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Playing With / Sense Loss Sadness

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Basic Trope: A character is distraught over losing one or more of their senses.

  • Straight: Sarah breaks down in tears after finding out that she has lost her sense of taste. After this incident, she's never shown to be happy while eating.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Sarah falls into a deep depression and is Driven to Suicide within a few days of losing her sense of taste.
    • Sarah's sense loss drives her mad.
  • Downplayed: Sarah sometimes longs for the taste of her Trademark Favourite Food, but is otherwise coping very well.
  • Justified:
    • Sarah is a foodie. Losing her sense of taste is a big blow to her.
    • Sarah is a professional cook. If she can't figure out how to make consistently amazing meals without the ability to taste test them, her livelihood will be at risk.
    • Sarah lost her sense of taste due to an illness, so she's also upset because she's ill.
  • Inverted:
    • Sarah loses her sense of taste. Her reaction is "good riddance, I never liked the taste of healthy food anyway".
    • Sarah is born without a sense of taste. When she's cured of this condition, she becomes depressed over the prospect of having to deal with the taste of food for the rest of her life.
  • Subverted: Sarah is initially distraught over the loss, but tells her friends she'll be fine shortly afterwards.
  • Double Subverted: She was putting on a mask - losing her sense of taste did affect her deeply.
  • Parodied:
    • Sarah only eats tasteless food anyway. She still complains about her lack of a sense of taste at every opportunity.
    • Sarah eats a meal prepared by Liam, but can't taste anything. She thinks she's lost her sense of taste and lapses into Ocular Gushers, but it turns out that her sense of taste is perfectly fine. Liam's food is just that bland.
  • Zig Zagged: Sarah is sad when her friends have delicious meals, but also enjoys the advantages that come with her condition: no longer hating the taste of Stock Yucks, not having to worry about the taste of Foreign Queasine, immunity to Blazing Inferno Hellfire Sauce pranks...
  • Averted: Sarah copes well with losing the ability to taste.
  • Enforced: A subplot about Sarah losing her sense of taste is only added so that she can be shown to be overjoyed when she regains the sense and enjoys a McDonald's meal.
  • Lampshaded: "I heard that Sarah's lost her sense of taste. She sure didn't take it well..."
  • Invoked: The Big Bad taunts Sarah with delicious dishes he knows she won't be able to taste.
  • Exploited: A Snake Oil Salesman notices how badly Sarah wants to feel taste again, and sells her a remedy that will supposedly help her with that.
  • Defied: Sarah's friends help her cope with the loss of her sense of taste.
  • Discussed: Sarah has a disease that could lead to her losing her sense of taste. She talks to her doctor about how patients tend to cope.
  • Conversed:
  • Implied: Sarah is always unhappy while eating. No explicit reason is given, but an astute viewer will notice several Funny Background Events in which she consumes awful-tasting stuff like Blazing Inferno Hellfire Sauce without having any reaction to it.

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