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Playing With / Screaming Warrior

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Basic Trope: A fighter who bellows through a battle.

  • Straight: In Tales of Troperia: The Ballad of Claidheamh, the titular Claidheamh the Left Handed Brute is known for screaming when fighting.
  • Exaggerated: Claidheamh's screaming is so loud the audio clips. God forbid he fights for hours on end.
  • Downplayed: Claidheamh does a pre-fight Battle Cry.
  • Justified:
    • To strike fear into the hearts of his enemies.
    • Claidheamh's high off his own adrenaline.
  • Inverted: Claidheamh normally has No Indoor Voice, but he's eerily silent during fighting.
  • Subverted: Claidheamh's chest swells... But nothing comes out.
  • Double Subverted: That is, until he gets a severe gash and a Blood Upgrade; Out comes the screaming!
  • Parodied:
    • Claidheamh's roaring is... More akin to a banshee's screech. Or a Screaming Plane Baby. Either way, it does less of striking fear into the hearts of his enemies and more shatters their eardrums, though he's definitely convinced it's the former judging by the way they cower before him (they're actually covering their ears).
    • Claidheamh screams for so long that his voice goes hoarse.
  • Zig-Zagged: Whether or not Claidheamh screams during fights is Depending on the Writer.
  • Averted: Claidheamh doesn't scream at all.
  • Enforced: Rule of Cool.
  • Lampshaded: "Can someone shut that raging warrior up!?"
  • Invoked: Claidheamh is told that if he screams during fights, he'll strike fear into the hearts of his enemies.
  • Exploited: Claidheamh is weakened from having to scream all the time.
  • Defied: Claidheamh is forcefully muted by a particularly annoyed mage.
  • Discussed: "I don't think screaming in fights is necessary. At all."
  • Conversed: "It's badass at first, but then it gets grating really fast."

Ah, you can recognize the Screaming Warrior from miles away. Just listen to that Mighty Roar!
