for eating a banana!
Isaac: Enough runaround! We know you murdered Picklebrain. We found residue from your cream for freckled skin on the bat which you used to bash the victim over the head!
Somerset: Fine! I murdered him! But that monster had it coming! Do you know that apes were not only playthings in this devil's scientific playground? He experimented on humans, too!
Isaac: Experimenting on humans? Surely that cannot be true!
Somerset: I have proof! He wrecked my baby sister's life!
Isaac: Your baby sister... you mean the one who died?
Somerset: My sister didn't die, but Picklebrain ruined her life! He experimented on her over and over again, and now she glows in the dark! Picklebrain was a monster playing God and didn't deserve to live. I wanted him to suffer the pain he inflicted on others! Have a taste of his own poison!
Isaac: We feel for your tragedy and understand your wrath, but unfortunately taking someone's life is till against the law. Sir Osborne, you're under arrest!
Electrical Hazard
Maddie: Susie Nottingham, you're under arrest for the murder of your father, Arnold Nottingham!
Susie: You can't be serious, <Rank> <Name>! I'm heartbroken that Father died!
Maddie: I believe you are. You wrote a telegram to the police, consumed by remorse. You never sent it, but <Rank> <Name> found it... with your eye drops on the paper.
Susie: I don't see what my eye drops have to do with Father's death? Dr Jones assured me they were quite safe to use!
Maddie: Stop pretending you're simple-minded, Susie! <Rank> <Name>'s found the glove you wore when you burned your father with electricity!
Susie: I'd never do such a thing to Father!
Maddie: The evidence doesn't lie, Susie! But I'm curious: did one of the inventors give you that electric contrivance? Or did you steal it from them?
Susie: I'm not a thief! I designed and built that electric gun myself! That is... Oh, dear... I see it's too late to deny it now. Yes, it's true. I killed my father. But he was just like you! He didn't think I could be an inventor! And he wouldn't allow me to study, though I love tinkering with machines!
Maddie: How did you manage to learn so much if your father was so against progress that he went around sabotaging inventions?
Susie: What? My father wasn't the saboteur! He couldn't tamper with machinery if he wanted to. He didn't know the first thing about mechanics! But I learned a lot listening to all the inventors in this case, and my father was none the wiser! Until today, when he saw me leaving the Exhibition Hall! We had an argument, and... ... next thing I remember, he was lying on the floor, dead! And my electric gun was in my hand, still warm and buzzing! I wanted to go to the police straight away! I only changed my mind because I didn't want my rendezvous with Charlie to cast suspicion on him! <Rank> <Name>, I'm so sorry for everything I've done! Now Father is dead, and I'll never be an inventor! And I'll never see Charlie again!
Maddie: Unintended or not, Susie, you have still committed a murder! You are under arrest!
The Higher You Rise
Isaac: Chief Inspector Halsted, I am appalled! How could you murder an innocent woman?!
Eleanor: How dare you accuse me, <Rank> <Name>! I outrank you!
Isaac: That's precisely what makes this truly distasteful! One of Concordia's highest-ranking officers, a murderous scoundrel!
Eleanor: You're on thin ice, <Rank> <Name>. You had better have strong evidence to level such accusations against me!
Isaac: We have your hot air balloon token, found at the top of the Exhibition Tower. Stained with the victim's blood!
Eleanor: Everyone at the World Exhibition has been riding those balloons. I saw Commissioner Baldwin in one this very night!
Isaac: But not everyone could access the tower platform. We know you were there when Celine Georges was pushed. We found a scrap of your blue police blazer torn on her goggles!
Eleanor: I... of course I was there! I told you I had safety concerns. And that cloth... the Commissioner also-
Isaac: The Commissioner has nothing to do with this! He doesn't have your B+ blood... the blood you wiped on Miss Georges' handkerchief! The time for deceit is over, Inspector Halsted!
Eleanor: Fine! I threw that meddling woman off that tower! Celine thought she was so smart. She came to me with her suspicions that someone was sabotaging the World Exhibition inventions! Little did she realize I knew all about that. So I capitalized on the tower's low safety barriers and caught Celine by surprise!
Isaac: So this wasn't about protecting your reputation! We always suspected Miss Georges was killed by the World Exhibition saboteur... ... but what would YOU have to gain from the victory of Spark's Exo-Suit?
Eleanor: I don't have to explain myself to you, <Rank> <Name>, or anyone else. If you want answers, you'll have to find them yourself!
Isaac: Perhaps you'll have more to say once Judge Takakura is finished with you. You're under arrest for the murder of Celine Georges!
    Sinner's End 
Sinners and Saints
Maddie: Kev O'Connell, we're placing you under arrest for the murder of Dr Barnaby Wilson!
Kev: <Rank> <Name>, don't blame me just 'cause I'm the best fighter in Concordia!
Maddie: We know it was you! We found your tattoo powder on the victim's doctor mask!
Kev: I ain't the only one in Sinner's End with tattoos, <Rank> <Name>!
Maddie: And yet your hair powder ended up on the shamrock branding iron that you used to viciously mark your victim!
Kev: I told you I don't have a good memory! I leave me hair powder lying around everywhere... it must have ended up on the iron by mistake!
Maddie: It's too late for your lies! We also found your skin cells on the brass knuckles you used to viciously beat Dr Wilson to death!
Kev: Ach, I thought I'd hidden that duster nice and good, like! Alright, <Rank> <Name>, I admit it! I killed Dr Wilson!
Maddie: Are you part of Mad Dog's Irish gang? Is that why you did it?
Kev: Oh, you are brainy, <Rank> <Name>! You even worked out I was in the gang! Yes, Mad Dog likes me to knock people around for them, to be sure. But they didn't get me to kill to doctor! I murdered that little twerp because Marla was in love with him, not me!
Maddie: You... are in love with Miss de Paradis?
Kev: Yes, but she wouldn't look at me twice, all because of that weedy pipsqueak! I couldn't stand it - I had to teach him a lesson!
Maddie: But if this is why you killed the doctor, why on earth did you brand him with a shamrock?
Kev: It's what I do every time I beat someone up good! For luck, y'know?
Maddie: You have very odd notions of luck. Mr O'Connell, you're under arrest!
Eyes Wide Shut
Isaac: Mr Willingham, you're under arrest for the murder of Kristopher Bauer! What pushed you to such madness?
Elias: Me? Kill someone? Why, I've never heard of anything so unbecoming of a gentleman!
Isaac: Then why did we find traces of your fragrance on the throw pillow you wiped your bloody hands on?
Elias: Shenhaligon's Lavender Lust is the fragrance du jour! Men and women everywhere are wearing it!
Isaac: But only you left traces of your silver polish on the bottle you lost at the crime scene!
Elias: Silver polish? Why, it is a rare occasion that I polish my silver pocket watch...
Isaac: Give it up, Mr Willingham! We have a machine which proves you pulled the candle from the holder you used to stab the victim with!
Elias: A machine?! What devilry is this?! I cannot defend myself against such science! I confess. I killed Mr Bauer! But I was only trying to get my daughter back!
Isaac: Your daughter?!
Elias: She left us a letter. She said she could not stand our backward way of thinking, and that she was going to Paris! But I knew it couldn't be true! My little girl would never leave me! Amid my enquiries, I heard talk of Mr Bauer... Of how he would seduce girls from good families, only to force them into sexual servitude. I became convinced he had taken her!
Isaac: And the victim confirmed it? Is that why he asked for money?
Elias: Yes! He promised to tell me where my daughter was if only I paid up! But then he laughed and said he'd never met her! I became enraged! I just wanted answers, <Rank> <Name>! So I took that candlestick holder...
Isaac: And you stabbed him in the face!
Elias: Yes! Now I'll never know what became of my darling girl!
Isaac: I can understand the anguish of not knowing the fate of your daughter, Mr Willingham. But this story which you have spun yourself resulted in a man's murder. You're under arrest!
Blue Blazes
Maddie: Mr Massetti, you're under arrest for the murder of Davy Byrne!
Mauro: Io? Why would I murder that guy?
Maddie: I don't know. Why did <Rank> <Name> find your cigarette case on the crime scene with fibers from your hat?
Mauro: You're grabbing at fibers here! I'm guilty of nothing!
Maddie: Then why send the victim a threat cut out of "Pistols and Petticoats"?
Mauro: You think a baker has time to cut out little letters from some stupid stories and make a note? I don't even have time to relax with a drink!
Maddie: Well, you got plenty of the victim's moonshine on yourself when you doused him in it and set him on fire!
Mauro: ...... Bene! I did kill him! The Irish thief owed me money!
Maddie: Owed you money? For what? You told us earlier that Davy refused to enter into any deals with you!
Mauro: He refused to acknowledge me now that he was rolling in dough! But when I first knew him, he'd only just come to Concordia, and he was nothing! A nobody! He borrowed money from me all those years ago, and didn't mind me being Italian back then... he promised to repay me once he got on his own two feet. But when I heard that Davy had stated doing good for himself and came to collect, he wanted nothing to do with me! So one day I said, basta! I took him by surprise in the street and got payment in full!
Maddie: And you'll have to pay with jail time, Mr Massetti! You're under arrest!
Maddie: Madam Xiang, you're under arrest for the murder of Joseph "Bones" Dante! I was under the impression you tolerated his patronage. Why kill him?
Xiang: Mr Dante was a common thug who kept getting me into trouble. But I wouldn't waste my time on him.
Maddie: Is that so? Then why did we find your deep red clothing dye all over the knife case? That same deep color that you wear.
Xiang: There is no justice in this persecution! You just don't want to help my girls because they are ladies of ill repute, so you throw unfounded allegations at me!
Maddie: These allegations wouldn't be made if they weren't based on evidence... like finding Mr Dante's blood on your bloodletting knife, the same knife you dipped in poison and stabbed him with!
Xiang: <Rank> <Name>, you accuse me of killing Mr Dante while the Scarlet Slayer is still at large! Where are your priorities?
Maddie: But the Slayer isn't at large! You took care of that. You even left a note on his body gloating the Scarlet Slayer was dead! What we're really curious about is what made you so sure it was him...
Xiang: I did what none of you could, I put the pieces together! After a few girls vanished, I started checking who they had as clients and what they had done before they disappeared. Each girl on my list had spent the night with Mr Dante before she disappeared! And they were booked with him that following day as well! He was always the last person to see them! There's no such thing as coincidence! He murdered them all!
Maddie: If you had the proof, why didn't you come to us?
