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Playing With / Things That Go "Bump" in the Night

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Basic Trope: Nocturnal monsters that live under children's beds or in their closets, usually with the intention of eating and/or scaring the kids.

  • Straight: Little Alice finds a monster under her bed that wants to eat her up.
  • Exaggerated: There's a whole army of monsters under the beds and in the closets of every child, or possibly even everyone, in the setting.
  • Downplayed: The monster under Alice's bed aims to scare her, but is mostly harmless.
  • Justified: The monsters see humans as a source of food and the reason they go after children is because children are physically weaker and thus won't put up as much of a fight as adults.
  • Inverted: Humans hide under the beds of monster children to troll them.
  • Subverted: There appears to be the shadow of a monster in Alice's room, but it's actually the shadow of a tree.
  • Double Subverted: But there is still a monster under Alice's bed.
  • Parodied:
    • Monsters get paid to scare children and can risk being fired if the child isn't scared.
    • The monster is more afraid of Alice than she is of it.
    • Having a monster under one's bed is considered a minor inconvenience, somewhat akin to a rat infestation.
    • Alice looks under her bed and is disappointed at not finding a monster there.
    • Alice sees a monster under her bed and instantly starts trying to study it.
    • Alice's room is such a cluttered mess that the monsters complain about not having enough space under her bed or in her closet.
    • A much older (and perhaps more perverted) Alice seeks monsters under her bed so they can have wild sex.
  • Zigzagged: It's left ambiguous whether the monster exists or if Alice just thinks it does.
  • Enforced: Alice is already certain that there is a monster under her bed and refuses to turn off the lights or even sleep at all.
  • Lampshaded: "Monsters really do live under beds!"
  • Invoked: Emperor Evulz deliberately puts the monster under Alice's bed.
  • Exploited: Alice feeds food she doesn't like to the monster, so that she doesn't have to eat the food she doesn't like, and it won't be hungry enough to eat her.
  • Defied: People come up with ways to ward off and/or kill the monsters.
  • Discussed: "So, do monsters really live under beds?"
  • Conversed: "Remember how when you were a kid you thought there was a monster under your bed? Well, in this show, there is one!"
  • Implied:
    • Strange green slime is seen oozing out from under the bed.
    • We see a pair of glowing eyes under Alice's bed, and it's unclear if it's a monster or just a cat.
    • Growling can be heard from under Alice's bed.
  • Deconstructed:
  • Reconstructed:
  • Played for Laughs: The monster tries with all its might to scare Alice, but it just can't.
  • Played for Drama:
  • Played for Horror: The monster eats Alice and then lunges at the viewer.

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