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Playing With / Threw My Bike on the Roof

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Basic Trope: A character destroys or confiscates property For the Evulz.

  • Straight: Claire, The Bully, sees Alice and Bob playing catch. She ends up taking the ball from them and throwing it on the roof.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: Claire takes Alice and Bob's ball and throws it in the opposite direction. While not too hard to get back, it's still an annoyance to Alice and Bob.
  • Justified: Claire is a jerkass.
  • Inverted: Claire sees that Alice and Bob got their ball stuck on the roof and decides to help them get it down.
  • Subverted: Claire reveals that she actually threw the ball on the roof by accident. She actually wanted to play catch with them, but threw the ball wrong.
  • Double Subverted:
    • She was lying.
    • Then Claire throws Bob's bike on the roof.
  • Parodied: Whenever Alice and Bob do something and Claire comes along, everything inexplicably flies up to the roof, sometimes not even being thrown by anyone at all. For example, when Alice and Bob are playing catch, and Claire comes along, one of them accidentally throws the ball on the roof. Another time, the three are riding bikes, and the bikes swiftly leap into the sky, with all three falling off, and mysteriously landing on the roof. Absolutely none of them knows why this even is.
  • Zig-Zagged: Claire says that she was actually just trying to play catch with them and just threw the ball on the roof by accident, but she was lying. However, Claire regrets this, and decides to help them get the ball down instead of leaving it there.
  • Averted: Nobody destroys or takes away property just for the sake of being a jerk.
  • Enforced: "We need an Establishing Character Moment for Claire, to show just how mean she is." "There are a lot of ways for her to Kick the Dog, and since she's a school bully, maybe she should throw Alice and Bob's ball on the roof during recess."
  • Lampshaded: "Seriously? Why would you even do that?!"
  • Invoked: Claire steals Alice and Bob's ball, then pretends to gift it to them, moments before snatching it back and tossing it onto the roof.
  • Exploited: In an absurd Zany Scheme involving a bike on a roof knocking over a few buckets, Bob makes the (supposedly) foolish mistake of leaving his bike with Claire. She tosses it high up into the roof, and the plan goes as followed. Claire gets Covered in Gunge and gets knocked out by a bucket of paint.
  • Defied:
    • Claire realizes that something like this is too mean, and decides not to do it.
    • "Claire, if you take our ball, we're going to tell the teacher."
  • Discussed: "Claire, why do you always throw stuff on the roof? What do you get out of it?"
  • Conversed: "Why do the bad guys always throw stuff on the roof?"
  • Implied: Alice and Bob are playing with a ball, and Claire comes by. In subsequent scenes, the ball is on the roof of the school.
  • Deconstructed: Clare damages something on the roof, like a ventilation pipe or an antenna, with a blind toss of the ball and she is required to pay for the damages.

The main page Threw My Bike on the Roof. Can you help me get it down?