Xiang: I tried, but you did nothing! Your disregard for the safety of my girls forced me to act! I had no choice... so I took care of the Slayer myself!
Maddie: Madam Xiang, taking one life even to save many will never be anything we can condone. Therefore, you're under arrest for the murder of Mr Joseph Dante!
Death Is a Cabaret
Isaac: Fiona Flanagan, you are under arrest for the murder of Gladys Perrin as well as the slaughter of countless other women! YOU are the Scarlet Slayer!
Fiona: You must be joking! I told you, it's bad business practice for one to murder one's employees.
Isaac: Yet it was your coffee on the feather. The same kind of feather you left on your other victims!
Fiona: Is that all you've got for this ridiculous charge? Coffee and feathers?
Isaac: You knew enough about anatomy to eviscerate Gladys.
Fiona: I wouldn't eviscerate her. I told you, I liked the girl. I had taken her under my wing.
Isaac: Stop this charade, Miss Flanagan! You left fibers from your pinstripe suit behind when you ripped Gladys' necklace away! We know you're the Scarlet Slayer! Confess!
Fiona: Well, well, well... You've really done your homework, haven't you, <Rank>? Yes, I did kill Gladys and those other girls as well. But I was doing them a favor!
Isaac: A favor?! You slaughtered them!
Fiona: Finley slaughtered them when he put them in his employ. Do you have any idea what these girls are put through? Trust me, a little nip now is better than what life had in store for them.
Isaac: You're claiming you did this out of some twisted compassion for them, not out of spite for your brother?
Fiona: Of course not! Him or someone else, it made no difference! The only reasonable thing to do was to liberate these girls so they weren't taken advantage of anymore! They are fallen doves. I merely returned their wings to them.
Isaac: Doves... Wings? You're out of your mind! We've heard all we need to hear! Fiona Flanagan, you're under arrest!
Slayer's End
Maddie: Finley Flanagan, you're under arrest for the murder of your sister, Fiona Flanagan!
Finley (bandaged): Do you coppers ever listen to me? Didn't I tell yers that killing family ain't the Flanagan way?
Maddie: You keep repeating that, Finley. But the evidence points to you.
Finley: Evidence, shmevidence! It was Capecchi and the Italians, I told ya!
Maddie: Hardly. We found your hand cream under Fiona's fingernails! And your blood on the crime scene!
Finley: Ya think yer smart, innit, <Rank> <Name>! But you, Miss O'Malley, should be ashamed of yerself, accusing a fellow countryman with crime!
Maddie: Stop lying, Finley! We found the cord you used to strangle your sister! Tell us what she did that made you lose your temper!
Finley: I never lost my temper with me sister! I strangled her alright, but it was an act of mercy! ......... Fine, you got me good this time, <Rank> <Name>. I may as well 'fess up to what 'appened. I've always looked after Fiona, despite her troubles. I kept an eye on 'er, gave her a share of the business. She managed the booze gig fine. She had her... wilder moments, o'course. But I wasn't about to let me own flesh and blood rot in a madhouse! I took better care of 'er than them head doctors!
Maddie: And yet Fiona became the Scarlet Slayer on your watch!
Finley: Don't put this one on me! She went off the rails after that friend of hers died, is what 'appened! She took it into her head that she had to "save" the doves before syphilis got to them! After that, there was no reasoning with Fiona... She started killin' them girls an' stopped listenin' to me. When you nicked her, I thought it'd do her good. I thought prison would clear her head. But when she escaped, she came straight for me, raging mad! I couldn't calm her down! I knew she was too far gone this time. I told yer, t'was an act of mercy. She was tormented, she was. It was kinder to put an end to her sufferin' than let her live like that.
Maddie: You've also put an end to your own reign over Sinner's End, Finley. You're under arrest for murder!
    Coyote Gorge 
Death Without Parole
Maddie: Jeremiah Shankshaw, you're under arrest for the murder of Kev O'Connell!
Jeremiah: Me? A murderer? Nonsense!
Maddie: It is preposterous, a man in your position! And yet we found your chewing tobacco on the victim's uniform.
Jeremiah: Chewing tobacco? Really, <Rank> <Name>? Everyone in Stonewall uses the stuff, I wager!
Maddie: What about the Bible verse you wrote on O'Connell's ball and chain? We know you're partial to employing... spiritual discipline!
Jeremiah: You're absolutely right! And as any God-fearing man knows, it's a sin to take the life of another!
Maddie: And yet you beat Kev O'Connell to death, striking him with that metal rod with your right hand!
Jeremiah: Well, no! I... they-
Maddie: Stop lying, Warden Shankshaw! We found your knife, the one you used to cut off the victim's finger!
Jeremiah: ......... Yes, I killed O'Connell! But I had no choice, <Rank> <Name>! It was either him or me! They'd have buried me and my family alive!
Maddie: What do you mean, "they"? Who are you talking about?
Jeremiah: The Italians! They wouldn't tolerate an Irish gangster in their prison, so they forced me to eliminate him!
Maddie: So Stonewall really is being controlled by the Italian mob! It's bad enough you'd kill for them. But why cut off Kev's finger?
Jeremiah: Those were my orders! They made me do that, as a warning to the other inmates. But that's all I'm saying... I've already told you too much! But you must believe me, I didn't want to do this! I was just protecting my family!
Maddie: Nevertheless, the deed is done. We've no choice but to arrest you for the murder of Kev O'Connell!
Giving Up the Ghost
Isaac: Miss Liang, you're under arrest for the murder of Will Wyoming!
Lucy: You think I murdered Will?! That's ridiculous!
Isaac: You had a motive! You hated the victim for bringing you to Devil's Ridge, a town which gave you nothing but head lice!
Lucy: Will and I had a few disagreements, sure, but I wouldn't have killed him because of them!
Isaac: Then how did fibers from your yellow bandana end up on the rope used to hang the victim?
Lucy: If you think I'm the only person in these parts with a yellow bandana then you haven't been paying attention!
Isaac: Oh, we've been paying attention. We found the shirt you were wearing when you killed him, still covered with the blood from his bruised hands.
Lucy: ......... Very well. You found me out. I DID kill Will Wyoming!
Isaac: If you didn't agree about Will's route to El Gordado, why didn't you just fire him? Why resort to murder?
Lucy: I couldn't fire him! He was the only one who knew how to go on from here, and there was no one left in the town to help us! But when we got to Devil's Ridge, Will demanded double the payment we had agreed upon to take us the rest of the way to El Gordado! Nobody on the caravan could afford such a price! These families have sold everything they had to be able to make this journey. And he was happy to leave us to the coyotes! I wasn't about to let him abuse these people. Will loved Whiplash, so getting him drunk was easy. When he passed out, I dragged his body to the nearest tree and hanged him like the rat he was!
Isaac: As despicable as our victim's actions may have been, taking justice into your own hands only means that your caravan is now leaderless. You're under arrest, Miss Liang!
Little Murder on the Prairie
Isaac: Mr Costa, you are under arrest for the murder of Benjamin Galls. Did you really kill a man just so you could steal his belongings?
Vinnie: Sta scherzando? I never laid a hand on Mr Galls, <Rank> <Name>!
Isaac: Is that so? Then why was your collie present during the murder? The dog left traces on the victim's vest!
Vinnie: Hey, you leave Maximinus out of this! I had nothing to do with this murder, and nor did he!
Isaac: Yet we found your dog's collar on the crime scene. You left fibers from your cowboy hat on it!
Vinnie: Maledizione! Everybody around here wears such a hat!
Isaac: Give it up, Mr Costa! We found your blood on the pitchfork you used to stab Mr Galls through the back!
Vinnie: ...... E va bene, you got me, <Rank> <Name>. I killed Mr Galls! But I didn't mean to! It was the gang, they sent me to force him into giving up his land!
Isaac: His land? You mean to say that you killed him because he refused to leave his home behind, giving it up to the Italians?!
Vinnie: It's better to leave than to die, <Rank> <Name>! That's how things are around here! I tried sending him threats at first, to make him understand... but he didn't listen! So I went to rough him up a little, you know how it is! But things got out of hand! He fought back! I threatened him with the pitchfork, thinking he'd back off, but he made a lunge for me... and I ended up impaling him by accident! I never wanted it to come to this, <Rank> <Name>. But I guess this is what happens when you work for the Italian gang!
Isaac: What happens is that you end up in jail, Mr Costa. You're under arrest!
3:10 to Death
Isaac: Miss McBain, you are under arrest for the murder of Danny Dedalus!
Dorothy: You cannot be serious! Why would I kill him?
Isaac: You mean besides the fact that he tried to steal your gold? Well, we know you're a crack shot with a bow and arrow.
Dorothy: I'm not the only one! That's a useful skill out here in the Wild East!
Isaac: I'm not surprised... but you might be surprised that we know the killer has green eyes! Thanks to evidence they left on their arrow fletching!
Dorothy: Again, there could be another green-eyed archer on the loose out here!
Isaac: But the only other one we've come across in our investigation is lacking one little flaw: a bruise! You left comfrey salve on your arm guard, Miss McBain!
Dorothy: ...... Fine. Your sleuthing is far too good, <Rank> <Name>. I DID kill Danny Dedalus!
Isaac: Do you make a habit of killing every person who tries to steal from you? The police should have handled it!
Dorothy: This was personal. Perhaps I should explain. I lied when I said I did not know Danny. He was my ex-husband.
Isaac: That's usually not grounds for murder, Miss-
Dorothy: Usually not grounds, certainly. But he was a cur. A money-grabbing louse! He married me for my name, my riches! But once we were married, he thought he could do anything he liked! Drinking, gambling, carousing with floozies! You name it! When I threw him out, Danny sent me threats for years. He swore up and down that he would get money out of me if it was the last thing he did. And, as it turns out, it WAS the last thing he did! I always knew he'd try to get at my gold one day, especially when he up and joined that gang! When one of my underlings told me that the train carrying the gold had derailed, I took my bow and arrow and ran out there to stop Danny once and for all! Though, to be fair, I only shot him once I knew for certain that he was carting off the gold!
Isaac: That will make no difference at all to the judge, Miss McBain. You're under arrest for the murder of Danny Dedalus!
Blood Bath
Maddie: Clay Westwood, you're under arrest for the murder of Vinnie Costa! Did you actually kill him because he maimed your horse?
Clay (with his horse): I beg your pardon, ma'am? I've never killed anybody in my life and Bullseye can attest to that!
Maddie: Is that so? Then why did we find your Buffalo Bill watch fob covered in Vinnie's blood?
