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Playing With / Rebel Prince

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Basic Trope: A prince who doesn't want to be a prince.

  • Played Straight: Prince Rhys is up with being his parents making all his life choices for him and being confined to the castle grounds. He rebels and runs away, and starts living under a new identity to avoid being found.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: Prince Rhys complains about his royal life almost non-stop, and tries to avoid and/or procrastinate on the work he's been given at every opportunity, but would never step down.
  • Justified:
    • Prince Rhys struggles to cope with the ever increasing amount of royal duties his title requires him to fulfill.
    • Prince Rhys is tired of only being viewed as the prince, instead of his own person.
    • The King and Queen are horrific tyrants and Prince Rhys is the White Sheep of the family.
  • Gender Inverted: Rebellious Princess.
  • Inverted: Rhys's kingdom is a constitutional monarchy and the King is a purely ceremonial leader, but Rhys tries to exert his authority as though he's in an absolute monarchy, to the annoyance of the rest of his government.
  • Subverted: Despite his frequent complains about his royal duties, Prince Rhys actually enjoys being a Prince. Being a royal, he simply gets to voice his displeasure about his life more freely than other people.
  • Double Subverted: He likes the privileges he gets from being a Prince, but the duties can go burn. When he encounters a wish-granting genie, Rhys immediately asks the genie to relinquish his position while still enjoying its benefits, to his parents' horror.
  • Parodied: Prince Rhys tries to run away from the palace at least Once per Episode. The castle's staffs even have bets about how the prince's latest attempt at running away would play out.
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted: Prince Rhys enjoys being a leader and dutifully fulfills his royal obligations with no protest.
  • Enforced: ???
  • Lampshaded: "What do you mean, you don't want to be a prince any more? Do you know how many people is willing to kill to be in your position right now?" "Exactly!"
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: After Prince Rhys runs away, the Evil Chancellor takes advantage of the power vacuum he left behind to take over the kingdom.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed: Prince Rhys's departure paints the royal family in a bad light, especially since his younger brothers aren't as educated or as capable as he was, and the people start to lose their trust in the monarchy. When a disaster strikes, the people were quick to rebel, and the kingdom broke into civil wars and unrest.
  • Reconstructed: Prince Rhys makes sure to train his younger brother to be a capable ruler as he was before he leaves.

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