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Playing With / Nemean Skinning

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Basic Trope: Character kills a creature and skins it to wear its hide.

  • Straight: World Octuple (Now Heavyweight) Champion Flash Young wears the hide of a mountain lion he once fought in a hunting trip gone wrong to the boxing ring as a sign of respect (and also as a neat little Intimidation Demonstration) during his early years as a Junior Welterweight.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Flash wears a hide that's comprised of multiple animals that he personally punched to death.
    • Flash wears the skin of Cthulhu himself.
  • Downplayed: Flash wears a coat made that's made of the hide of the mountain lion, but it's not in the sense that he's wearing the mountain lion itself.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted: The mountain lion wears Flash's very corpse as a sign of respect.
  • Subverted: Flash decides it would be better to just hang it up as a decoration.
  • Double Subverted: Although, a fight's coming up and he needs a good Intimidation Demonstration right now...
  • Parodied: Flash wears a hide comprising of the entire fucking animal kingdom to the ring.
  • Zig-Zagged: Whether or not Flash's coat when he comes to the ring is genuine animal hide or mock cotton fabric is very ambiguous.
  • Averted: Flash doesn't wear any animal hide. Or even animal furred clothing, for that matter.
  • Enforced: Rule of Cool.
  • Lampshaded:
    Clay: "Sick jacket Flash, where'd you find it?"
    Flash: "Made it myself. Remember that mountain lion that attacked me on the huntin' trip, that I then killed? Yep, that's the one."
  • Invoked: Flash's girlfriend Alicia urges him to skin the mountain lion, thinking it'd look cool.
  • Exploited:
  • Defied: Coach Billy does not want those rabid Animal Wrongs Group knocking on the door, so he demands that nobody wear any animal hides to the ring. Plus it'd be pretty damn expensive.
  • Discussed: Alicia, Flash, Clay, and Ulysses are discussing on what animals they should skin next.
  • Conversed: Alice and Bob ponder on how they managed to tan a mountain lion hide in between the hunting trip and Flash's fight.
  • Implied: Flash is seen wearing a large coat, but nobody can tell if it's a genuine mountain lion hide or a mock fur coat.
  • Deconstructed: Flash is targeted by an Animal Wrongs Group for wearing a mountain lion hide to the ring.
  • Reconstructed: Flash defends himself by saying that the mountain lion was stalking him and that he defended himself. Now, as for the mountain lion hide, he defends that if the animal's remains are used in a meaningful way, then it's not really animal cruelty.
  • Played for Laughs: Flash wears the remains of an oversized wasp to the ring. It's barely big enough to fit his head.
  • Played for Drama: Flash wore the mountain lion hide because it was once his pet that had to be put down.
  • Played for Horror: Flash wears the hide of a mountain lion. Said mountain lion has gone through some severe Body Horror. And as such, Flash looks like an absolute fucking demon walking into that ring.

Get comfy in the cool hide you've made after the arduous process of Nemean Skinning.
