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Playing With / Maximum Fun Chamber

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Basic Trope: An unseen and dreaded place of torture, Played for Laughs.

  • Straight: Alice tells Bob to obey all directions, lest he be sent to the Chamber of Doom. She shudders at the mere mention of it.
  • Exaggerated: Alice tells Bob about the Chamber of Excruciating Disembowelment. We never see it, but we sometimes hear bloodcurdling screams coming from behind an aptly named door.
  • Downplayed: Alice tells Bob about the Chamber of Detention, where disobedient people are sent to sit alone with no entertainment for 24 hours.
  • Subverted: Bob assumes that the Chamber of Doom is a scary torture chamber, but when he asks Charlise about it, she explains that it’s a recreation center, and it gets its name from the thrilling activities available in it (rock climbing, ziplining, and an obstacle course). Alice shuddered because she’s scared of heights and did not enjoy the chamber.
  • Double Subverted: Charlise works for the evil boss who sends people to the chamber, and she softened the truth to manipulate Bob. In reality, the rock wall is a real cliff with a hard floor below it, the zipline passes through flames, the obstacle course contains deadly spikes and pits of corrosive acid, and participation is non-optional. Fun!
  • Inverted: Alice tells Bob to obey directions so he can be sent to the Chamber of Thrills, a fun place that everyone is eager to go to.
  • Parodied: Alice tells Bob to obey directions, lest he be sent to the worst torture chamber of them all…a Wiggles concert.
  • Enforced: ???
