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Playing With / Obliviously Superpowered

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Basic Trope: Someone has supernatural or superpowered abilities and doesn't realize it.

  • Straight: Alice lifts a car off her neighbor, who is trapped underneath it, and attributed it to adrenaline, unaware she actually has Super-Strength.

  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: Alice can lift more weight at the gym than a normal person of her build can, but it's not anything too outrageous.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted: Alice insists she has Super-Strength when she doesn't.
  • Subverted: It turns out her Super-Strength is just Charles Atlas Superpower because of her weight lifting training.
  • Double Subverted: Her weight lifting regimen has enhanced her already underlying Super-Strength.
  • Parodied: Alice rips the car door off "Oh, darn. That's the third one this week!"
  • Averted: Alice knows her strength is abnormal and joined a superhero team.
  • Enforced: Alice: The Series is a prequel set before Alice becomes a costumed hero and is still discovering her abilities. They can't have her fully accepting her powers before the show ends.
  • Lampshaded:
    Charlie: " car door is supposed to swing open, not come off in your hand."
  • Invoked: Bob follows Alice and makes sure to cover up, explain away, or hide Alice's feats so she doesn't realize they're unusual.
  • Defied: Alice goes out and seeks a super empowering serum to give her the Super-Strength
  • Discussed:
    Charlie: "Why doesn't Alice think there's anything odd about those car doors, broken furniture, or deadlifting five hundred pounds one handed?"
  • Conversed: "How can Alice keep ignoring the weird things happening to her?"
  • Implied: Alice lifts up the sofa one-handed to vacuum under it, and puts it down without comment. No one else points out this is odd.
  • Deconstructed: Alice's inability to realize she has Super-Strength leads to a lot of collateral damage as she is unable to control it.
  • Played for Horror: Alice accidentally kills her dog or neighbor because she grips them too hard, not realizing her grip is so much stronger.

Back to Obliviously Superpowered because this sort of thing is perfectly normal, right?
