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Playing With / Monster Progenitor

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Basic Trope: The one responsible for a monstrous line, either the first or the one that made them.

  • Straight: Emperor Evulz is the first Evulz, making him completely immune to turning good.
  • Exaggerated: Emperor Evulz is responsible for everyone or thing that's different from normal humanity.
  • Downplayed: Emperor Evulz is the first Evulz, a sub race of demons born from his twisted fun for evil.
  • Justified: The monsters had to be made somehow, so Emperor Evulz is shown.
  • Inverted: The Evulz elect Emperor Evulz to be their lord.
  • Subverted: Emperor Evulz displays all the traits of an Evulz, but is eventually revealed to just be a superpowerful member of their species.
  • Double Subverted: ...However the Grand Evulz are his children, who inherit his superior abilities.
  • Parodied: Emperor Evulz is a giant hulking demon, yet his whiny bunny-like "children" come crying whenever someone beats them up.
  • Zig Zagged: Emperor Evulz is an older and much stronger Evulz, though is simply that when researched. The Grand Evulz however are confirmed to be his children complete with his unique traits... Except they're actually just Evulz that copied him. The Neo Evulz however...
  • Averted: The Evulz simply are, having no specific creator and existing as a physical law.
  • Enforced: "We need a truly fitting villain for the series finale. Hey, what about introducing some kind of Evulz Emperor?"
  • Lampshaded: "Emperor Evulz? Jeez, guess that makes you the first one."
  • Invoked: Emperor Evulz creates the Evulz race based off himself, knowing that'll make his creations more feared.
  • Exploited: Bob kills Emperor Evulz to demoralize the Evulz race, making it known they can't beat him.
  • Defied: "Spawn an entire species based off of me? No, being one of a kind is much more fun."
  • Discussed: "Hey, everything exists because something made it right? Thus the Evulz must have an Emperor." "That would explain why God said they weren't his creations..."
  • Conversed: "I get that its 'fun' showing the superpowerful first of a species, but evolutionally speaking that doesn't make much sense." "Well, wouldn't you be fairly disappointed if the first was radically different or some withered husk?"
  • Implied: The Evulz have an entire religion built around "The Emperor", calling him their god yet the Emperor is never seen.
  • Deconstructed: The Evulz, as unnatural creations, are not protected by any gods or allowed an afterlife. Combined with being inferior to their own creator, the Evulz are extremely angry at being given such a tragic pointless existence.
  • Reconstructed: Though the Evulz belong to no god and thus no afterlife, that means they don't need worry about their behavior.
  • Played For Laughs: Emperor Evulz is treated like the Evulz's father, resulting in the demons waxing poetically about how they love their father even whilst brutally harming people.
  • Played For Drama: The Evulz sometimes wonder what would have happened to them if Emperor Evulz never made them. Terrified their existence belongs to one man, they serve Evulz in hope they'll prove useful to him. For all intents and purposes, Emperor Evulz is their cruel and capricious god.

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