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Playing With / "Take Your Child to Work Day" Plot

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Basic Trope: A plot that focuses on parents taking their children to work, often to learn about their jobs.

  • Straight: The Work Com Trope Co. has an episode called "Take Your Kid to Work Day", where some employees bring their children to the office with them to teach them about the job.
  • Exaggerated:
    • The whole show is about parents bringing their children to their jobs to show them what they do there.
    • Everyone in the office brings their large number of children or other young relatives.
  • Downplayed:
    • Bob doesn't have kids, but he does have a younger sibling/cousin, or a niece/nephew, so he decides to take them to his office.
    • The main plot is about Alice creating a presentation for her next meeting. However, Bob taking his son Charlie to work is an important subplot.
    • It isn't actually an official "Take Your Child to Work Day", but some situation involves Bob having to bring his son to work with him anyway.
  • Justified:
    • It actually is "Take Your Child to Work Day".
    • The workplace wants to show children some job opportunities.
    • Charlie doesn't have school that day, even though Bob has to go to work. He can't find a babysitter or anyone else, and Charlie's mom is missing for any reason or just unavailable at that time, so Bob instead opts to take him to work.
    • Bob works at TropeLand and Charlie has wanted to meet Tropeman for a long time.
  • Inverted: Charlie's school has a "Bring Your Parents to School Day".
  • Subverted: Bob takes his kid to work, but it turns out to be for a completely different reason than "Take Your Child to Work Day."
  • Double Subverted: Coincidentally, the same day Bob needed to take his kid to work was "Take Your Child to Work Day."
  • Parodied: A job that would be impractical for children, such as a construction site, utilizes this plot.
  • Zig-Zagged: ???
  • Averted: There is no plot involving taking kids to work.
  • Enforced:
    • A children's show wants to educate children about how different jobs work from the perspective of a kid.
    • The writers want to throw in a way for Bob and his son Charlie to bond with each other.
  • Lampshaded: ???
  • Invoked: Alice, the company's boss, decides to have a day where people are allowed to bring their children to work.
  • Exploited: Alice, Bob's boss, asks why Bob is bringing his son to work. Bob claims it's "Take Your Child to Work Day" so he can get around it.
  • Defied:
    • Charlie declines the offer to go to work with his dad for the day.
    • Bob's work doesn't do a "Take Your Child to Work Day" and doesn't let employees bring their kids, either.
  • Discussed: "What's the point of "Take Your Child to Work Day?" The kids never have any fun and we don't get any work done all day!"
  • Conversed: "Oh, it's the plot where the kids go to work with their parents! That trope often leads to some funny situations."

My son and I are going to "Take Your Child to Work Day" Plot so I can show him what a day in the life of a Troper is like.
