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Playing With / Walking Spoiler

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Basic Trope: A character's mere existence involves major spoilers for the work.

  • Straight: In the series Tropers, the character George doesn't appear until the end of the first season finale, in which he's revealed to have been alive all along.
  • Exaggerated: George doesn't show up until the last few minutes of the Grand Finale, in which we find out that he's been orchestrating the events of the series all along.
  • Downplayed: Characters have unimportant or minor roles in the story, but you can't see them regardless, until the near end (e.g. True Final Boss).
  • Justified: The events of Season 1 are all linked to him in some way.
  • Inverted: George is assumed to be the only important character in the story, but starting with Season 2, he ends up having a minor role.
  • Subverted: George appears in the background throughout Season 1.
  • Double Subverted: But never in any plot-relevant scenes.
  • Parodied:
  • Zig-Zagged: George appears in the background throughout Season 1, but never in any plot-relevant scenes. However, when Alice is giving a speech to a crowd about how "if we all work together, there's nothing that we can't do", she points at a random person (who's later revealed to be George) as an example of how anyone can be a part of such a team. As the crowd leaves, Bob tells Alice that someone named George was in the crowd. Alice asks who Bob is talking about, but before Bob can answer, Alice and Bob are called for help.
  • Averted:
    • George is involved in a plot twist, but he can still easily be discussed without bringing this up.
    • George is never involved in any event that would be a major spoiler for the work.
    • Tropers doesn't have enough of a consistent plot to have any major spoilers.
    • No Plot? No Problem!
  • Enforced: The synopses for the episodes don't mention George at all until Season 3, because the executives expect that everyone will know about him by then.
  • Lampshaded: "Why does no one tell us anything about this 'George' person?"
  • Invoked: No one tells the characters about George when they ask about him, so they think that there must be a reason for it.
  • Exploited: The Big Bad knows that if the characters find George, then his defeat will become possible.
  • Defied: George thinks that waiting to reveal himself is pointless, so he approaches the heroes at the first chance that he can.
  • Discussed: "If you're so important, George, then why don't we know anything about you?"
  • Conversed: "I've heard that there's a character named George who'll be important to this show, but fans refuse to tell me anything else about him."

You never know how Walking Spoiler is more just a page. Seriously, it's impossible to tell.
