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Playing With / Reality Warping Is Not a Toy

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Basic Trope: A character with powerful mental powers lets their mind wander, and all hell breaks loose.

  • Straight: Adam, aka Omnipotron, can bring into existence anything he can create a mental image of—including idle daydreams, hallucinations, and nightmares.
  • Exaggerated: Every thought in Adam's head becomes reality—his moods, his whims, everything. As a result, Adam is Sealed Evil in a Can, kept in a permanent dreamless coma to protect the world.
  • Downplayed: While Adam is using his powers, he needs to concentrate or his mental wanderings can affect what he's doing.
  • Justified: Adam asked a Jackass Genie for the ability to create whatever he could imagine.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted: After a disastrous accident, Adam tells the Cape Busters he lost control of his powers, but once he escapes from containment it turns out he's undergone a Heel–Face Turn and did it all on purpose.
  • Double Subverted: ...we later discover he really did, briefly, lose control, but the terror and self-loathing resulting from that accident drove him to Madden Into Misanthropy. He lives in fear of another breakdown.
  • Parodied: Every time Adam passes a pretty woman, her clothes drop off and nearby oil rigs start spouting.
  • Zig Zagged: There's an arbitrary and confusing list of things that mess up Adam's powers.
  • Averted: Andy has full control of his Reality Warper powers, and only his conscious attempts to change things have any effect.
  • Enforced: The fundamentalist writers dislike the glorification of witchcraft in popular culture, and want to communicate a Fantastic Aesop about why flawed mortals shouldn't have divine powers.
  • Lampshaded: "I have to keep a clear head, or anything could happen!"
  • Invoked: Villaino, knowing that he has no way of defeating Omnipotron physically, resorts to Mind Rape in order to throw his powers into chaos so he'll stop using them.
  • Exploited: Omnipotron already has unstable powers; all Villaino need do is distract him.
  • Defied: "Mighty J'qhass, grant me the power to change the world with my mind! ...but only when I want to, none of your genie tricks!"
  • Discussed: "I wouldn't want to be in the next room when Adam has a wet dream..."
  • Conversed: "How does that power work, anyway? Does the world literally disappear when he closes his eyes?"
  • Deconstructed: Ever since the unspoken events of his Dangerous 16th Birthday, Adam has had to take drugs to stop him dreaming. He accepts that this makes it slightly harder to use his powers when he wants to (and that he never sleeps very well) for the life-preserving benefit that he doesn't have to worry about what his powers could do while he's asleep.
  • Reconstructed:
    • The above, but Adam decides No Medication for Me! Oh, Crap!.
    • The involuntary use of Adam's powers when asleep or distracted is a metaphor for man's carelessness in the use of his talents—we can make great things that do a lot of good when we think things through, but cause a lot of grief when we act out irrationally or without thought of consequences. So Adam decides to learn meditation, philosophy, logic and ethics to develop Enlightenment Superpowers that block the use of his Reality Warping powers to only work consciously.
  • Played For Laughs: The results of Adam's wandering mind are mostly harmless and embarrassing, putting him through a Humiliation Conga but not causing anything more lasting or unpleasant than Amusing Injuries to Asshole Victims.
  • Played For Drama: Adam's loss of control, and the vicious cycle created by his resulting Freak Out, destroy everything he loves and turn him into a rogue Person of Mass Destruction. The story follows his attempts to control his power and find a way to get rid of it altogether.
  • Implied: The story is a strange Mind Screw, and it's never revealed what is going on. However, the clearest hint is the Arc Words of "Adam lost control".

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