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Playing With / I Thought Everyone Could Do That

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Basic Trope: Somebody has a talent, but doesn't think it's anything special.

  • Straight: "I didn't know you weren't supposed to be able to multiply large numbers in your head. Doesn't everyone do that?"
  • Exaggerated: "What, you mean not everyone can leap tall buildings in a single bound?"
  • Downplayed: "Well, I knew others seemed to have problems with math problems; I just never could figure out why."
  • Justified:
    • Alice has just discovered her magical powers and assumes all her powers are normal for someone like her, but it turns out some of them aren't.
    • Alice has lived an isolated and sheltered life, so she doesn't quite get that different people have different talents.
    • Alice only thinks her talent is "normal" because she grew up in a place where everyone could do that.
  • Inverted:
    • "Why didn't Alice just take off and fly away? What do you mean, she can't? Everyone can fly!"
    • "What do you mean most people can do that? I thought I was the only one!"
  • Subverted:
    • "Well, it wasn't such a big deal. Everyone could have calculated those numbers in their head." "You're right, everyone could."
  • Double Subverted:
    • "Wait... but without a calculator? In under one second?"
  • Parodied: "I thought everyone could run faster than a speeding car, leap tall buildings in a single bound and stop a running train! They just like to let people die because they're... lazy?"
  • Zig Zagged: "I thought everyone could lift a car!" "Well... yes, technically. When it's really necessary." "But not normally?" "No, but some people can train themselves to..."
  • Averted: "Did you think everyone could do that?" "No, I just never found it worth mentioning."
  • Enforced: "Why does he never speak about his unique talent?" "I don't know, let's just pretend he thinks it's normal."
  • Lampshaded: "What, did you think everyone could do that?" "Actually, yes, I did."
  • Invoked: Alice is hypnotized into forgetting that not everyone can do advanced mathematical calculations in their heads, so that she will pass the task on to an unqualified person and the heroes' plan will fail.
  • Exploited: A villain lures the character onto a bridge with the plan of pulling it out under him, because the hero thinks everyone can fly and won't get fall damage.
  • Defied: "All right, list everything you can do. Everything. Even the stupid things you think aren't important."
  • Discussed: "I don't know why Alice is so humble." "She probably isn't; she just thinks everyone can do what she does."
  • Conversed: "Oh come on, they really expect us to believe Hero McHerosson thinks everyone can fly in a world of airplanes and cars?"
  • Implied: Alice never talks about her math skills, though the other characters envy her.
  • Deconstructed: Because Alice has abilities that others don't, she acts like she's Surrounded by Idiots, and nobody wants to socialize with her.

I thought everyone could use the back button to get back to I Thought Everyone Could Do That, but I guess I was wrong...
