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Playing With / Year Inside, Hour Outside

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Basic Trope: Time passes slower in the 'real world' compared to the 'fantasy world'.

  • Straight: Alice and Bob discover a tunnel to Troperia. They stay there for a year, but when they return time only passed for an hour.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Alice and Bob stay in Troperia for centuries (or more), but time only passes for two minutes in the 'real world'.
    • Alice and Bob are able to experience the entirety of Troperia’s history, but when they return, only a zeptosecond has passed in the real world.
  • Downplayed: Alice and Bob stay for a year, and time passes for six months in the 'real world'.
  • Justified:
    • Troperia's time and our time operates differently.
    • Troperia is a Dream Land, Lotus-Eater Machine or something else that operates purely on (not throttled by the waking world) brain time.
  • Inverted: Year Outside, Hour Inside.
  • Subverted:
    • It turns out time did pass for a year in the real world, only the place they returned to hasn't changed a bit since last year.
    • The portal to Troperia was a time portal as well as a space portal. Had they traveled back from Troperia by any other means, the real world would have been on a completely different year.
  • Double Subverted: Or so it seems. Somehow, time only passes for an hour.
  • Parodied: Alice and Bob spend exactly 23 years inside Troperia. When they return, absolutely no time has passed in the real world.
  • Zig Zagged: Narnia Time.
  • Averted: Time in Troperia is exactly the same as time in the 'real world' .
  • Enforced: "If Alice and Bob have their adventures in Troperia for a year, how come their family and friends aren't worried?" "I know! Let's mess up the time in Troperia so that they're only gone for an hour!"
  • Lampshaded: "Gee, I'm pretty sure we were in Troperia for more than an hour..."
  • Invoked: Alice and Bob use a MacGuffin to change the time flow so nobody would grow suspicious.
  • Exploited: Alice and Bob exploits this trope by dropping by in Troperia at any free time they have, including restroom breaks, lunch time, etc.
    • Companies use Troperia for product testing, making sure their products can stand the test of time, while still selling it within a reasonable amount of time to the real world.
  • Defied: ???
  • Discussed: "But what if everyone looks for us? Wouldn't they be worried?" "Nah, time's always funny in alternate realms."
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed:
    • After their visit, Alice and Bob returns to Troperia after a few weeks to check on everyone's condition. It turns out time has passed for decades in Troperia, and they're defenseless without Alice and Bob.
    • Or, Alice and Bob stays in Troperia for decades (or centuries, if there is a sufficient MacGuffin) and ages appropriately. Upon their return, their friends and family are shocked to see Alice and Bob age so quickly in an short time.
    • During their first time passing through the tunnel, Alice and Bob both collapse and die. It turns out that since their front halves are aging more quickly than their back halves, the differences in bloodflow have caused catastrophic surpluses and shortages throughout their bloodstream.
  • Reconstructed: Alice and Bob visits after a few weeks to discover that Troperia has evolved into a much more modern civilization due to the time that passes there.

If you want to go back to Year Inside, Hour Outside, fine. But don't forget to check the other pages, since time is funny here!