Clay: I do love Buffalo Bill, as any self-respectin' cowboy should, but as for the rest, I couldn't tell you.
Maddie: Try to tell us why we found your poker tournament handkerchief in the bomb you set up to lure our guard away and kill Vinnie!
Clay: I'm a man of many pastimes, but bomb-craftin' isn't one of them.
Maddie: But I suppose drinking is. Like the whiskey punch we found in the victim's hair... Or the broken alcohol bottle that you used to gouge Vinnie's throat wide open!
Clay: Ma'am... uh... I... Fine! I'll quit beatin' the devil around the stump! Yes, I killed Costa! That man was going to ruin everything the Italians are tryin' to set up here and I couldn't let that happen!
Maddie: So you did this because of the Italians?! I knew Vinnie's death had to be linked to Vittorio somehow, <Name>!
Clay: I wasn't always on their side, mind you. When I saw all them folks' lands bein' stolen away from them, I got angry. I looked for the Italians, ready to commit them to the bone orchard. But then they told me Vittorio's plan to bring in the railroad, which meant more people, more farms, more work. I'd be able to make a decent livin' again!
Maddie: So you killed Vinnie to silence his testimony against Vittorio!
Clay: Darn right, I did! Wasn't even hard, just had to steal Al's master key and distract that copper away! And I don't regret it! Capecchi was going to make Coyote Gorge great again, and I wasn't gonna let a good-for-nothing maggot ruin that!
Maddie: Well, Mr Westwood, you won't be enjoying Coyote Gorge's greatness anytime soon, because now you'll be an inmate! You're under arrest!
How the East Was Won
Isaac: Seamus O'Neill, you are under arrest for the murder of Vittorio Capecchi!
Seamus: What?! <Rank> <Name>, do you realize what kind of trouble I'd be in if I were to kill Mr Capecchi?
Isaac: We do. The same kind of trouble you're in now! We found your riding glove at the crime scene, still stuck full of needles from when you shoved a cactus into Vittorio's mouth!
Seamus: Why would I even do this? I'm not in the gang anymore, I told you!
Isaac: I don't know, but we also found the burlap sheet you used to drag Vittorio's body from the garden into the chapel! Was this prompted by remorse?
Seamus: Why would I feel remorseful for something I didn't do?
Isaac: But you did do it. First, you tried to drag him by his tie, before using the sheet. You left your sunburn cream on the cloth...
Seamus: ...... It were a mistake! It were all a terrible mistake! I came for Giulietta. I was going to take her to the city hall to elope. We could finally be free from the prejudices around us.
Isaac: And you thought murdering her father would make the elopement easier?!
Seamus: No! He weren't supposed to be there! When I heard Vittorio and his men were in town, I decided it was time to go find Giulietta. But by the time I reached the garden, there he was. And he had fire comin' out his eyes... I couldn't quell Vittorio's anger! He wouldn't hear anything! He threw me to the ground and leaped atop me! I had no choice but to defend meself! I saw the cactus, broke a piece off, and shoved it in his mouth! I was terrified for me life! When I realized he was dead, I was horrified! I thought of Giulietta finding him there, or seeing him out of her window... So I dragged his body to the chapel. Giulietta will never forgive me!
Isaac: I'm afraid the question of mercy is up to the judge. Seamus O'Neill, you're under arrest!
    Crimson Banks 
Bridge over Trouble Waters
Maddie: Margherita Morello, you're under arrest for Tommy Boyd's murder! What have you got to say for yourself?
Margherita (drying her tears): <Rank> <Name>, why would you make such a cruel accusation? My heart still bleeds over Tommy's death!
Maddie: Well, Tommy was bleeding profusely, too, as you cut him open and hung him up in the slaughterhouse! We found the blood-soaked apron you wore to protect your clothes!
Margherita: Please, don't put these ghastly images in my head! They'll haunt me in my nightmares!
Maddie: Stop pretending you're a delicate flower! We also recovered your lost bracelet, the one you made in prison! We know you aren't as innocent as you'd have us believe!
Margherita: I already admitted I'd been to jail! Holding that past mistake against me only proves you have nothing else!
Maddie: Enough! We found your murder weapon discarded near the bridge, and the winch you used to hang up the body! Why did you do it, Margherita? You said you loved Tommy despite the feud between your people! I almost believed in your forbidden romance, but the evidence tells another story!
Margherita: I believed in our forbidden romance, too, <Rank> <Name>! And what a fool I was! I admit it, <Rank> <Name>, I killed Tommy! But he deserved it! He was a coward, too afraid to love me the way I loved him! It was hard enough that Tommy insisted we kept our love a secret because he was Irish and I was Italian. He wouldn't even hold my hand in the street! But when he realized I was in the gang, he really got cold feet! Can you believe he left a woman like ME over this?
Maddie: You... you're in the gang?
Margherita: Why are you so surprised, <Rank> <Name>? Not all of us are gun-wielding burly chaps! Just look at Franca Capecchi! She's holding her own now that Vittorio's dead! She's finally done the right thing by declaring open season on the Irish! And if Tommy became the first victim, he only had himself to blame! He shouldn't have turned his back on me!
Maddie: Your love story shall end in prison now, Miss Morello! You're under arrest for murder!
Civil Blood
Isaac: Kieran Quinlan, you're under arrest for the murder of "Papa" Mario Fortuna!
Kieran: Aye begorrah! Why would I kill Mario? He and I may be from opposite banks of the river, but we were the same in many ways.
Isaac: I bet you thought you'd get away with it, but you were sloppy, Mr Quinlan. We found the pizza sauce you left behind on the murder weapon!
Kieran: Pizza? You realize everyone eats pizza around here? It's a nice change from shepherd's pie!
Isaac: But this particular meal made you ill. We know you were sick on the flag garland you strangled the victim with!
Kieran: Well... I was sick. But I swear, it was bad clams!
Isaac: Your love of Shakespeare was your final undoing. We know you threatened Papa Mario, justifying yourself after strangling him! Make it easier on yourself, Mr Quinlan. Confess your crime!
Kieran: Ha! Killing Mario Fortuna was a crime? The only crime around here was that man and his almighty reputation! For years, Mario thought he was better than me. It was always "Papa" Mario this and "Papa" Mario that. I've worked just as hard for this community, and what do I get for it? Nothing! So I figured it was time to bring Mario down a notch... for good!
Isaac: You murdered Papa Mario out of jealousy? A petty grudge?
Kieran: Call it what you like! We arranged to meet for dinner at Luigi's, under the guise of keeping the peace. When he had his back turned, I strangled him with those flags! Then I wheeled his body to the market, so Mario would be remembered not as a cornerstone of the community, but as a weak, pathetic victim.
Isaac: What a tremendous waste of life, Mr Quinlan. Both the victim's and yours... You're under arrest for the murder of Mario Fortuna!
Hold Your Tongue
Maddie: Reggie Bates, you're under arrest for the murder of Commissioner Baldwin!
Reggie: Oh my, oh my... there must be some sort of misunderstanding here, <Rank> <Name>. I ain't no killer!
Maddie: So why did we find your allergy medicine on the Commissioner's mutilated face?
Reggie: There's practically an allergy epidemic in Crimson Banks thanks to those blasted factory fumes... that medicine could belong to anyone!
Maddie: And yet the Mazundan coffee from your cafe ended up on the note you used to lure the Commissioner to his death!
Reggie: My coffee's the best in town! Everyone drinks it...
Maddie: Well, not everyone wears the white gloves you forgot to remove while hacking off the Commissioner's tongue! The evidence is stacked against you, Mr Bates, so own up!
Reggie (sweating): ...........
Reggie: Alright, I did it! I murdered Commissioner Baldwin! I lured him to the docks in the early hours of the morning and split his head open with an adze before chopping off his tongue!
Maddie: Did you kill him so he wouldn't reveal your prohibition violations? Is that why you threatened him with that monkey statue and cut off his tongue?
Reggie: D'you really think tongues get cut out for something so small?! I slashed out that copper's tongue because I saw him sniffin' around the docks, spying on the Italians! What did that fool think he were doin' spyin' like that in the middle of a gang war!
Maddie: Why on earth would you care if Commissioner Baldwin was spying on the Italian gang?
Reggie: Because the Italians are my family! Me parents died when I were only five. The Italian gang took pity on me and brought me up like I were one of their own! I may not be Italian by blood, but my soul bleeds red, white and green, capisce? Baldwin thought he was so clever spyin' on us, so I had to protect my people!
Maddie: Well, your people won't be there to protect you from jail! You're under arrest!
Stick to Your Guns
Isaac: Mr Owens, you're under arrest for the murder of Edna Owens. Not only have you helped a notorious gang steal from the police, but you didn't hesitate to kill your own sister in the process!
Wilbur: You've got the wrong end of the stick, <Rank> <Name>! We might have had our differences, but I loved my sister!
Isaac: Then why did we find traces of your sleeping draught inside the gun that was used to shoot her?
Wilbur: Taking a sleeping draught isn't uncommon, <Rank> <Name>... Most people around here struggle to sleep what with the gangs wreaking havoc left, right and center!
Isaac: You can't pretend to be afraid of the gang when you're covered in oil stains from helping said gang move the weapons they stole from the police station armory!
Wilbur (sweating): I didn't get that from carrying guns! I'm an odd jobs man! Of course I have oil on my clothes!
Isaac: Cut it out, Wilbur! We found your sweat on the handkerchief you used to wipe your brow after you shot Edna! We know you did it!
Wilbur (sweating): ......
Wilbur: Alright, I confess! I did it... I killed my sister! The Italians came to me one day wit ha job. They said it'd be well-paid and that nobody would get hurt... You don't say no to those kinds of people, <Rank> <Name>, so I agreed to help! But soon enough, I realized that the gang was planning on attacking the police station Edna worked at. I thought about warning Edna, but I was afraid they'd kill me if they found out. So I sent her an anonymous threat, hoping she at least wouldn't be at the station on the night of the heist! But when we got to the station, there Edna was! That's when I understood why the gang had hired me: they thought I would talk her down... but she wouldn't listen to reason!
Isaac: So you shot your own sister?!
Wilbur: I didn't have a choice! What do you think would have happened if she'd shot at anyone? They'd have killed me, and her as well!
Isaac: And so you didn't hesitate to kill her to spare your life!
Wilbur: What was the point of both of us dying?! I sacrificed everything for Edna, and she arrested me the first chance she got! Why should I have died for her?!
Isaac: Mr Owens, your lack of remorse is appalling! You're under arrest!
