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Playing With / Need a Hand, or a Handjob?

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Basic Trope: Solicitation is mistaken for an offer of help.

  • Straight: Bob is down on his luck and needs a place to stay. He runs into a hooker who offers to "take him to bed", so he thinks she's offering him a room for the night.
  • Exaggerated: Anytime anyone flirts with Bob whatsoever, he mistakes it as an offer of assistance.
  • Downplayed: Bob thinks an invitation to "dance" is an actual invitation to dance.
  • Justified:
    • Bob is really focused on needing a place to stay, so it's natural he'd read that into conversations more than usual.
    • Bob comes from a sheltered background and has no experiences with sex or the euphemisms surrounding it.
    • Bob is affected by the Language Barrier or Separated by a Common Language from the natives of his host country, and is unfamiliar with local euphemisms.
  • Inverted: Mistaken for Prostitute
  • Subverted:
    • Bob runs into the hooker who offers to take him to bed. He responds "Yeah, some sex would be nice to take my mind off of this."
    • The prostitute in question is a Hooker with a Heart of Gold and knows Bob has been sleeping rough, so her offer of a room for the night is in fact a legitimate offer for a softer spot to sleep.
  • Double Subverted:
    • But after they finish, it's revealed he thought she was offering him a room.
    • She tries to have sex with him anyway.
      • And with a triple subversion, she somehow succeeds.
  • Parodied:
    • The hooker is insanely graphic in her depiction of what she wants to do to Bob, and he still takes it as an offer of assistance.
    • Alternatively, the hooker uses incredibly obvious euphemisms in her depiction of what she wants to do, and it really does turn out she's just offering assistance.
  • Zig Zagged: There is a confusing maze of Innocent Innuendo, and it's not clear how much Bob understands.
  • Averted: Bob assumes the hooker is soliciting him.
  • Enforced: The writers cannot make their innuendo explicit.
  • Lampshaded: "You really think I'm offering you a room? Seriously?"
  • Invoked: Bob reacts like he doesn't recognise the hooker's request, as It Amused Him.
  • Exploited: The hooker, seeing how gullible Bob is, decides to fleece him out of his remaining money.
  • Defied: "Wait, when you said 'take me to bed', did you mean sex, or will you put me up for the night?"
  • Discussed: "You're really naive aren't you?" "What tipped you off?"
  • Conversed: "Wow, Bob's pretty sheltered if he can't distinguish between a hand or a handjob."
  • Played For Laughs: The hooker ends up joining Bob's party and participating in the usual, storming the castle and others. Upon defeating Emperor Evulz she presents an eyepopping bill for her 'exotic' services and assumes that this is all some kinky roleplay on Bob's part.
  • Played For Drama: Alice is just looking to provide for her sister Carol - she unwittingly committed treason and it results in her whole family being killed for it. Bob feels horrified and Alice isn't sure whose neck she wants to wring more; Emperor Evul'z, or Bob's.

"Hey cutie, wanna go for a ride?"
"Sure, can you take me back to Need a Hand, or a Handjob?"
