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Playing With / Space Madness

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Basic Trope: Space causes insanity.

  • Straight: Bob spends a year up on a spaceship and gradually begins to repeat himself, let his personal grooming go undone, and experience urges to hurt some of his crewmates.
  • Exaggerated: Bob, Alice, Charlie, and Dracone spend a single day in space. By the end of it, nothing remains for the relief team to find but rooms full of crazy and blood spatters.
  • Downplayed: Bob spends a few months on a spaceship and gradually lets his grooming get a little out of hand, gets slightly giggly when sent a video of Earth, and loses his temper more often with one annoying crewmate.
  • Justified: Being stuck in a relatively confined area with other people makes it possible for triggers that Bob might deal with reasonably well on Earth to cause worse reactions.
  • Inverted: Bob goes up to a spaceship while he's mentally ill. By the time a year is up, Bob has made a full recovery from his condition; one would never know he had experienced psychological problems.
  • Subverted: Bob spends a year up on a spaceship and gradually begins to repeat himself, let his personal grooming go undone and exhibit aggression towards his crewmates...but it turns out someone had been slipping chemicals that cause these symptoms into Bob's food.
  • Double Subverted: ...But then Alice, who wasn't getting the chemicals, becomes aggressive and paranoid.
  • Zigzagged: Bob spends a year on a spaceship and gradually begins to repeat himself, let his grooming go undone, and exhibit aggression towards his teammates, but it turns out someone had been slipping him chemicals to create this effect. Then Alice, who hasn't been getting the chemicals, becomes aggressive and paranoid, but it turns out that the crew was being infiltrated and her paranoia was just. Charlie, who is mentally ill, finds being in space therapeutic, and Dracone doesn't seem to have any unusual response to space at all.
  • Parodied: Bob's rocket launches and he begins scrawling on the walls. When mission control tells him he's not even out of the atmosphere yet, he stops, only to resume the scribbling when he reaches space.
  • Averted: People in space are no more or less likely to go insane than people on Earth.
  • Enforced: The author needs a villain and doesn't want to write about aliens.
  • Lampshaded: "Going to space? That's great! But be careful up there; it can make you a"
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: Mission Control sends a psychiatrist and a full medicine cabinet with every space research team, as well as providing luxuries that have been proven conducive to mental health.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: "Another ship succumbs to space madness...why don't movies ever portray space as awesome?"

Back to Space Madness...he-ha-ha-haaaa!