Burning Bridges
Maddie: Timmy Tanner, you're under arrest for the murder of Bridget Baker!
Timmy: What?! I could never kill Bridget! She was my friend!
Maddie: If she was your friend, how come you left your Stucco Wafer crumbs on her dead body?
Timmy: I don't know what you're talking about! That was somebody else, it had to be!
Maddie: What about her head? Was that supposed to be a souvenir? You took it to the playground!
Timmy (sweating): No, I wouldn't do something like that! Do you think I'm some kind of monster?
Maddie: It's useless to lie! We know you cut her head off with a machete. You left the tincture for your new tattoo on it!
Timmy (sweating): ......
Timmy (crying): It was an accident! I didn't mean to kill her!
Timmy: After I was mugged by some gang members last time, I stole a big knife and always had it with me! I swore they wouldn't get me so easily again! And today, there was gang fighting everywhere! I knew I was in danger! So I tried to hide behind the crates just as I heard someone walking by...
Timmy (sweating): Someone grabbed me. I turned around, but I couldn't recognize who it was. I could only see their silhouette against the burning skies! I was sure they were about to attack me! So I screamed and swung at their neck with everything I had!
Timmy (queasy and sweating): I cut their head right off! But when I saw it on the ground, I realized it was Bridget! I'd killed my only friend!
Maddie: And why did you carry her head away to the playground?
Timmy (crying): I panicked! I didn't know what to do! I didn't mean to kill her, I swear!
Maddie: Whether you meant to or not, Timmy, I'm afraid we must place you under arrest.
In Love and War
Maddie: Adrienna Brassiere, you're under arrest for the murder of Seamus O'Neill!
Adrienna: Seamus' murder?! <Rank> <Name>, you can't be serious! He was our leader!
Maddie: You mean, the leader whose handkerchief you so unabashedly used to wipe your hands clean of his blood? You left traces of your cologne water on it!
Adrienna: So I like cologne water. It keeps me smelling nice during long workdays. Is that a crime?
Maddie: No, but bashing Seamus' head in with an ashtray is! We found fibers from your yellow dress on it!
Adrienna: Hundred of people pass through that train station on a daily basis. You can't prove those fibers came from my dress!
Maddie: Perhaps, but our scientists can easily prove the gum you left in Seamus' hair was chewed by you... Shall we ask them to?
Adrienna (sweating): <Rank> <Name>... I... uh.... I suppose there's no use lying anymore... I did kill Seamus! But he had it coming!
Maddie: I thought you said Seamus was someone you admired, someone you wanted to prove your worth to. Why murder him?
Adrienna: Because he betrayed us! He was conspiring with Giulietta Capecchi! The daughter of our mortal enemy! Seamus thought I didn't know, but he overlooked how resourceful I am! While I was spying on Franca, I discovered an even greater secret... Seamus was having an affair with Giulietta! After everything the gang's gone through and all the people who've died... Seamus just went and threw everything out the window... for a petticoat!
Maddie: Seamus and Giulietta were trying to stop the gang wars and prevent more deaths!
Adrienna: It was too late to stop it all! The Irish deserved to take the Italians down! I didn't risk my life for nothing!
Maddie: No, Miss Brassiere, you risked your life for prison because now you're under arrest for the murder of Seamus O'Neill!
    Wolf Street 
Death Comes to Lunch
Isaac: Francine, you're under arrest for the murder of your mistress, Clarissa Rochester!
Francine: Me, a murderer? What a fanciful idea, <Rank> <Name>!
Isaac: Not in the slightest! The evidence supports it! We found the plant you used to poison Miss Rochester! You threw it away with the leftovers!
Francine: Just because I cleaned up the mess doesn't mean I killed Milady!
Isaac: Well, you didn't clean the mortar and pestle well enough! Some crushed leaves and a hair from your head were still in it!
Francine: You're after me because you know Miss Clarissa wanted to sack me! But an accomplished maid like myself doesn't need to kill for a job!
Isaac: How do you explain this note, then? You wrote it to Miss Clarissa, with your fingers stained with golden caviar! You wanted her to change her mind about her decision!
Francine: No! I wanted her to change her mind about ending our affair! I wanted to stop Clarissa from throwing our romance away!
Francine (sweating): ......... Alright, <Rank> <Name>, I put my hands up to it! I killed Clarissa because I'd rather see her dead than living happily without me!
Isaac: You mean you and Miss Rochester had a... relationship of a... romantic nature?
Francine: We kept it hidden, for her family would have never approved. But our love only grew stronger in the darkness of secrecy. That is, until Clarissa started yearning for a child. She realized she needed an impeccable reputation to even think of adopting... Being an unmarried woman and all! She grew so afraid of a scandal that she decided never to see me again! She refused to even keep me in service as her maid! I pleaded with her to think of us, but she was ready to sacrifice me so that she could become a mother! I couldn't bear it! So I poisoned her at the luncheon, hoping that one of the guests would take the blame for the attempt.
Isaac: A vain hope, with <Rank> <Name> on the case! Francine, you're under arrest for murder!
Maddie: Easton Belmont, you're under arrest for the murder of Abner Milton!
Easton: You can't be serious. Why would I do that? Abner was helping me!
Maddie: But he made you lose money, which is why you read Clarissa's book, the same book we found stained with the victim's blood and your amphetamine powder.
Easton: That book is everywhere right now! Anybody who's anybody is reading it.
Maddie: What about the traces of chili dog you left on Abner's suit when you killed him?
Easton (sweating): EVERYONE at the Exchange eats chili dogs!
Maddie: But not everyone wears a Rockelite brooch! Give it up, Easton! You left Rockelite polish on the sheath of the dagger you used to stab Abner!
Easton: Fine! I did it! I killed Abner! The fool should have never put his nose in my business! If that idiot hadn't looked too closely at my bank bills, he'd still be alive today! Um, I mean...
Maddie: What about your bank bills, Mr Belmont? Should we, too, look closely at them?
Easton: I have already said too much. I killed Abner, isn't that all you care about? Take me to jail, I won't say a word more!
Maddie: Suit yourself. Easton Belmont, you're under arrest for the murder of Abner Milton!
Apprehend Me If You're Able
Maddie: Gail Harper, you're under arrest for the murder of Jade Carnegie!
Gail: Me? A murderer? Whatever would make you believe that?
Maddie: Although you meticulously wiped the murder weapon clean, you made the mistake of wrapping your gun in the Wolf Street Journal!
Gail: The Journal? We are on Wolf Street, <Rank> <Name>. I'm hardly the only one who reads that!
Maddie: But you were the only one checking the victim's pulse to make sure she was dead. We found traces of your cigarette ash on the gunshot wound!
Gail (sweating): Good gracious, I would never shoot anyone! I wouldn't hurt a fly!
Maddie: Then how did the victim's blood get on your watch chain?
Gail (sweating): .........
Gail: Alright, I killed Jade! But she deserved it. She gave me no choice!
Maddie: Why, did she pester you after you'd refused her friendship? If you were worried about being associated with a criminal, becoming one was hardly a solution!
Gail: No, I... lied when I said I'd stopped seeing her. Jade seemed so charming, her criminal life so invigorating. I got caught up in it all! When she arrived in Concordia, Jade saw where I was working, exchanging money for rich tourists. She said it was unfair I got to touch the money, but never to have it myself. She said there was a way we could team up so I could get a bigger piece of the pie!
Maddie: You abandoned your principles and joined her as a counterfeiter? So much for the sanctity of the Concordian shilling!
Gail: Come now, <Rank> <Name>! People are making money hand over fist on Wolf Street through shady deals. Why can they get rich, but not me? So we devised the perfect plan. I swapped the counterfeit money with the cash reserves at the exchange, distributing the false currency to my customers. No one could trace it! But Jade got impatient and started spending the phony bills! I warned her to stop, but she wouldn't listen! I couldn't allow the money to be directly linked to us, I couldn't get caught. Jade had to be stopped... one way or another!
Maddie: So first you joined her counterfeiting racket out of greed, and then you killed her to protect yourself! Gail Harper, you're under arrest!
Get Off Your High Horse
Isaac (presenting his badge): I did not ever imagine saying this, but Princess Eliza, we are placing you under arrest for the murder of Anna Jewell!
Eliza: Oh, I do declare! Is this a Concordian parlor game of which I am not aware?
Isaac: I'm afraid this is no game, Your Highness! You left a trail of macaron crumbs in the victim's wounds which led us straight to you!
Eliza: One would never be so uncouth as to leave crumbs lying anywhere, let alone on a cadaver!
Isaac: Then how do you explain the traces of breath freshener you deposited on the victim's cravat as you were trying to get rid of it?
Eliza: My breath naturally smells of the joys of spring... I am offended you would imply otherwise!
Isaac: Next you'll be telling us your lips are naturally that red! Your lipstick ended up on Miss Jewell's hat as she tried to defend herself from your deadly blows! It's time to confess, Your Highness!
Eliza: Aaw....'nuff said! You got me, <Rank> <Name>... it were me who done Anna in!
Eliza (sweating): ...........
Isaac: Princess, your accent... why has your voice changed!
Eliza (taking off her hat): Because I ain't no foreign princess! I'm just poor Eliza Fairfax, a flower girl from the market! At least I used to be...
Eliza: Anna and me was best friends growing up. We was always wanting to make somethin' more of ourselves... she with 'er horses and me by taking classes to talk proper like a lady. And I were really good at it! I even fooled everyone into thinkin' I were bloomin' foreign royalty!
Isaac: So you pretended you were a foreign princess... But I fail to see what your old friend had to do with this farce of yours!
Eliza: I 'adn't seen Anna in years! But then we bumped into each other at one of Lady 'ighmore's soirées, and she bloomin' recognized me! The likes of me can drink somethin' chronic... But it took just one gin fizz to get that ninny Anna drunk as a skunk! And the drunker she was, the more she talked! I had to shut her up before she told everyone who I really was! So I went to the stables to talk to 'er, all nice and proper like, but then me temper got the better of me... And before I knew it, I'd grabbed the nearest stirrup and begun walloping Anna on the 'ead until she stopped movin'!
Isaac: Well, you certainly succeeded in shutting the victim up, and now it's your turn to be shut up... in prison! Eliza Fairfax, you are under arrest!
Talk of the Town
Maddie: Mr Harvey, you're under arrest for the murder of Joseph Pryor. Did you really end a man's life so he wouldn't tell everyone that your law degree was fake?
Hector: This is preposterous. I would've thought the police would know better than to go around making unfounded accusations!
