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Quotes / Bastardly Speech

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You've got the sounding brass
You've got the triumph of the will
You do what you want to
And we pay the bills
You hype the need for sacrifice, but
People see through you
Bruce Cockburn, "People See Through You"

"The attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed. But I assure you, my resolve has never been stronger. In order to ensure our security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire, for a safe and secure society!"
Palpatine, Revenge of the Sith

Finally, a celebrity who gets it! From one of the most unexpected of places, a German Oktoberfest podcast for venture capitalists called Bits & Pretzels, comes the empathy, compassion and perspective on the economic devastation of the coronavirus pandemic that’s been missing from so many other celebrity missives. In this moment in history, Kevin Spacey, man of the people, is the voice of the downtrodden and unemployed. Kevin said he understands what it's like to have your world change overnight and to be told "that you can’t go back to work or that you might lose your job" due to a "situation that you have absolutely no control over." Kevin delivered this powerful message with such force and conviction, you'll find yourself weeping uncontrollably (from laughter)... Just look at Kevin, one of his accusers died under mysterious circumstances, another died by suicide and another pleaded the 5th and the criminal case was dismissed. That's not luck, my friends, that's the power of positive thinking.
DListed, "Kevin Spacey Compared His Situation To Those Who Are Out Of Work Due To The Coronavirus"
