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Playing With / 1-Dimensional Thinking

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Basic Trope: When confronted by a danger from one direction, no one ever thinks to evade it by moving to the side.

  • Straight: Ash is outrunning a rolling boulder on the street, but never thinks about evading left or right.
  • Exaggerated: Ash sees rolling boulders coming at him at opposite directions. Not knowing what to do, he runs back and forth instead of stepping aside.
  • Downplayed: Ash is running from a boulder in a tunnel slightly wider than the boulder. He never thinks to try pressing himself against a wall.
  • Justified:
    • The boulder is wide enough that turning would slow Ash down too much because of inertia; it would catch up to him before he could get completely out of the way.
    • There's nowhere to go sideways to; on one side is a wall, and on the other side is a cliff.
    • In Ash's mind he's still in the tunnel.
    • Ash doesn't have much time to think, so his natural human instinct is to run in the opposite direction of what is threatening him.
    • Ash is running from the falling wall of a building, trying to make it to where a window would land on him instead of the rest of the wall.
  • Inverted:
    • Ash runs towards the boulder because he has Super-Strength.
    • Ash runs to the side or any other direction but forward in a situation where the most logical thing to do is run forward. And as a result, he dies.
  • Subverted:
    • Ash runs forward for a bit, then evades the boulder by going sideways.
    • Ash has Super-Speed and can outrun the rolling boulder entirely.
  • Double Subverted: ...Only for the boulder to follow suit, which at that point Ash gives up about evading sideways and continues to outrun it.
  • Parodied: Ash desperately outruns a small, slow-moving boulder down a wide street while ignoring plenty of obvious escape routes.
  • Zig-Zagged: Ash is part of a group. Some members jump to an escape route to the side while others continue straight.
  • Averted: Ash sees a rolling boulder on the street. He jumps aside.
  • Enforced:???
  • Lampshaded: ???
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: Emperor Evulz deliberately set the boulder rolling that way to get Ash to run to a spot where he can capture him alive.
  • Defied: After Bob sees Ash run forwards, he says "No, you idiot, move sideways!", and Ash moves to the left.
  • Discussed: Bob talks to Ash during a training about running in diagonal when seeing an object and prevent incidents like being crushed by the object because of always running forward.
  • Conversed: "Why do people in those films that are being chased always move in the direction that the chaser is moving? Why not move to the side?"
  • Implied: At the very end of a Death Course lies the boulder trap. There is a massive trail of blood and mashed organs leading forward and only a few footprint paths on the left and right.
  • Deconstructed: Ash gets crushed to death by the boulder.
  • Reconstructed: Kyle sees a boulder covered in blood and runs in the opposite direction while also neglecting the sides.
  • Played for Laughs: While Ash is running from the boulder. There are 2 signs pointing left in right saying "Live" and the middle one reads "die". Ash accidentally crashes into the middle one right before the boulder joins him.
  • Played for Drama: Ash dies to the boulder while the people who already moved to the other directions have to watch.
  • Played for Horror: Austin tells Ash to move to the side. However, Ash cannot hear him and dies seconds later.

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