Maddie: Except they're not unfounded. <Rank> <Name> found the gold glove you left in the hotel lobby, covered in the victim's blood!
Hector: Goodness, is that the best you've got? Golf is one of the most popular sports in Concordia, that glove could belong to anyone!
Maddie: But not everyone is in possession of the type of acid which you put in the victim's ice cream!
Hector: It's as I told you, I only use that acid to clean my golf clubs!
Maddie: Give it up, Hector! The bottle of acid you used to kill the victim had your clothing fibers on it! We know you did it!
Hector (sweating): ......
Hector: Fine, you win, <Rank> <Name>. I did kill Joseph! But not for the reasons that you think! When he blackmailed me into working for him for free, I thought I'd reached my lowest point... But then Joseph published a scandalous article about my sister!
Maddie: So, you had no issue with Joseph smearing everybody else's reputation, but you drew the line at your own family?
Hector: It wasn't just her reputation! When she wanted to launch a defamation lawsuit against Joseph, he told me to completely destroy her in court! Imagine! He held my fake law degree over my head so that I'd prove my sister was as disreputable as he claimed! It would have ruined her life! If I didn't do what he wanted, he'd have destroyed me! But if I'd gone along with it, I would have destroyed my sister! Killing him was the only choice I had!
Maddie: Well, in that case, our only choice is putting you in jail, Mr Harvey! You're under arrest for killing Joseph Pryor!
The Heart of the Matter
Isaac: Larry Rochester, you're under arrest for the murder of Deputy Mayor Sandra Hwang!
Larry: You must be joking! Why would I go to such trouble over her?
Isaac: I'd rather ask myself why you would have touched the murder weapon otherwise! We found the tincture you are using to heal your scratches on the rope used to strangle the Deputy Mayor!
Larry: Surely, I can't be the only person to use this tincture...
Isaac: But we have reason to believe that you are the only person who could have left sangria in the Deputy Mayor's chest when you removed her heart!
Larry: Nonsense!
Isaac: You left your blood on the stone blade used to cut it out! The game is up!
Larry: ...... You're quite right. I did kill the Deputy Mayor.
Isaac: But why? Your uncle Horatio helped her campaign!
Larry: Ha! Do you think he did it from the goodness of his heart? She was supposed to help my family in return! Hwang has been working for us, distracting officials and making sure they kept their noses out of Rochester business!
Isaac: Deputy Mayor Hwang was corrupt?!
Larry: Yes, but then my father got arrested for supporting my clever bond scheme, and suddenly Sandra grew scruples!
Isaac: YOUR clever bond scheme? Do you mean you were behind that Concordia Telephone Company swindle?
Larry: Please don't tell me that you thought my FATHER could have masterminded such a thing! It's true that he was always going on about how investing in telephones meant investing in the future... and about how I was doing nothing with my life... One day, it dawned on me that I could not only make my father believe that I was finally making something of myself, but that I could also make tons of money in the process! But, of course, I also knew that I wouldn't even need to create a real company. I just needed to make sure people believe that the Concordia Telephone Company was legitimate! I let my accomplice handle the details of creating and distributing the bonds, while my dear old papa gave me all the publicity I needed! The doddering fool had no idea it was a scam until it was too late. Then he took the blame for me, as I knew any good father would... But Hwang said that she couldn't bear to see an innocent man rot in jail! She said that if I didn't turn myself in, she would!
Isaac: So you strangled her, but what of her heart? Why did you remove her heart?
Larry: I did hope it would muddy the waters of your investigation, or at least scare you away...
Isaac: You should know by now that nothing scares <Rank> <Name> away from an investigation. You're under arrest!
    Grim Chapel 
The Witching Hour
Maddie: Mrs Cordelia Putnam, you're under arrest for the murder of Aubrey Miller!
Cordelia: But I didn't! I could never do that to Aubrey. She helped me so much!
Maddie: I don't think drowning her as indicated in your Malleus Maleficarum speaks highly of your feelings!
Cordelia: Just because I have a copy of the Malleus Maleficarum does not mean I use it.
Maddie: Really? Then why did we find your book at the pond covered in fresh chips of your nail lacquer?
Cordelia: <Rank> <Name>, your accusations are vile and unfounded! My stomach's in knots now, which is never a good thing for my fertility!
Maddie: You mean knots like the tight ones you slipped around Mrs Miller when you tied her to the dunking bar and drowned her? You might as well admit it, Mrs Putnam! We know it was you who hit her over the head with a stone and then drowned her!
Cordelia (sweating): I.........
Cordelia: Very well then... Yes, I murdered Aubrey! But it had to happen! Aubrey was an evil witch who murdered my babies!
Maddie: She did... what? You told us all Aubrey did was stop your fertility treatment when the frequent miscarriages got too dangerous for your health!
Cordelia: I thought that at first... but then I heard the news that she was a witch and everything made sense! AUBREY was the reason I kept losing my babies! She must've cursed me! And when I confronted her about it, she denied it! But a mother knows the truth! And a mother protects her children!
Maddie: You mean, by tying an innocent woman to a dunking bar and drowning her?
Cordelia: When I struck her over the head and she fell next to the pond, it all became clear. She needed to die like a witch! So I dragged her body to the bar as well I could, and tied her there before she came to. And then, I drowned her! She ruined my life and killed my babies! I had to pay her back for everything I suffered! So I killed her as one would kill a dark sorceress!
Maddie: Mrs Putnam, we sympathize with the pain of losing your unborn children, but your grief led you to murder an innocent woman! You're under arrest!
Graveyard Shift
Isaac: Annabel Leigh, you're under arrest for the murder of Edgar Woe!
Annabel: Such chilling words! <Rank> <Name>, you strike terror into my heart!
Isaac: Your heart isn't as faint as you pretend, Miss Annabel. You had the macabre courage to kill Edgar, and leave him bloodless in the cemetery!
Annabel: I'd never set foot in the cemetery! Creatures of evil wander there, preying upon the souls of mortals!
Isaac: Those evil creatures are your own conjectures! But the vampire symbol you painted on the stature didn't fool <Rank> <Name>!
Annabel: Terrible accusations! Edgar was my beloved, bestowed upon me by the angels! Why would I drain the blood from his body, the color from his cheeks?
Isaac: Why indeed! We found the syringe and the blood pump you used to fabricate a "vampire attack"! But the blond hair stuck to the bottle came from you! Confess, Annabel! Why did you kill the man who loved you, who saw you as his muse?
Annabel: His muse? Me and every other woman in town! If that scoundrel didn't want to get killed, he shouldn't have played around! .........
Isaac: Edgar was... unfaithful to you?
Annabel: You could say that! A week ago I chanced upon his secret notebook, and found his love poems to "Lenore," and "Morella," and who knows how many others! It turns out he'd been carrying on with other women behind my back for years! No doubt they all believed they were the only ones! I wasted my best years on Edgar! I turned down perfectly good marriage proposals! And all I got in return was a drunkard and a cheat! Well, tonight, I finally had enough! I found him so drunk he didn't even feel the prick of my needle in his neck! Watching his blood draining into the jar was curiously satisfying! He'd broken my spirit - so I took his blood!
Isaac: Well, you do have one thing in common with vampires: you killed in cold blood! You're under arrest for murder!
Doctor, Interrupted
Maddie: Dwayne Reed, we know you murdered Dr Blackmoor. Being an asylum patient likely means you can't fully answer for your actions, but we must take you into custody-
Dwayne: Did you say I did the murder? Me?
Maddie: Do you not remember? We know you used the doctor's electroshock machine against him. We found mushroom sauce on the electroshock helmet you used, and we know mushrooms are your favorite food.
Dwayne: Mushrooms are squishy and delicious, but they don't make me a killer!
Maddie: We also found your rash cram on the bottle of electroshock gel you used on Dr Blackmoor when you killed him.
Dwayne: Maybe it was someone else's rash cream. Lots of us here have skin problems!
Maddie: Mr Reed, do you truly not recall writing a threat in chess code on Dr Blackmoor's coffee mug? Did you kill him because you were afraid he would lobotomize you?
Dwayne: Not me! Alice!
Dwayne (sweating): .........
Dwayne: Well, now you know. I killed him. But I couldn't let him hurt that little girl!
Maddie: Dr Blackmoor wanted to lobotomize Alice?
Dwayne: Yes, he was going to cut out her brain! I heard him tell a nurse he wanted to! Alice is just a little girl! You don't do that to a child! He could have my brain if he really wanted, but not hers!
Dwayne (sweating): I knew I had to kill him. It was the only way to protect Alice from that monster.
Dwayne: So when the doctor called me to his office for an electroshock session, I lunged at him, forced him into that machine, and set it as high as it could go!
Maddie: Mr Reed, this is a sorry situation indeed, but I'm afraid we still need to take you into custody!
Turn for the Worse
Isaac: Mysteria, you're under arrest for the murder of Lynn Hart!
Mysteria: What? How could you say such a thing? Lynn was my dearest friend!
Isaac: Then how is it we found our rose petals on the victim's knives, the ones you used to stab Miss Hart!
Mysteria (sweating): Her knives? I... I've never touched those!
Isaac: The blades in question suggest otherwise! Residue from your popcorn was found on the murder weapon!
Mysteria: You must believe me, <Rank> <Name>! I'd never hurt Lynn!
Isaac: You may have tried to ease your conscience, wiping your hands clean of the victim's blood, but your rhinestone cloth has been your undoing! What did your closest friend, whom you claim to have the deepest affection for, ever do that drove you to murder?
Mysteria (crying): She found out who I was! Lynn discovered my true identity!
Isaac: Your true identity? What do you mean?
Mysteria: Well, you see, <Rank> <Name>...
Mysteria (removing her disguise): ... I am Faith Woodford!
Isaac: Faith Woodford? Hope's sister?
Mysteria: Yes! After I escaped from Gryphon Sanctuary, I needed somewhere to hide. A place where I could blend in and disappear. So I became Mysteria, Wonderland's bearded lady. Nobody suspected me, nobody would come looking for me here. But when Lynn fell in love with me, she started digging into my past and discovered my true identity. When she told me about it, I just panicked... ... I couldn't risk my secret getting out! I haven't even revealed myself to my sister for fear of being sent back to the asylum!
Isaac: So you murdered your friend!
Mysteria: It all happened so fast, I'd stabbed her before I knew what was happening. I couldn't bear being sent back to Gryphon Sanctuary, so I staged the murder to cover my tracks!
