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Playing With / Still the Leader

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Basic Trope: A character insists he's still the one in charge of The Team when another acts like it more often.

  • Straight: The Defenders of Latonia is official captained by Akira Tamayoshi, however The New Guy Izuku Hanasaki has recently begin acting like the one in charge of their planning for battles, confusing the group on who really is better candidate.
  • Exaggerated: King Rey is the ruler of Latonia, but his people mistake his stable master John as the one on the throne for signing a few laws.
  • Downplayed:
    • Akira does call on Izuku at times to take control of a subgroup, but outside of them Akira is the definite leader.
    • Izuku is currently Akira's Number Two, so the confusion does at least make sense.
  • Justified:
    • Akira had been out for a while due to injuries from a battle they had, and Izuku ended up becoming the one who took charge in his absence, however he ended up getting too attached to it.
    • Izuku knew how to combat things Akira couldn't. He's more capable their new enemies/powers.
    • Izuku used to lead his old team until being transferred, and has since been unable to see things Akira's way, taking control where he felt he could.
    • Akira is nearing retirement, and the younger Izuku is just as capable as he was in those days.
  • Inverted: Izuku insists Khan is the real leader, but everyone knows he's the one who has and uses the title.
  • Subverted:
    • The Defenders realize they need to settle the dispute, so they vote on who should be leader...
    • Izuku realizes what he's done and apologies for occupying what should be Akira's responsibilities.
    • Akira officially renounces his title to Izuku.
    • The two agree to split the responsibilities and act as co-leaders.
  • Double Subverted:
    • ...but the result ends up a tie.
    • Izuku says he'd step back, but still does a lot of what Akira is supposed to do.
    • That doesn't stop Akira from micromanaging from the back however.
  • Parodied: The others think Izuku is the leader so bad he had to wear a full outfit showcasing he's the official one.
  • Averted:
    • Akira is known and recognized as the leader of the team indisputably.
    • Izuku keeps to himself and stays under Akira's control.
  • Enforced: The writers notices there's an absence of leadership conflicts in current media, so they decide to write a sub-plot with Akira and Izuku over it.
  • Lampshaded:
    Yuko: "Oh, there's the leader... Izuku, right?"
    Tadase: "Ummmm... yes, but no. That is him, but Akira is one in command of our team."
  • Invoked: The Big Bad intentionally has his minions blame Izuku for their defeats knowing he'll likely come up with some parts of their battle plan to cause distrust in Akira's skills.
  • Exploited: Izuku wants the leadership for himself, thus he makes sure he overrides Akira when he can.
  • Defied: Izuku keeps his responsibilities to their home base and their domestic needs so Akira can shine when it matters: in battle.
  • Discussed:
    Akira: "Now as the leader of the Defenders of-"
    Hiko: "No you're not! Izuku is!"
    Tadase: "Ummmm... he actually is, so..."
  • Conversed:
    Tom: "So how did Izuku get chosen as the leader?"
    Kate: "What... Oh, you must be new to the series. The main character Akira is actually the one in charge."
  • Played for Laughs: The group only joke about Izuku being the leader since it's Akira's Berserk Button and his reaction to it never gets old.
  • Played for Drama:
    • Akira is scared about being replaced since it was how his older brother lost leadership to his predecessor before.
    • The audience knows Izuku is The Mole and if he gains control he'd break the Defenders of Latonia away from the kingdom to join the dark side.

Just because you tell everyone what to do doesn't mean you've taken my job! I'm Still the Leader!