Mysteria (crying): I didn't want to do it, you must believe me, <Rank> <Name>! But I had no choice! I don't belong at the asylum!
Isaac: And yet your plans have availed you nothing, Miss Woodford. You're under arrest for the murder of Lynn Hart!
Doom Service
Maddie (presenting her badge): Johnny Torrents, we're placing you under arrest for the murder of Admiral Oliver Oak!
Johnny: <Rank> <Name>, I see you're suffering from a muddlement of fiction and fact - don't despair, it happens to the best of us!
Maddie: The only fiction here are the lies you've been feeding us, Mr Torrents! Now, let me tell you the hard facts that led us to you... You left traces of your favorite Corpse Reviver cocktail on the Admiral's medicine bottle when you switched his heart pills for hallucinogenic drugs!
Johnny: Come now, this hotel bar's known for its Corpse Revivers - I am certainly not alone in enjoying them!
Maddie: Still itchy from your bout of fleas? We know you caught them from the dog you used to frighten the drugged Admiral to death!
Johnny: With such an imagination, you should be a writer, <Rank> <Name>, not me! I caught the fleas from this crumbling, bug-infested hotel, not some dog!
Maddie: Then how do you explain your lens cleaning liquid ending up on the can of phosphorescent paint that you used to make the dog glow? It's too late for more lies, Mr Torrents - we know it was you! Why did you do it?
Johnny: For my craft, of course! That's why I killed that blasted Admiral! Look, I wanted one of the characters in my next book to be frightened to death. But, as all my fans know, I'm a wordsmith of integrity... I only write what is true! Which is why I needed to determine if it was indeed possible to die from fear, and the Admiral just happened to be a convenient guinea pig for my research!
Maddie: A convenient guinea pig? So this is how much you value life?!
Johnny: Oh, one can never expect such illiterate and unimaginative minds as yours to understand my genius! It was child's play entering the Admiral's room while he was otherwise occupied in the bar, which meant I had no difficulty switching his heart pills for the hallucinogenic concoction I had created... I then found a stray dog which I covered in phosphorescent paint, let him loose in the old man's bathroom, and sat back to enjoy the show. It worked better than in my wildest dreams, I tell you! The look of terror on the Admiral's face was pure poetry!
Maddie: Well, you'll have plenty of time to write all about it... in prison! Johnny Torrents, you're under arrest for this despicable murder!
Unsafe Haven
Isaac: Mrs May, you're under arrest for the murder of Patricia Rochester. So much for caring for your patients!
Sylvia: You've got it all wrong, <Rank> <Name>! I have my patients' best interests at heart - I'd never hurt one of them!
Isaac: Then why did we find traces of your porridge on the victim's neck, where you checked her pulse?
Sylvia: All the staff here eat porridge, <Rank> <Name>! You need the energy when you're on your feet all day!
Isaac: Yes, and you all use carbolic soap... but you're the only one who left traces of it on Patricia's necklace when you stole it from her dead body!
Sylvia (sweating): I... I never touched her necklace! I'm innocent!
Isaac: Give it up, Nurse May! We found your blood on the handkerchief you wiped your hands on! You shot Patricia in the head and left her there, alone in that basement! I don't get it! Why would you even want Patricia dead? The poor woman was no threat to anyone, not in her current state of mind!
Sylvia: You only have yourself to blame, <Rank> <Name>. I wouldn't have had to kill her if you hadn't come here! You showed up asking about the "Devil," and jogged her memory. And then she remembered she'd seen us together the day she was committed!
Isaac: "Us"? You mean you and the "Devil"? You were working with the "Devil"?!
Sylvia: He might have been the "Devil" to you, <Rank> <Name>, but he was the love of my life! And now you've caught us, I guess there's no point keeping it a secret! From the moment we met, years ago, I'd always admired his mind. His ruses were crafted down to the finest detail! And so when he came up with an idea to make some money by helping rich people lock up bothersome individuals, I was happy to help him!
Isaac: So this whole scheme was his idea! What, facilitating murders wasn't satisfying enough?
Sylvia: Sometimes murder seemed like overkill, <Rank> <Name>. Sometimes it's easier to silence people simply by locking them up and discrediting them entirely...
Isaac: Just like the Rochesters did with Patricia! How many more people have you committed at their behest? Confess!
Sylvia: How stupid do you think I am, <Rank> <Name>? William didn't speak, and I won't either!
Isaac: As you wish, Mrs May. You're under arrest for the murder of Patricia Rochester and the unlawful committal of countless patients! Judge Lawson shall deal with you!
    Ivory Hill 
The Machiavellian Candidate
Maddie: Gertrude Avery, you are under arrest for the murder of Lissa Avery, your own step-daughter!
Gertrude: WHAT?! I could never hurt Lissa!
Maddie: Then how do you explain the traces of your lobster lunch on the bottle of wine to which you added cyanide?
Gertrude: I never! The very thought! Besides, most of the people at that luncheon ate lobster!
Maddie: That's as may be... But not everyone was wearing grey pinstripe! You left some on the cyanide box from which you drew the poison!
Gertrude (sweating): Hogwash! Grey pinstripe is all the rage these days!
Maddie: But you can't hide behind your blue eyes! When you tried to dispose of the glass from which Lissa drank, you left some of your skin cells!
Gertrude: ...... Fine! I DID kill Lissa! I never liked that brat. She was always my husband's pet, his dear daughter who could do no wrong... And then he died and I learned that Lissa was getting all his fortune! After all those years I wasted caring for that man, now I had to live on what meager sum his brat gave me! I could only inherit if SHE died, too!
Maddie: So you killed your step-daughter for money?!
Gertrude: Believe me, I tried to act chummy at first in the hopes that she would become more generous, but it never worked! When I entered the experimental cyanide treatment program for my diabetes, I finally understood how I could get at all those riches! I thought if I poisoned her at the awards luncheon, the police would suspect all those politicians, while I played the distraught mother! But then you ruined everything!
Maddie: Yes, the riches you killed for will do you no good in prison, Mrs Avery! You're under arrest!
The Swan Song
Isaac: Henri Monplaisir, you're under arrest for the murder of Marta Ulanova!
Henri: Pardonnez-moi? You think I murdered Marta Ulanova?! Monsieur, I am an artiste, not an assassin.
Isaac: I would believe that if only we hadn't found your bloody note. The reference to the "mouse queen's" death gave you away.
Henri: Ohlala... you think I'm ze only one who knows ze Nutcracker! It played for months here, everyone in town saw it!
Isaac: Perhaps, but not everyone would leave traces of their Dancing Queen cocktail on the victim's dead body, a libation we know you drank to deal with Marta's exigencies.
Henri: I am French, I love ze champagne... but zat does not make a murderer, only a bon vivant.
Isaac: What DOES make you a murderer is the lamp you used as the murder weapon, the one you left some feathers on! You might as well admit it, Mr Monplaisir! We know the show was in jeopardy and that you would've done anything to keep it alive... even if that meant killing Marta!
Henri: I only killed her because she killed ME!
Isaac: From where I'm standing, you've very much alive...
Henri: My vision! She killed my vision! I didn't care about the outrageous expenses or even the delays... but when I realized she had changed my vision... I snapped! I had planned for a gran entrance... ze ballerinas were to arrive on a fleet of miniature white Zeppelins... wearing nothing but their passion and pointe shoes! But instead, Marta changed it to tutus and swans! Can you imagine such a thing?! So traditional! Everyzing I fought for, everyzing I worked so hard for was gone! After I witnessed the atrocity of tonight's premiere, I felt ze muse of inspiration take over me again... I grabbed ze lamp and struck Marta as hard as I could! I wanted ze Mouse Queen dead! I am ze great Henri Monplaisir! My genius is rivaled by no one!
Isaac: ......... Mr Monplaisir, it is my muse which inspires me to say that your stroke of genius has landed you the starring role of prison inmate. You're now under arrest for the murder of Marta Ulanova!
Tipping the Scales
Maddie: Samson Drake, you're under arrest for Archie Rochester's murder! I admit your smooth manners fooled me. But you didn't fool <Rank> <Name>!
Samson: Evidently, this is a mistake! I didn't kill Archie Rochester, <Rank> <Name>!
Maddie: Evidence shows you filled one of Archie's asthma inhalers with strong Swiss chloroform, and made him breathe it in!
Samson: You have a wild imagination, <Rank> <Name>!
Maddie: Imagination doesn't come into it! Only a strong man like you could've sawed Archie in half! And you bragged about being in excellent shape!
Samson: That doesn't mean I'm a raging lunatic who'd cut a man in two!
Maddie: Stop denying it, Drake! We found your handsaw with Archie's blood on it - and your own! But why did you arrange the body in that grotesque display? And leave that message about "just punishment"?
Samson: Do I need to spell it out for you? I killed Archie to send a message to his father!
(Samson stands, sweating and speechless.)
Maddie: You committed this murder as a message to Senator Rochester? What sort of message?
Samson: The Senator had to see that he couldn't fool me any longer with his lofty plans for a new republic!
Maddie: You know about the Rochesters' plans to create a new republic?
Samson: Not only do I know... I was the plan's biggest supporter! Senator Rochester promised that I'd become his education minister! The Senator needed my connections as a lobbyist! But it turned out that his promises were all lies! He never planned to include me in his government! There'd be no education minister in the republic at all! Because there won't be any schools, except for the rich! The Senator believes ignorant masses are easier to govern! That was when I realized what I'd agreed to! I was supporting a Rochester takeover, and for what? What had I become in my ambition?
Maddie: So you heard the voice of your conscience, and decided to kill Archie as a result?
Samson: I knew the only way to hurt the Senator was to take what was most precious to him: his son and heir! <Rank> <Name>, I'm not proud of what I've done... But I had to show the Senator that his just punishment would befall him! So I left Archie on the scales as a message for him!
Maddie: Samson Drake, you should've known that murder isn't the way to oppose political machinations! You're under arrest!
A Study in Pink
Isaac: Verushka Coldwell, you are under arrest for the murder of your mother, Barbara Coldwell! What have you to say for yourself?
Verushka: Me, a murderer? That's a laugh riot! <Rank> <Name>, you should've gotten a job spinnin' yarns for Pistols & Petticoats!
Isaac: Wrong, Miss Coldwell. The "laugh riot" was the suicide letter we found - which you wrote using Components of Composition! It was well done that you tore the letter to pieces. No one in their right mind would have believed your mother wrote it!
Verushka: You're saying my mother's death was a suicide? Oh, <Rank> <Name>, it can't be! She seemed so happy!
Isaac: It WASN'T suicide, that's our point! And she may have been happy, until you pushed her out the window, leaving donut icing and sprinkles on her bodice!
Verushka: That could've been anyone! There are always free donuts at Pistols & Petticoats! You think I go around with dirty hands, <Rank> <Name>?
Isaac: Perhaps you've washed your hands since murdering you mother, but that ink stain on your dress is a dead giveaway. You're our culprit!
Verushka: ......... All right, I'll cop to it! I pushed her! The woman was insufferable! She spent my entire life lording over me and hoggin' the spotlight! I could never be my own person! I'd finally had it when she told me I couldn't marry Callum! She got all in a lather about it!
Isaac: You and Callum are courting?!
Verushka: Well, Callum didn't know it yet. I wasn't gonna tell him until it was time, you know? I know he'd be game. Ever since we were kids he's thought I was the bee's knees! But that pink nightmare told me I'm not allowed to get married until I'm twenty-five! Can you believe it? That's FOREVER from now! I'm already an adult, for cryin' out loud! That was the last straw! So I pushed her out the window!
Isaac: Well, Miss Coldwell, according to your age you are legally no longer a minor. That much is true. ... Regardless, I'm afraid the only "major" thing about you is your egotism! You are under arrest for the murder of Barbara Coldwell!
A Family Affair
Maddie: Horatio Rochester, you're under arrest for the murder of your brother Leopold!
Horatio: Nonsense! This isn't the first time you've accused me of murder, <Rank> <Name>!
Maddie: We've all the proof we need this time, starting with the murder weapon: your Concordia University letter opener!
Horatio: Concordia University? That fine institution has educated thousands of graduates!
Maddie: But this letter opener belongs to you. We found traces of your beige silk cravat inside the sheath.
Horatio: Beige silk? Is that what passes for evidence these days? I expected you'd put more effort into catching my brother's killer.
Maddie: But the evidence doesn't lie! That rare stamp from your collection was your undoing. You used it to post that threat to your brother!
Horatio: ......... Very well, <Rank> <Name>. It appears you've won the day. I killed Leopold! It's my own fault I got caught, murdering Leopold with my own hands. Out of pure sentimentality, I figured I owed him that much.
Maddie: What drove you to murder your own brother? Petty jealousy?
Horatio: Hardly! As is my motivation for everything I do, I did it to protect my family's honor! Leopold was a nitwit, but a harmless one. Until he decided to air Malcolm's dirty laundry. Who was to say what he'd blab about next? He was a liability. Leopold could've dismantled the Rochester's influence!
Maddie: A liability? Leopold came to us in the name of justice!
Horatio: What's justice without loyalty? Leopold betrayed me! I haven't spent my entire life defending this family, only to have him undermine everything! Do you think this family would be so wealthy if I hadn't been making deals with bandits, stoking their little war to boost our railway profits? And who but me made a literal deal with the devil to keep our enemies quiet? And what brings it all down like a house of cards? Leopold and his naivety! He must be laughing in his grave! He stabbed us in the back, so I stabbed him through the chest, before the very eyes of our ancestors!
Maddie: So you murdered your brother and personally masterminded all of those crimes!
Horatio: Yes, it was all me! There's no sense hiding it now. But my empire will never crumble, regardless of what you think you're achieving here today, <Rank> <Name>!
Maddie: I hope that delusion helps you sleep at night in prison! Horatio Rochester, you're under arrest!
Arrow of Injustice
Maddie: Eleanor Halsted, it seems Justin Lawson's botched assassination wasn't enough for you... you also had to go and kill the Mayor!
Eleanor: <Rank> <Name>, I already told you - the Mayor's death had nothing to do with me! Now, please go away!
Maddie: Miss Halsted, the evidence is stacked against you! Now, we know you're a straight talker, so let me put it straight to you... Your murderous plan started to unravel from the moment you gave away your skills in marksmanship by shooting that arrow through a window and straight into the Mayor's brain!
Eleanor: Stop your claptrap! Every Concordian man and his horse knows how to shoot accurately these days...
Maddie: Does every man and his horse also wear red? Because we found fibers from your crimson shirt in the quiver from which you pulled the fatal arrow that killed the Mayor!
Eleanor: You're certainly making me see red with your infernal accusations!
Maddie: Funny you mention seeing, because your sweat-covered spyglass told us all about your brown eyes! Your game is up, Miss Halsted - it's time to confess!
Eleanor: ........... Fine! What do I care, anyway? I'm already in jail! Yes, I did it - I assassinated the Mayor!
Maddie: Was killing the Mayor also part of your nefarious deal with the Rochesters to secure your release from prison?
Eleanor: Oh, how small-minded you all are! No vision whatsoever... The Rochesters had nothing to do with this. That family has no more power than your dead Mayor! Sending me to prison was the best thing you could have done for me, <Rank> <Name>. It showed me the light!
Maddie: The light? Whatever do you mean?
Eleanor: It made me realize justice is just an illusion, and people like you, <Rank> <Name>, who claim to be protecting our city, are deluded! It is only the Finley Flanagans and Franca Capecchis who have the vision to transform our world! This city and its false, limp leaders all need to burn so that the truly righteous can rise from the ashes and make Concordia great again!
Maddie: So what you're saying is Concordia would be better served by a bunch of gangster leaders, and every member of the justice system should die?
Eleanor: Indeed! The Mayor and his Deputy were just the first names in my very long kill list. You were next, <Rank> <Name>!
Maddie: We've heard of your nonsense, Miss Halsted, and you can leave the rest of your wittering for the courtroom. You're charged with the murder of Mayor Castletown!
    Capitol Peak 
The New Truth!
Maddie: Miss Samuels, you're under arrest for the murder of Judge Takakura. We know he was a difficult boss, but did you really kill him for that?
Florence: You've got it all wrong, <Rank> <Name>. Judge Takakura and I might've had our differences, but I didn't kill him!
Maddie: And yet, we found your subscription keychain from The New Truth next to the body!
Florence: This is nonsense. Most of Concordia reads The New Truth! It's the only newspaper there is!
Maddie: Yet you are the only one who left traces of your freckle cream on the hammer you used to beat Judge Takakura to death!
Florence: This is all conjecture, <Rank> <Name>! Do you really believe me to be capable of something so brutal?
Maddie: We don't just believe it, we have the evidence to prove it! We found the tie you took from Takakura's body and threw in his garden!
Florence: It... it landed in his garden?! I just threw it over the nearest fence as I ran away!
Florence (sweating): ......
Florence: Fine, I killed him! And I don't regret it for a second! He dared to disrespect our magnificent leader, Mayor Lawson!
Maddie: You killed Judge Takakura just because he didn't like Mayor Lawson?!
Florence: Justin Lawson is my idol! He's a strong, principled man who has dedicated his life to making Concordia better for us all! I attended one of his speeches several months ago... And he was so handsome, so righteous! I knew right then that it was true love! But then Judge Takakura dared to insult Mayor Lawson behind his back! He said our wonderful leader was a monster who lacked mercy! I immediately reported Judge Takakura to the Justice Corps... But when they let him go, I knew I had to take matters into my own hands! So I lay in wait on his way home from work, and I attacked him! I kept hitting him until he stopped moving! Judge Takakura deserved to die for what he said, <Rank> <Name>! He wasn't half the man Justin Lawson is... And I know that Mayor Lawson himself would thank me for what I did!
Maddie: Well, you're about to have the chance to explain your actions to Mayor Lawson himself! Miss Samuels, you're under arrest!
Resistance is Fatal
Isaac: Captain Bill Beatty, you are under arrest for the murder of Dylan Mitvok!
Bill: Be careful who you accuse of murder, <Rank> <Name>. I'm the Head of Clandestine Operations for the Justice Corps, after all!
Isaac: Your position in the Justice Corps won't help you with all the evidence we have against you! You should have been more careful, you left some camomile tea on Dylan when you killed him.
Bill: Ha! More than half of Concordia enjoys a good camomile tea to unwind... your evidence is useless!
Isaac: But only one person in Concordia forgot their bloody bicycle helmet in Smokey's Café after fleeing the crime scene on a bicycle!
Bill: Do you really think I would be stupid enough to leave such evidence behind if I murdered someone?
Isaac: Your A- type blood was mixed in with the victim's on that very helmet! Admit it! You killed him!
Bill: You never back down, do you, <Rank> <Name>? Yes, I killed Dylan Mitvok. It was my DUTY! When I realized Dylan was withholding information, I decided to do a little spying of my own. It wasn't long before he unwittingly led me to the barn! I was disappointed that no other resistance members were there... But then I saw the opportunity to make Dylan to tell me everything and I seized it! I asked him to give me all he knew about the resistance, but he said that he would not say anything anymore... He had been seduced by the ideas of the enemy!
Isaac: So you decided to crush his legs with a printing press until he talked?!
Bill: I never intended to kill him, but the idiot went and bled to death!
Isaac: You killed him, and you feel no remorse even now! But you will feel justice. You're under arrest!
Bill: Did you forget who I am, <Rank> <Name>? I work directly with Justin Lawson! You can't do anything to me!
Isaac: We'll see about that, Beatty! I heard Lawson has appointed a new judge, and I hope for your sake she's not a proponent of the death penalty!
One Dead More
Maddie: Adelia Baldwin, you're under arrest for the murder of Albertina Thenard.
Adelia: This is ridiculous, <Rank> <Name>! I might have fallen from grace, but I didn't fall that far!
Maddie: Well, we did find your singing competition medal covered in the victim's blood!
Adelia: A singing medal? I do like to hum a tune, but that has nothing to do with murdering someone!
Maddie: No, but your bottle of Château Piquette does, especially since you used it to bash your former employer's head in!
Adelia: Drinking cheap wine is not a crime, <Rank> <Name>! It's a welcome distraction to the miserable life I'm living!
Maddie: Reading would've been a worthy distraction. Too bad you ripped out the pages of your Victor Hugo book to wrap the murder weapon in it!
Adelia (sweating): I- That's not...
Adelia: Fine, I'm tired of lying! I did kill her!
Maddie: As a police commissioner's daughter, you should've known murder wasn't the answer! Did you do it because Mrs Thenard refused to pay you for your work?
Adelia: It's not just that she didn't pay me, <Rank> <Name>! I haven't told you the full truth about my work for her! Mrs Thenard asked me to deliver bread to her wealth clients. Everything was fine until one male client suggested I offer other services for extra pay. Mrs Thenard jumped at the idea! She was charging ten times the amount of money for a loaf of bread... and my special services.
Maddie: Mrs Thenard forced you to be a prostitute?
Adelia (crying): Yes! I tried to refuse, but she threatened to take my child if I didn't go through with it! She told me I had no one to turn to, nobody would believe me!
Adelia: Paris is all I've got! So I did what she wanted for a while, but she still didn't pay me enough. We were starving... and afraid! I knew the only way I'd be free of her was if I killed her! I didn't have a choice, <Rank> <Name>!
Maddie: Oh, Adelia, that's terrible, but we cannot overlook the fact you murdered someone. We have to place you under arrest!
Inglorious Justice
Isaac: Minnie Starr, you're under arrest for Jane Pembroke's murder!
Minnie: <Rank> <Name>, you must be mistaken! Jane was my friend!
Isaac: No doubt poor Jane believed you to be her friend. She went to the Justice Day party with you... ... where you strangled her with her own scarf! You tried to hide the evidence, but <Rank> <Name> found it!
Minnie: Nonsense! With so many people at the party, it could've been anyone!
Isaac: We found your blood pressure medication on the murder weapon! And you're still wearing the lipstick you smeared on her hair as you pulled it out!
Minnie: No woman would ever go to a party without lipstick! Well, except Plain Jane, of course...
Isaac: Admit it, Minnie: your "friendship" with Jane was a vicious competition! We heard you belittle her behind her back! And you even sent her a threatening telegram!
Minnie: Alright, you got me, <Rank> <Name>! I killed Jane. But you have to understand me! She was so, so... infuriating! Always pretending to be shy and quiet - but then she wriggled her way into a promotion she knew I wanted, too! Calculating is what she was, not shy! And did you see her? Dull as a mouse! And still, she got herself a rich husband while I'm left unwed!
Isaac: You killed Jane out of jealousy?
Minnie: I WASN'T jealous! I only wanted what was FAIR! <Rank> <Name>, you cannot dispute I was better than Jane in every way! I'm prettier, for a start! Ask any man at the Telegraph Office!
Isaac: Well, it appears that Will Grady didn't agree. He clearly saw Jane in a different light-
Minnie: That LOUSE put a spell on Mr Grady! What could he have possibly seen in Jane when I was flirting with him every day?! Mayor Lawson promised us justice and fairness, <Rank> <Name>! All I did was fix the injustices of my own life! He would understand!
Isaac: I very much doubt so, Miss Starr, but you shall know enough. You're under arrest for the murder!
Best Laid Plans
Isaac: Giulietta Capecchi, you're under arrest for the murder of Inspector Jaubert! How could you? You told us you were better than this! You said you didn't want to be your father's daughter!
Giulietta: Of course I don't! Has the Justice Corps finally brainwashed you too?
Isaac: Certainly not, but you dropped Inspector Jaubert's blood-stained medal here at the resistance headquarters! With traces of your food on it!
Giulietta: Surely you don't think I'd bring evidence against me right to our doorstep!
Isaac: Well, some evidence you can't escape... Like that bruise on your face. Did you get it in a fight with Inspector Jaubert?
Giulietta: You think a resistance leader can get through life without some fights? It doesn't mean I'm a murderer!
Isaac: No, but you did plan the murder like a military campaign! We found your threat to the Inspector!
Giulietta: I was just venting my frustration when I wrote that! I never meant for him to see it.
(Giulietta stands, speechless and desperate.)
Giulietta: Fine, yes! I did kill Jaubert! But I swear it was an accident! I intended to go forward with our plan to arrest Lawson. I went early to prepare, but then Jaubert showed up, and he saw us- I mean, saw me-
Isaac: Wait, "us"? You weren't alone during the murder?
Enzo: No, she wasn't! And if you want to arrest her, you'll have to arrest me too!
Giulietta: Enzo, what are you doing? Don't implicate yourself, you can go free!
Enzo: I'm not leaving you! <Rank> <Name>, I was there too! I helped Giulietta cover up the murder!
Isaac: Well, this just keeps getting better! What happened, exactly?
Giulietta: As I said, Jaubert attacked me. We fought, and I pushed him into the guillotine...
Giulietta (crying): Then the rope slipped, and the blade cut him in two! It was awful! I nearly lost my mind, but Enzo helped me escape!
Enzo: I wasn't sorry to see that pig die, but Giulietta was beside herself. She never meant to kill him! And if anyone found out, she'd be added to the mass execution!
Giulietta (crying): I know I must face justice for my crime, but I didn't want to die, <Rank> <Name>! I'm sorry I lied to you!
Isaac: <Name>, it's true that if we tell anyone it was Giulietta, she'll be executed for what seems to be an accident. But what should we do? She is a killer and innocent at once! We can't condemn her to death, but what-
Charles: <Name>, I'm sorry to interrupt, but this is beyond urgent! Our entire team has been arrested! Lawson's goons stormed the airship and rounded them up!
Isaac: What?!
Enzo: <Rank> <Name>, can we do anything to help?
Isaac: No! If Lawson's coming after us, there's no hope for you! Run, now! We'll deal with you later... if we survive this!
Isaac: And Charlie, tell us exactly what happened to our team!
Last Stans for Justice
Maddie: Diego... it was you! YOU killed Charlie?!
Diego: Oh no... Madeline, I-
Maddie: You lured him to the lab with that coded message! Setting a trap for premeditated murder!
Diego (sweating): It's not what you think! Just listen-
Maddie: Quiet, Diego! You shot him dead with Rose's gun, in cold blood! Then you hid the bullet casing at the top of Concordia Tower!
Diego: Please, Madeline-
Maddie: HOW COULD YOU, Diego?! He was your friend! My husband! The father of my child!
Diego: Please, Maddie. You must let me explain! Yes, I did kill Charlie. But it didn't happen the way you think! The truth is, Charlie and I had been working together. We had devised a plan to apprehend Justin Lawson. To end his ruthless regime once and for all!
Maddie: Are we just supposed to take your word for it? Why wouldn't you tell the rest of the Squad? Why wouldn't Charlie tell ME?
Diego: Charlie wanted to, believe me, but I begged him to keep it secret! The more people knew, the more chances Lawson might have heard about it! That's what that note you found was really about. When you asked me about it, I panicked and told you I was in love with you. I'm sorry. We knew that capturing Lawson would never be easy. The man is so elusive, his movements are known only by a select few.\\ So Charlie, the genius that he was, developed a tracking device that I could plant on Lawson when the opportunity presented itself!
Maddie: What are you talking about?! Justin Lawson had you fired from the Squad! He wouldn't trust you in the least!
Diego: That's correct. He would never trust Diego del Lobo, but he did trust Eddie Lebold! I disguised myself and worked my way into his inner circle. Building his trust so I could get close! But when you all got arrested... chaos ensued. I sent that coded message to Charlie. I knew I had to get the tracking device, or all of our efforts would have been wasted!
Maddie: But you killed him! How... why...
Diego: I never wanted to. But when I got to the airship...
Earlier that day...
(Diego is seen disguised as Eddie Lebold.)
Diego: Charlie, thank goodness you received my message! Have you got the tracking device?
Charles: Yes, my friend, operation True Justice is good to go! Simply take this emitter and-
Justin: What in the name of justice is going on here? Mr Lebold, what are you doing with this traitor?
Diego: Oh, Mr Mayor! What... what are you doing here?
Justin: I brought my troops to round up the Flying Squad, of course! They have defied me for too long! Now I repeat my question, Mr Lebold: what were YOU doing here?
Diego (sweating): Well, I... I was just about to arrest this man! As you ordered!
Justin: Oh really. What's that you're holding, Mr Dupont?
Charles (sweating): Nothing! I was just... packing up my things...
Justin: Do you take me for a fool?! Mr Lebold, this man has betrayed this city and is an enemy of the state. Shoot him!
Charles: What?! But-
Diego (sweating): Surely, Mayor Lawson, arresting this man would be enough! He's clearly not a threat!
Justin: Are you questioning my authority?! The Flying Squad is nothing more than a bunch of lawless bandits! This is why I've ordered my troops to shoot them on sight, as I should have long ago!
Diego: Shoot them on sight?! But... isn't there a young mother among them, sir?
Justin: Your point being? If she and the others have conspired against me, then they all deserve death!
Charles: Wait! They have nothing to do with this! I'm the rebel in the Squad! I've... I've been planning to detonate a bomb! Stand your henchmen down, and just... just kill me!
Justin: I knew someone in the Squad was conspiring against me! Let it not be said I am unjust: the rest of the Squad can live if the traitor dies.
Justin (handing Diego a gun): Mr Lebold, kill this man this instant.
Diego: But, sir... there must be another way...
Justin: SHOOT HIM! And do not miss, or I will have BOTH your heads! You know this airship is surrounded!
Charles: Well, what are you waiting for, Lebold? Shoot! Kill me, and save my wife and child! You know that is True Justice!
Diego: (aiming the gun, shaking) I... please, forgive me! (crying) .........
(Charles is shot in the heart.)
Charles: Ahhh! .........
(Charles dies.)''
Justin: See? That wasn't so hard, was it? Come, Mr Lebold, you have proven your worth!
Back to the present...
Maddie (crying): Oh, Charlie! Charlie! How could you, Diego?! You could have turned that gun on Lawson! You could have shot him instead!
Diego: And doom you and the rest of the Squad?! Only Lawson could stop the Justice Corps from shooting you on sight! Charlie knew it, that's why he invoked True Justice, the name we'd given to our operation. He was begging me to kill him! By following Lawson's ghastly orders, I not only saved yours and George's life, as Charlie wanted me to, but I fully won Lawson's trust! I would have never gotten close enough to him to plant our tracking device otherwise! But don't think for a second I'm not burdened with guilt!
Maddie: If you were so full of remorse, why didn't you turn yourself in? Why all this charade, lying to our faces?!
Diego: When you came to me, I hadn't yet planted the device on Lawson. I despised lying to you, but I couldn't risk being locked up before I'd done what Charlie had asked me to do!
Maddie: But now my husband is dead... and our son has been kidnapped!
Diego: What?! George has been kidnapped? By whom? Maybe I can help-
Maddie: No you can't! You're not getting anywhere near me or my family ever again, Diego! If I had things my way, I would deal with you myself, here and now! But unlike Lawson, we're not lawless savages! We've wasted enough time on you, Diego. For the time being, you'll be locked up until you can be properly tried and convicted. Right now, my son needs me! Let's go, <Name>! We must find George before it's too late!
